Boana quiriri Pinheiro, Dallacorte, Thompson, Comitti, Nakamura, and Garcia, 2024

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylidae > Subfamily: Hylinae > Genus: Boana > Species: Boana quiriri

Boana quiriri Pinheiro, Dallacorte, Thompson, Comitti, Nakamura, and Garcia, 2024, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 33: 57. Holotype: CHUFSC 5053, by original designation. Type locality: "Environmental Protected Area) Campos do Quiriri, Fazenda de Preservação Alto Quiriri, Garuva, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 26°1′35.98″S, 48°58′20.10″W, datum SAD 69, 1333 m elevation". ZooBank Publication registration: 3BD93A81-DBB4-4EEE-9C72-66AA307B1A52

Common Names

None noted. 


Known only from the type locality at Serra do Quiriri, northeastern Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1333 m elevation. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Brazil

Endemic: Brazil


In the Boana pulchella group, Boana semiguttata clade according to the original publication, where comparative molecular markers, advertisement call, and adult anatomy and morphology were detailed. 

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