Amolops mengyangensis Wu and Tian, 1995

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Ranidae > Genus: Amolops > Species: Amolops mengyangensis

Amolops mengyangensis Wu and Tian, 1995, in Zhao (ed.), Amph. Zoogeograph. Div. China: 52. Holotype: CIB 6885, by original designation. Type locality: "Mengyang, Xishuang Banna, southern Yunnan Province, China, 680 meters".

Common Names

None noted.


Known from the type locality (Mengyang, Xishuang Banna, southern Yunnan Province, China, 680 meters) and, if Odorrana daorum is a synonym, from the vicinity of Sa Pa, Vietnam (on the Yunnan border of China) and Hong Kong as well as Huaphahn Province, Laos; presumably more widespread in intervening areas.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: China, People's Republic of, Hong Kong, Laos, Vietnam


Closely related to Amolops chunganensis according to the original publication. See discussion by Ohler, 2007, Alytes, 25: 55-74, regarded Amolops daorum as a junior synonym. Fei, Hu, Ye, and Huang, 2009, Fauna Sinica, Amph. 3: 1514, regarded Amolops mengyangensis as a junior synonym of Amolops chunganensis. See comment under Amolops daorum for discussion of taxonomic issues. In the Amolops monticola group of Stuart, Bain, Phimmachak, and Spence, 2010, Herpetologica, 66: 52-66. In the Amolops monticola group of Wu, Yan, Stuart, Prendini, Suwannapoom, Dahn, Zhang, Cai, Xu, Jiang, Chen, Lemmon, Lemmon, Raxworthy, Orlov, Murphy, and Che, 2020, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 144 (106701): 1–13, who discussed molecular phylogenetics. Unassigned to species group and not mentioned by Jiang, Ren, Lyu, Wang, Wang, Lv, Wu, and Li, 2021, Zool. Res., Kunming, 42: 574–591.

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