Choerophryne rhenaurum (Menzies, 1999)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Microhylidae > Subfamily: Asterophryinae > Genus: Choerophryne > Species: Choerophryne rhenaurum

Albericus rhenaurum Menzies, 1999, Aust. J. Zool., 47: 352. Holotype: UP 4417, by original designation. Type locality: "Forest by Moiyok stream [Moiyakapip], upper Ok Tedi catchement (5° 12′ S, 141° 12′ E), Western (Fly River) Province, altitude 1520 m,", Papua New Guinea. Noted as 1320 m elevation by Shea and Kraus, 2007, Zootaxa, 1514: 48.

Choerophryne rhenaurum — Peloso, Frost, Richards, Rodrigues, Donnellan, Matsui, Raxworthy, Biju, Lemmon, Lemmon, and Wheeler, 2016, Cladistics, 32: 139. 

Asterophrys rhenaurum — Dubois, Ohler, and Pyron, 2021, Megataxa, 5: 477, by implication. 

Common Names

None noted.


Known only from the type locality in mid-montane forest at an altitude of 2400 m, approximately 24 km northeast of Mendia, Western (Fly River) Province, Papua New Guinea.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Papua New Guinea

Endemic: Papua New Guinea


Menzies, 2006, Frogs New Guinea & Solomon Is.: 176, characterized the call. Shea and Kraus, 2007, Zootaxa, 1514: 37-60, commented on types and different statements of the type locality.

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