Running log of changes and additions, 2017

I attempt to summarize here what work I have done on ASW starting 1 January 2017. (Previous additions and changes are in another file.) This log will not include error corrections and the like and I cannot promise that there will not be errors of omission or commission inasmuch as this log is not being constructed automatically and focuses on publications rather than on particular changes and fixes.

31 December 2017: Added a comment under Allobates olbersioides (Aromobatidae) noting the publication of Forti, Silva, and Toledo, 2017, ZooKeys, 692: 141–153, who reported on the acoustic repertoise of Allobates olfersioides and on this basis suggested that the synonymy of Allobates alagoanus, Allobates capixaba, and Allobates carioca might have been premature. 

31 December 2017: Added a comment under Salamandra algira (Salamandridae), noting the publication of Bouzid, Konecny, Grolet, Douady, Joly, and Bouslama, 2017, Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 461–471, who reported on phylogeography, color pattern, and skeletochronology in the Edough Massif of northeastern Algeria. 

31 December 2017: Added a comment under Anura, noting the publication of Feng, Blackburn, Liang, Hillis, Wake, Cannatella, and Zhang, 2017, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114: 5864–5870, who reported on the molecular systematics of frogs and their diversification rates over time. 

31 December 2017: Partitioned Babina (Ranidae) into Nidirana and Babina, as sister genera, and placed Nidirana caldwelli into the synonymy of Nidirana adenopleura on the basis of the publication of Lyu, Zeng, Wang, Lin, Liu, and Wang, 2017, Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 483–502. On the basis of their tree, showing the placement of Nidirana adenopleura as the sister taxon of other Nidirana, it is unclear to me why they did not address the name or its usage. 

31 December 2017: Added a comment under Salamandra algira (Salamandridae) noting the publication of Dinis and Velo-Antón, 2017, Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 540–546, who discussed divergent mtDNA lineages and the distribution of parity types in Salamandra algira tingatana

31 December 2017: Added comments under Hyperolius olivaceus (Hyperoliidae), Hyperolius molleri, Hyperolius thomensis, and Hyperolius drewesi, noting the publication of Gilbert and Bell, 2017 "2018", Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 123: 1–11, who reported on advertisement calls in a comparative framework.  

31 December 2017: Added comments under Hyperolius dintelmanni (Hyperoliidae), Hyperolius hutsebauti, Hyperolius tuberculatus, Hyperolius ocellatus, Hyperolius cinnamomeoventris and resurrected Hyperolius olivaceus from the synonymy of Hyperolius cinnamomeoventris, and Hyperolius dintelmanni from the synonymy of Hyperolius tuberculatus, reflecting the publication of Bell, Parra, Badjedjea, Barej, Blackburn, Burger, Channing, Dehling, Greenbaum, Gvoždík, Kielgast, Kasumba, Lötters, McLaughlin, Nagy, Rödel, Portik, Stuart, VanDerWal, Zassi-Boulou, and Zamudio, 2017, Mol. Ecol., 26: 5224–5244, who discussed molecular biogeography, phylogenetics, and systematics of west-central African Hyperolius.  See comments regarding Hyperolius tuberculatus complex by Bell, Parra, Badjedjea, Barej, Blackburn, Burger, Channing, Dehling, Greenbaum, Gvoždík, Kielgast, Kasumba, Lötters, McLaughlin, Nagy, Rödel, Portik, Stuart, VanDerWal, Zassi-Boulou, and Zamudio, 2017, Mol. Ecol., 26: 5224–5244, discussed molecular biogeography, phylogenetics, and systematics. 5244. 

31 December 2017: Added a comment under Oreophryne ezra (Microhylidae) noting the publication of Bulbert, White, Saporito, and Kraus, 2017 "2018", Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 123: 12–20, who reported on the ontogeny of color change from conspicuousness to crypsis but without loss of toxicity 

31 Deceber 2017: Added a comment under Amietia nutti (Pyxicephalidae) noting the publication of Manthey, Reyes-Velasco, Freilich, and Boissinot, 2017, Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 122: 801–813, who reported on molecular phylogeography in the Ethiopian Highlands and provided a dot map for the species from Tanzania north. 

31 December 2017: Added a comment under Rana temporaria (Ranidae) noting the publication of Marchesini, Ficetola, Cornetti, Battisti, and Vernesi, 2017, Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 122: 824–837, who reported on molecular phylogeography and Pleistocene biogeography in the southeastern Alps of northern Italy. 

31 December 2017: Added a comment under Pelophylax nigromaculatus (Ranidae) noting the publication of Wang, Fan, Liu, Li, Gao, Zhu, and Li, 2017, Curr. Zool., Chengdu, 63: 615–621, who reported on genetic evidence for the source of introduced populations in Xizang, China. 

29 December 2017: On the basis of the revision and review of the species of Philautus (Rhacophoridae) from Sumatra, Indonesia by Wostl, Riyanto, Hamidy, Kurniawan, Smith, and Harvey, 2017, Herpetol. Monogr., 31: 98–141, I added 1) Philautus amabilis from Bur Ni Telong, Kabupaten Bener Meriah, Aceh Province, Sumatra; 2) Philautus polymorphus from Gunung Patah, Kabupaten Maura Enim, Sumatera Selatan Province, Sumatra; 3) Philautus thamyridion from Gunung Pesawaran, Kabupaten Pesawaran, Lampung Province, Sumatra; and 4) Philautus ventrimaculatus from Gunung Dempo, Kabupaten Pagar Alam, Sumatera Selatan Province, Sumatra. Reformulated the synonymies of Philautus petersi and Philautus larutensis, removing the latter from the former, restricting Philautus petersi to Great Natuna Island, and the remainder of the range going to Philautus larutensis. Detailed ranges of the following in Sumatra: Philautus cornutus, Philautus refugii, and Philautus kerangae. 

29 December 2017: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Uperodon globulosus (Microhylidae) to reflect the publication of Hasan, Rabbe, and Alam, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 808, who reported the species from Kushtia Sadar, Khulna Division, Bangladesh, and discussed the range of that species in Bangladesh. 

29 December 2017: Added a comment under Platymantis dorsalis (Ceratobatrachidae) noting the publication of Dandoy and Amarga, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 808, who reported the species from Batan Island, Philippines. 

29 December 2017: Placed Sanguirana albotuberculata (Ranidae) into the synonymy of Sanguirana mearnsi, which had been formerly placed in the synonymy of Sanguirana everetti. Added Sanguirana acai, from Negros Island, Philippines (formerly confused with Sanguirana everetti) and redelimited the ranges of a number of species, all following the revision and review by Brown, Prue, Chan, Gaulke, Sanguila, and Siler, 2017, Herpetol. Monogr., 31: 210–231. 

29 December 2017: Modified the range state of Chiasmocleis veracruz (Microhylidae) to include the municipality of Nova Viçosa, Bahia, Brazil, provided by Pinto-Silva, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 608. 

29 December 2017: Modified the range statement of Amolops assamensis (Ranidae) to include the state of Meghalaya, northeastern India, reflecting the publication of Purkayastha and Basak, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 806, who provided a record for Cherrapunjee, Meghalaya, northeastern India. 

29 December 2017: Added Oreophryne phoebe (Microhylidae), named by Kraus, 2017, J. Herpetol., 51: 552–558, Woodlark Island, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea.  

29 December 2017: Added a comment under Necturus lewisi (Proteidae) noting the publication of Nelson, Niemiller, and Fitzpatrick, 2017, J. Herpetol., 51: 559–566, who reported an extralimital population of population of Necturus aff. lewisi, possibly an unnamed species, from the western side of the Appalachian range (Hiwassee River) in eastern Tennessee, which seemingly is involved in ongoing hybridization with Necturus maculosus.  

29 December 2017: Added a comment under Ixalotriton niger (Plethodontidae) and modified the range statement to reflect the publicaiton of Rovito, Muñoz-Alonso, Lamoreux, McKnight, and Parra-Olea, 2017, J. Herpetol., 51: 590–594, who reported and discussed a second record from Cerro Baúl, Chiapas, Mexico. 

29 December 2017: Added comments under Chimerella mariaelenae (Centrolenidae), Boana almendarizae (Hylidae), Boana cinerascens, Osteocephalus verruciger, Noblella personina (Craugastoridae), and Pristimantis petersi noting the publication of Batallas-Revelo and Brito-M., 2016, Rev. Mexicana Biodiversidad, 87: 1292–1300, who reported on vocalizations from Sangay National Park, southeastern Ecuador. 

29 December 2017: Added Ameerega munduruku (Dendrobatidae), named by Neves, Silva, Akieda, Cabrera, Koroiva, and Santana, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 485–493, from Jacareacanga Municipality, state of Pará, Brazil. 

28 December 2017: Added a comment under Brachycephalus pitanga (Brachycephalidae) noting the publication of Oliveira and Haddad, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 501-506, rwho eported on behavior and acoustic repertoire. 

28 December 2017: Added a comment under Ameerega hahneli (Dendrobatidae) noting the publication of Menin, Pinto, Pegorini, and Silva, 2017, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 12: 236–243, redescribed the larva and its ontogeny. 

28 December 2017: Added a comment under Ololygon skuki (Hylidae), noting the publication of Rodrigues, Nascimento, Almeida, and Mott, 2017, Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ., 52: 204–215, who described larval morphology. 

28 December 2017: Added comments under Physalaemus (Leptodactylidae) and Physalaemus centralis, noting the publication of Guerra Batista, Morais, Gambale, Oda, and Bastos, 2017, Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ., 52: 103–111, who reported on variation in the advertisement call of Physalaemus centralis in a comparative framework with the rest of the Physalaemus cuvieri clade. 

28 December 2017: Added a comment under Boana pardalis (Hylidae), noting the publication of Andrade, Carvalho, Martins, and Giaretta, 2017, Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ., 52: 157–167, who reported on vocal repertoire and this as additional evidence for its placement in the Boana faber group. 

28 December 2017: Added Rana dabieshanensis (Ranidae), named by Wang, Qian, Zhang, Guo, Pan, Wu, Wang, and Zhang, 2017, ZooKeys, 724: 135–153, from Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve, Yuexi County, Anhui Province, China, although probably more widespread in the Dabie Mountains. 

28 December 2017: Added comments under a number of records referencing the publication of Moraes, Almeida, Fraga, Rojas-Zamora, Pirani, Silva, Carvalho, Gordo, and Werneck, 2017, ZooKeys, 715: 103–159, who reported on a collection from the isolated Serra da Mocidade, state of Roraima, northern Brazil: Epicrionops niger (Rhinatrematidae), Brasilotyphlus (Siphonopidae), Anomaloglossus apiau (Aromabatidae), Rhinella martyi (Bufonidae), Pristimantis vilarsi (Craugastoridae), Hyalinobatrachium taylori (Centrolenidae), Vitreorana ritae, Stefania tamacuarina (Amphignathodontidae), Dendropsophus minutus (Hylidae), Dendropsophus parviceps, Lithobates palmipes (Ranidae). 

28 December 2017: Added Ptychadena schillukorum (Ptychadenidae) to the fauna of Mauritania per the publication of Sánchez-Vialas, Calvo-Revuelta, and Márquez, 2017, ZooKeys, 673: 125–133, who discussed the species known from that country and how to identify them. 

27 December 2017: Added Nyctibatrachus mewasingi (Nyctibatrachidae), named by Krutha, Dahanukar, and Molur, 2017, J. Threatened Taxa, 9: 10985–10997, from  "Peruvannamuzhi (11.59° N & 75.81° E, 38m elevation), Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kozhikode District, Kerala, India". 

25 November 2017: Added a comment under Craugastor penelopus (Craugastoridae) noting the publication of Restrepo, Velasco, and Daza-R., 2017, Pap. Avulsos Zool., São Paulo, 57: 1–15, who reported on genetic variation across its range and placed this species in the Craugastor ridens species group. 

25 November 2017: Added comments under the relevant species of Brachycephalus (Brachycephalidae) noting the response by Pie, Ribeiro, and Bornschein, 2017, Zootaxa, 4350: 587–589, to the earlier criticisms leveled by Condez, Monteiro, and Haddad, 2017, Zootaxa, 4290: 395–400.  

25 November 2017: Added Phrynobatrachus discogularis (Phrynobatrachidae), named by Pickersgill, Zimkus, and Raw, 2017, Zootaxa, 4350: 151–163, from Dabaga in the Iringa region of Tanzania. 

25 November 2017: Added Gephyromantis tohatra (Mantellidae), named by Scherz, Razafindraibe, Rakotoarison, Dixit, Bletz, Glaw, and Vences, 2017, Zootaxa, 4347: 572–582, from high elevations in the Marojejy Massif, northeastern Madagascar. 

25 November 2017: Added Megophrys rubrimera (Megophryidae), named by Tapley, Cutajar, Mahony, Nguyen, Dau, Nguyen, Luong, and Rowley, 2017, Zootaxa, 4344: 465–492, from the Sa Pa District, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam, and adjacent Jinping County, Yunnan, China. 

10 November 2017: Added Tylototriton anhuiensis (Salamandridae), named by Qian, Sun, Li, Guo, Pan, Kang, Wang, Jiang, Wu, and Zhang, 2017, Asian Herpetol. Res., 8: 151–164, from the Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve, Yuexi county, Anhui province", P. R. China. Previously confused with Tylototriton wenxianensis. 

6 November 2017: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Atelopus subornatus (Bufonidae) to reflect the publication of Enciso-Calle, Viuche-Lozano, Anganoy-Criollo, and Bernal-Bautista, 2017, Zootaxa, 4344: 160–162, who reported a locality in Tolima, Colombia, and redescribed the larvae. 

6 November 2017: Added a comment under Phrynopus montium (Craugastoridae) and modified the range statement to reflect the publication of von May, 2017, Zootaxa, 4338: 195–200, who reported the second collection of this species in 76 years from 8.7 km south from Hacienda Cascas, Department of Junín, Peru, and noted that previous records from Pasco and Huánuco, Peru, refer, respectively to Phrynopus kotosh and Phrynopus olivius

6 November 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement for Choerophryne alpestris (Microhylidae) to reflect the publication of Günther and Richards, 2011, Vert. Zool., Dresden, 61: 343–372, who provided a record from Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, of a population they assigned to Albericus cf. alpestris

6 November 2017: Add a low elevation record for Aquiloeurycea quetzalensis (Plethodontidae) from San Andrés Tzicuilan, Puebla, Mexico, at 830 m elevation, reported by Manzanares and Beukema, 2016, Mesoam. Herpetol., 3: 1080-1082. 

26 October 2017: Added comments to Sarcohyla (Hylididae) referencing the publication of Caviedes-Solis and Nieto-Montes de Oca, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 118: 184–193, which discussed the phylogenetics. Strangely, the publication was made without citing GenBank numbers and without sequences being deposited in GenBank. Not sure whether this is the Brave New World of MPE or not. If so, it seems a bad turn of events. 

21 October 2017: Added Phyllodytes amadoi (Hylidae), named by Vörös, Dias, and Solé, 2017, Zootaxa, 4337: 584–594, from (and restricted to)  the municipality of Una, RPPN Ararauna, State of Bahia, Brazil, 96 m elevation. 

17 October 2017: Placed Telmatobius laevis Philippi, 1902, as a nomen inquirienda at the level of Anura, following the publication of Correa-Quezada, 2017, Herpetol. J., 27: 63–72, who found pretty much everything about the types, location of the type locality, and description to have serious problems. 

17 October 2017: Added a comment under Ichthyophis sikkimensis (Ichthyophiidae) and modified its range statement to reflect the publication of Gower, Giri, Kamei, Oommen, Khot, and Wilkinson, 2017, Herpetol. J., 27: 181–187, who found that putative records from South India were based on misidentified specimens. 

17 October 2017: Added a comment under Capensibufo rosei (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Edwards, Tolley, and Measey, 2017, Herpetol. J., 27: 287–298, who discussed breeding and tadpole habitat. 

16 October 2017: Placed Eupsophus septentrionalis Ibarra et al., 2004 (Alsodidae), Eupsophus nahuelbutensis Ortiz et al., 1992, Eupsophus contulmoensis Ortiz et al., 1989 into the synonymy of Eupsophus roseus (Duméril and Bibron, 1841), and Eupsophos altor into the synonymy of Eupsophus migueli Formas, 1978, following the revision of  Correa-Quezada, Vásquez, Castro-Carrasco, Zúñiga-Reinoso, Ortiz, and Palma, 2017, PLoS One, 12(8: e0181026): 1–21. 

15 October 2017: Added a comment under Latonia nigriventer (Alytidae) noting the publication of Perl, Gafny, Malka, Oliveira, Woodhams, Rollins-Smith, Pask, Bletz, Geffen, and Vences, 2017, Contrib. Zool., Amsterdam, 86: 11–37, who discussed natural history and conservation. 

15 October 2017: Added Spinomantis beckei (Mantellidae), named byVences, Köhler, and Glaw, 2017, Zootaxa, 4317: 379–390, from Andohahela National Park, Toliara Province, southeastern Madagascar. 

15 October 2017: Added Rhacophorus lishuiensis (Rhacophoridae), named by Liu, Wang, and Jiang in Liu, Wang, Jiang, Chen, Zhou, Xu, and Wu, 2017, Chinese J. Zool., 52: 361–372, from Fengyang Forest Station in Liandu, Lishui, Zhejiang, China, 1100 m elevation. 

15 October 2017: Added Megophrys lishuiensis (Megophryidae), named as Xenophrys lishuiensis by Wang, Liu and Jiang in Wang, Liu, Jiang, Jin, Xu, and Wu, 2017, Chinese J. Zool., 52: 19–21, from Fengyang Forest Station and adjacent area in Liandu, Lishui, Zhejiang, China (28°11′51.72″N, 119°49′2.28″E, altitude 1 100 m). The paper was submitted for publication just prior to the appearance of the megophryid revision of Mahony, Foley, Biju, and Teeling, 2017, Mol. Biol. Evol., 34: 744–771, and so is placed in Megophrys for purposes of this catalog. 

15 October 2017: Added Limnonectes kong (Dicroglossidae), named by Dehling and Dehling, 2017, Zootaxa, 4317: 291–309, from Kubah National Park, Matang Range, Sarawak, Malaysia (Borneo), 290 m elevation. 

15 October 2017: Added Pristimantis nimbus (Craugastoridae), named by Urgilés, Posse-Sarmiento, Timbe, Astudillo, and Sánchez-Nivicela, 2017, Zootaxa, 4318: 520–530, from the Ecological Conservation Area Tinajillas-Río Gualaceño, Provincia Morona Santiago, Ecuador, 2399 m elevation.

15 October 2017: Added Rana luanchuanensis (Ranidae), named by Zhao and Yuan in Zhao, Yang, Wang, Li, Murphy, Che, and Yuan, 2017, ZooKeys, 694: 95–108, Luanchuan County, western Henan, central China.

15 October 2017: Added Kurixalus lenquanensis (Rhacophoridae), named by Yu, Wang, Hou, Rao, and Yang, 2017, ZooKeys, 694: 71–93, from .Lenquan Village, Mengzi City, Yunnan Province, China.

14 October 2017: Added Smilisca manisorum (Hylidae), resurrected by McCranie, 2017, Mesoam. Herpetol., 4: 513–526, for populations on the Atlantic slope of northeastern Honduras south through eastern Nicaragua to eastern Costa Rica. 

14 October 2017: Added a comment under Eleutherodactylus maurus (Eleutherodactylidae) noting the publication of Balderas-Valdivia and González-Hernández, 2017, Mesoam. Herpetol., 4: 657–658, who provided a record for the state of México. 

14 October 2017: Modified the range statement of Ecnomiohyla miliaria (Hylidae) and noted the publications of  Díaz Gómez, Sunyer, Loza-Molina, Fernández, Salazar-Saavedra, and Martínez-Fonseca, 2017, Mesoam. Herpetol., 4: 658–659, provided a record from southeastern Nicaragua on the Río San Juan, and Barrio-Amorós and Torres, 2017, Mesoam. Herpetol., 4: 660–661, who provided a record for the Pacific versant of Costa Rica. 

14 October 2017: Modified the range statment of Megastomatohyla mixomaculata (Hylidae) and noted the publication of De la Torre-Loranca, Cázares-Hernández, and Canseco-Márquez, 2017, Mesoam. Herpetol., 4: 661–662, who provided new records for Veracruz, Mexico. 

14 October 2017: Modified the range statement of Ptychochyla zophodes (Hylidae) and noted the publication of De la Torre-Loranca, Cázares-Hernández, and Canseco-Márquez, 2017, Mesoam. Herpetol., 4: 662–663, who provided records from Veracruz, Mexico. 

14 October 2017: Modified the range statement of Pseudoeurycea myxtax (Plethodontidae) and noted the publication of Flores-Diego, Peláez-Santiago, Aldape-López, and Lavariega-Nolasco, 2017, Mesoam. Herpetol., 4: 664–666, who provided a second record in Oaxaca, Mexico. 

14 October 2017: Added a comment under Brachycephaloidea noting the publication of Heinicke, Lemmon, Lemmon, McGrath, and Hedges, 2017 "2018", Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 118: 145–155, who provided a molecular phylogenetic study of the group employing a very large number of nucleotides, but only 30 ingroup taxa to represent a group containing nearly 1100 species. 

14 October 2017: Added Kalophrynus kiewi (Microhylidae), named by Matsui, Eto, Belabut, and Nishikawa, 2017, Curr. Herpetol., Kyoto, 36: 75–86, from Peninsular Malaysia. The authors also discussed the uncertainty of identification of Kalophrynus pleurostigma outside of Sumatra and various other misidentifications in the literature. 

14 October 2017: Added Oreophryne brunnea (Microhylidae), named by Kraus, 2017, Curr. Herpetol., Kyoto, 36: 105–115, from the southwest slope of Mt. Trafalgar, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea. 

14 October 2017: Added Hynobius mikawaensis (Hynobiidae), named by Matsui, Misawa, Nishikawa, and Shimada, 2017, Curr. Herpetol., Kyoto, 36: 116–126, from Shinshiro-shi, Aichi Prefecture (alt. 500 m), south-central Honshu, Japan. 

14 October 2017: Added comments under Pelophylax nigromaculatus (Ranidae) and Pelophylax porosus noting the publication of  Itoh, 2017, Curr. Herpetol., Kyoto, 36: 135–141, who provided information on female vocalizations. 

14 October 2017: Added a comment under Leptobrachella juliandringi (Megophryidae) and modified the range statement of that species to reflect the publication of Eto, Matsui, and Hamidy, 2017, Curr. Herpetol., Kyoto, 36: 142–147, who provided the first record for Kalimantan, Indonesia, on the island of Borneo. 

13 October 2017: Added a comment under Lissotriton (Salamandridae) noting the publicaton of Pabijan, Zieliński, Dudek, Stuglik, and Babik, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 116: 1–12, who discussed the continuum of genetic leakage among lineages of Lissotriton, noting nine lineages of which Lissotriton vulgaris vulgaris (South), Lissotriton vulgaris vulgaris (North), Lissotriton vulgaris ampelensis (their usage), and Lissotriton vulgaris meridionalis they regarded as having a future of becoming reintegrated. 

13 October 2017:  Added a comment under Melanophryniscus rubriventris (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Clemente-Carvalho, Vaira, King, Koscinski, Bonansea, and Lougheed, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 116: 248–256, who reported on molecular phylogeography in Argentina, documenting two geographically constrained lineages. 

13 October 2017: Added Pristimantis bounides (Craugastoridae), Pristimantis humboldti, and Pristimantis puipui, named by Lehr, von May, Moravec, and Cusi, 2017, Zootaxa, 4299: 301–336, all three from the Pui Pui Protected Forest, Provincia Satipo, Región Junín, Peru. 

13 October 2017: Added Scinax onca (Hylidae), named by Ferrão, Moravec, Fraga, Almeida, Kaefer, and Lima, 2017, ZooKeys, 706: 137–162, from the municipality of Beruri, State of Amazonas, Brazil. 

13 October 2017: Added Hypogeophis pti (Indotyphlidae), named by Maddock, Wilkinson, Nussbaum, and Gower, 2017, Zootaxa, 4329: 301–326, from Praslin island, Seychelles. 

13 October 2017: Added Odontophrynus juquinha (Odontophrynidae), named by Rocha, Sena, Pezzuti, Leite, Svartman, Rosset, Baldo, and Garcia, 2017, Zootaxa, 4329: 327–350, from Municipality of Santana do Riacho , Minas Gerais State, Brazil and found throughout the Espinhaço Range of Minas Gerais and Bahia, Brazil, 900 to 1540 m elevation. 

12 October 2017: Added Charadrahyla esperancensis (Hylidae), named by Canseco-Márquez, Ramírez-González, and González-Bernal, 2017, Zootaxa, 4329: 64–72, named from La Esperanza in the Sierra Juarez of northern Oaxaca, Mexico, at 1640 m elevation. 

12 October 2017: Added a range extension within Costa Rica and elevational record for Agalychnis spurrelli (Hylidae) provided by Curlis and Macklem, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 582–583.  

12 October 2017: Added Pithecopus araguaius (Hylidae), named by Haga, Andrade, Bruschi, Recco-Pimentel, and Giaretta, 2017, PLoS One, 12(9: e0184631): 1–23, from  the Municipality of Pontal do Araguaia, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The naming of this species required the revision of the stated distribution of Pithecopus hypochondrialis

11 October 2017: Changed the authorship of Proteidae to Bonaparte, 1831, and noted that the correct name for the proteid subfamily of some authors, Necturinae, is Phanerobranchinae Fitzinger, 1826, as discussed by Dubois and Ohler, 2015, Bionomina, 9: 41–49. 

1 October 2017: Added Nasikabatrachus bhupathi (Nasikabatrachidae), named by Janani, Vasudevan, Prendini, Dutta, and Aggarwal, 2017, Alytes, 34: 1–17, from Srivilliputhur Grizzled Giant Squirrel Wildlife Sanctuary, in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India.  

27 September 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement in the Leptobrachium bompu (Megophryidae) to reflect the publication of. Saikia, Sinha, and Kharkongor, 2018, J. Threatened Taxa, 9: 10692–10696, who provided a second locality in Arunachal Pradesh, India. 

22 September 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement in the Atelopus seminiferus (Bufonidae) record, to reflect the publication of Cusi, Barboza, Vredenburg, and von May, 2017, Amph. Rept. Conserv., 11(1): 17–24, provided a second series of localities in the Alto Mayo Protected Forest of Peru, and who discussed the range and conservation status. 

22 September 2017: Added comments under Leptopelis aubruioides, Leptopelis boulengeri, Leptopelis calcaratus, Leptopelis millsoni, Leptopelis modestus, Leptopelis rufus, Leptopelis spiritusnoctis, and Leptopelis viridis noting the publication of Barej, Pfalzgraff, Hirschfeld, Liedtke, Penner, Gonwouo, Dahmen, Grözinger, Schmitz, and Rödel, 2015, Amph. Rept. Conserv., 9(2, Spec. Section): 56–84, who reported on the larval morphology of these species. 

22 September 2017: Added Abavorana nazgul (Ranidae), named by Quah, Anuar, Grismer, Wood, Azizah, and Muin, 2017, Zootaxa, 4320: 272–288, higher elevations of Gunung Jerai, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia. 

22 September 2017: Added comments under Rana and Rana pyrenaica (Ranidae) noting the publication of Blain and Arribas, 2017, Zootaxa, 4319: 510–530, who reported on osteological differences among Iberian Rana, with species reference of Rana pyrenaica

22 September 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement in the Pristimantis aureoventris (Craugastoridae) reflecting the publication of Jablonski, Grul'a, Barrio-Amorós, and Kok, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 473–478, who compared the mt 16s sequence of this species with other species in the eastern tepuis of Venezuela and Guyana, and extended the range into Venezuela. 

21 September 2017: I normally do not note changes here until I have worked completely through a publication. However, the recent phylogenetic study and revision of Dendrobatoidea (Aromobatidae and Dendrobatidae) covers so much territory that I note it here: Grant, Rada, Anganoy-Criollo, Batista, Dias, Jeckel, Machado, and Rueda-Almonacid, 2017, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 12 (Special Issue): 1–90. It will take me a while to get through it completely. 

21 September 2017: Added comments under Pseudopaludicola ameghini and Pseudopaludicola ternetzi (Leptodactylidae) noting the publication by Andrade, Haga, Bang, and Giaretta, 2017, Zootaxa, 4319: 391-400, who provided diagnostic differences in calls. 

21 September 2017: Added a comment under and modified the range statement of Tomopterna damarensis (Pyxicephalidae) based on the paper by Heinicke, Ceríaco, Moore, Bauer, and Blackburn, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 461–465, who reported on the distribution and phylogenetics of the species. 

21 September 2017: Added a comment under Tylototriton vietnamensis (Salamandridae) noting the publication of Bernardes, Pham, Nguyen, Le, Bonkowski, and Ziegler, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 451–457, which reported on morphometrics and ecology of a population in Dong Son–Ky Thuong Nature Reserve, Dong Son Commune, Hoanh Bo District, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam. 

21 September 2017: Added a comment under Bolitoglossa paraensis (Plethodontidae) noting a publication by Correa and Rodrigues, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 445–450, who discussed the microhabitats distribution of the species in Gunma Ecological Park, Pará, Brazil. 

21 September 2017: Added a comment under Sclerophrys lemairii (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Conradie and Bills, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 439–444, which provided notes on morphology and natural history. 

21 September 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement for Caecilia tentaculata (Caeciliidae) to reflect the publication of Borges-Nojosa, Castro, Lima, Bezerra, Maciel, and Harris, Salamandra, 53: 429–434, who extended the range to Ceará, Brazil, and discussed biogeography. 

21 September 2017: Added a comment and reformulated the range statement for Atelopus epikeisthos (Bufonidae) to reflect the publication of Santa-Cruz Farfan, Delgado, Medina, Treviño, and von May, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 423–425, reported on conservation genetics and range. 

20 September 2017: Added two species of Phrynopus (Craugastoridae), both from the Cordillera de Carpish in central Peru: Phrynopus unchog and Phrynopus lapidoides, both named by Lehr and Rodríguez, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 327–338. 

19 September 2017: Added a comment under "Centrolene" quindianum (Centrolenidae) noting the publication of Ríos-Soto, Ospina-L., and Vargas-Salinas, 2017, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 12: 117–127, who reported on its advertisement call and reproductive ecology. 

19 September 2017: Added Nymphargus caucanus (Centrolenidae), named by Rada, Ospina-Sarria, and Guayasamin, 2017, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 12: 136–156. from the Municipio de El Tambo, Departamento de Cauca, Colombia. In this review of the Nymphargus of southwestern Colombia, the author also provided detailed accounts and expanded range statements for Nymphargus anomalus, Nymphargus ignotus, and Nymphargus rosada, noted in the account of those species in this catalog. 

19 September 2017: Added Sachatamia electrops (Centrolenidae), named by Rada, Jeckel, Caorsi, Barrientos, Rivera-Correa, and Grant, 2017, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 12: 159, from the Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. 

5 September 2017: Added Ptychohyla zoque (Hylidae), named by Canseco-Márquez, Aguilar-López, Luría-Manzano, Pineda-Arredondo, and Caviedes-Solis, 2017, Zootaxa, 4317: 279–290, from 6.5 km south-southeast of Paso del Moral, Uxpanapa, Veracruz, Mexico (17° 10.84' N, 94° 35.13' W; 76 m elevation. 

17 August 2017: Added Pristimantis latro (Craugastoridae), named by Araujo de Oliveira, Rodrigues, Kaefer, Pinto, and Hernández-Ruz, 2017, ZooKeys, 687: 101–129, from the municipality of Anapu, Pará State, Brazil.  

10 August 2017: Modified the range statement and added a comment to the record of Boana maculateralis (Hylidae), noting the publication of Rojas-Zamora, Carvalho, Ávila, Almeida, Araujo de Oliveira, Menin, and Gordo, 2017, Herpetozoa, Wien, 30: 108–114, who provided the first record for Brazil. 

10 August 2017: Added comments under Rhinella abei (Bufonidae) and Rhinella icterica, noting publication of Guerra Batista, Oda, Amaral, Costa, Maciel, and Bastos, 2017, Herpetozoa, Wien, 30: 100–105, who reported on release and distress calls. 

10 August 2017: Added a comment under Scarthyla goinorum (Hylidae) noting the publicaiton of Telles, Carvalho, Gordo, Kaefer, Fonte, and Menin, 2017, Herpetozoa, Wien, 30: 88–92, who provided new records for Amazonas and Pará, Brazil, and provided a dot map for the species. 

9 August 2017: Added a comment under Rana macrocnemis (Ranidae) noting the publication of Najibzadeh, Veith, Gharzi, Rastegar-Pouyani, Rastegar-Pouyani, Kieren, and Pesarakloo, 2017, Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 339–250, who, employing two partial mtDNA loci, suggested that Rana holtzi, Rana camerani, and Rana macrocnemis are distinct lineages. Ergül Kalaycı, Kalaycı, and Özdemir, 2017, Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 73: 26–34, in the same year provided evidence from mt and nuDNA that Rana holtzi and Rana camerani represent part of the geographic variation of Rana macrocnemis. Pretty clearly this issue is only going to be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties by increasingly dense sampling and substantial numbers of nuDNA loci (DRF). 

9 August 2017: Added a comment under Salamandra algira (Salamandridae) noting the publicaton of Ben Hassine, Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Escoriza, and Martínez-Solano, 2016, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res., 54: 116–126, who reported on molecular phylogenetics of the allopatric and diagnosable populations, retaining these diagnosable allopatric subspecies taxonomically without addressing the serious underlying theoretical issues.  

9 August 2017: Added a comment under Salamandra salamandra (Salamandridae) noting the publication of Vörös, Ursenbacher, Kiss, Jelić, Schweiger, and Szabó, 2017, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res., 55: 138–139, wo noted increased genetic structuring among isolated populations on the southern slope of the Carpathian Mountains in northern Hungary. 

9 August 2017: Redlimited the ranges of Bolitoglosa rufescens (Plethodontidae), Bolitoglossa nympha, and Bolitoglossa occidentalis to reflect the molecular phylogenetic study of Hess, Itgen, Firneno, Nifong, and Townsend, 2017, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res., 55: 150–155, who also noted several candidate species within nominal Bolitoglossa rufescens. 

9 August 2017: Added comments as appropriate with reference to types (including paratypes) held in the Western Australian Museum as provided by Ellis, Doughty, and Roberts, 2017, Rec. W. Aust. Mus., 32: 1–28. 

8 August 2017: Added a comment under Chiasmocleis mantiqueira (Microhylidae) noting the range extension to the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by Moroti, Pedrozo, Machado, and Santana, Herpetol. Notes, 9: 229–231.

8 August 2017: Added a comment under Colostethus latinasus (Dendrobatidae) noting publication of Ibáñez D., Griffith, Lips, and Crawford, 2017, Zootaxa, 4254: 91–101, who reported on altitudinal distribution, advertisement call, and molecular comparison to similar sympatric species. 

8 August 2017: Added a comment under Corythomantis greeningi (Hylidae) noting publication of Oliveira, Weber, de Sá, Ferreira, Libório, and Takazone, 2017, Phyllomedusa, 16: 71–80, who reported on the larval chondrocranium and internal oral morphology. 

8 August 2017: Added a comment under Ranitomeya (Dendrobatidae) noting the publication of Krings, Klein, Heneka, and Rödder, 2017, PLoS One, 12(2: e0171669): 1–29, who reported on detailed comparative anatomy of five species of RanitomeyaRanitomeya vanzolinii, Ranitomeya imitator, Ranitomeya reticulata, Ranitomeya benedicta, Ranitomeya  amazonica

8 August 2017: added comments under Brachycephaloidea and Brachycephalus brunneus (Brachycephalidae) that Pie, Ströher, Bornschein, Ribeiro, Faircloth, and McCormack, 2017, Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 71: 26–31, determined the mtDNA genome of Brachycephalus brunneus and on the basis of single exemplar terminals suggested a topology of Eleutherodactylidae + (Craugastoridae + Brachycephalidae). 

8 August 2017: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Pristimantis carranguerorum (Craugastoridae) to reflect the publicaiton of Anganoy-Criollo and Ramírez, 2017, Check List, 13(3: 2138): 1–4, who provided new records from Cundinamarca, Colombia, and provided a dot map for the species. 

8 August 2017: Added Hyalinobatrachium muiraquitan, named by Araujo de Oliveira and Hernández-Ruz, 2017, Internatl. J. Res. Stud. Biosci., 5 (3): 1–13, fromVitoria farm, municipality of Vitória do Xingu, State of Pará, Brazil. 

8 August 2017: Added a comment under Pristimantis cruentus (Craugastoridae) noting the publicaiton of Salvador and Cossel, 2016, Mesoam. Herpetol., 3: 548–556, who reported on vocalization. 

8 August 2017: Added a comment under Megastomatohyla pellita (Hylidae) noting the publicaiton of Köhler, Trejo Pérez, Canseco-Márquez, Méndez-De La Cruz, and Schulze, 2015, Mesoam. Herpetol., 2: 146–152, who reported on larval morpholog. 

8 August 2017: Added a comment under Duellmanohyla ignicolor (Hylidae) noting the publication of Furbush, Caviedes-Solis, Méndez-De La Cruz, and Leaché, 2017, Mesoam. Herpetol., 4: 120–127, who reported a collection site from La Esperanza, Santiago Comaltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico, along with color and natural history notes and morphological comparisons to the other species of Duellmanohyla

8 august 2017: Placed Rana holtzi (Ranidae) into the synonymy of Rana macrocnemis on the basis of the study by Ergül Kalaycı, Kalaycı, and Özdemir, 2017, Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 73: 26–34, who provided evidence from mt and nuDNA that Rana holtzi represents part of the geographic variation of Rana macrocnemis. 

8 August 2017: Brought Sphaerotheca (Dicroglossidae) into alignment with the revision of Dahanukar, Sulakhe, and Padhye, 2017, J. Threatened Taxa, 9: 10269–10285, who revised the genus, provided an identificaiton key, and delimited three species groups: Leucorhynchus group (Sphaerotheca strachani, Sphaerotheca leucorhynchus), Dobsoni group (Sphaerotheca swani, Sphaerotheca dobsoni, Sphaerotheca pluvialis), and Breviceps group (Sphaerotheca breviceps, Sphaerotheca maskeyi, Sphaerotheca rolandae).These authors clarified the taxonomic status of Sphaerotheca pluvialis. Sphaerotheca leucorhynchus, Sphaerotheca swani, Sphaerotheca dobsoni, and Sphaerotheca maskey) and showed enormous levels of misidentification in the literature and essentially a lack of any clarity in our understanding of ranges of these species, so caution is warranted in the use of earlier literature. 

8 August 2017: Added Sphaerotheca pashchima (Dicroglossidae), named by Padhye, Dahanukar, Sulakhe, Dandekar, Limaye, and Jamdade, 2017, J. Threatened Taxa, 9: 10289., from Maharashtra, India, and otherwise known from Gujarat and Karnataka. 

8 August 2017: Added a note under Ischnocnema abdita (Brachycephalidae) noting publication of Rocha, Lacerda, Magalhães, Canedo, Pimenta, Heitor, and Garcia, 2017, Acta Herpetol., Firenze, 12: 37–48, who reported on vocalizations. 

8 August 2017: Added a note under Pristimantis subsigillatus (Craugastoridae) noting publication of Stănescu, Márquez, Székely, and Cogǎlniceanu, 2017, Acta Herpetol., Firenze, 12: 95–101, who reported on advertisement call. 

8 August 2017: Added a note under Centrolene savagei (Centrolenidae) noting detailed account, map, and photograph by Vargas-Salinas, Ospina-L., Ríos-Soto, and Rivera-Correa, 2017, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 912: 1–11. 

7 August 2017: Added a note under Craugastor chrysozetetes (Craugastoridae) noting the publication of McCranie, 2017, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 909: 1-9, provided an extensive review. 

7 August 2017: Added a note under Lepidobatrachus laevis (Ceratophryidae) noting  Springer and Schalk, 2016, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 904: 1–16, who provided an extensive review. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Leptodactylus bufonius (Leptodactylidae) noting detailed account by Schalk and Leavitt, 2017, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 905: 1–22. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Rhinella chrysophorus (Bufonidae) noting publication by McCranie, 2017, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 908: 1–13, who provided a detailed summary account under the name Atelophryniscus chrysophorus

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Strabomantis ruizi (Craugastoridae) noting account, photograph, and dot map by Guevara-Molina and Velasco, 2017, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 3(2): 50–55. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Diasporus anthrax (Craugastoridae) noting account, photograph, and dot map by Barrientos and Paz, 2017, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 3(2): 25–31. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Colostethus fraterdanieli (Dendrobatidae) noting account, photograph, and dot map by Guevara-Molina, Benitez-Cubillos, and Londoño-Guarnizo, 2017, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 3(2): 14–19. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Atelopus carrikeri (Bufonidae) noting account, photograph, and dot map by Villalba-Fuentes and Rueda-Solano, 2017, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 3(2): 1–6. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Pristimantis tayrona (Craugastoridae) noting account, photograph, and dot map by Jiménez-Bolaño, Montes-Correa, Ospino-Cerpa, Saboyá-Acosta, and Renjifo, 2017, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 3(2): 38–42. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Dendropsophus molitor (Hylidae) noting account (as Dendropsophus labialis), photograph, and dot map for Colombia by Guarnizo, Armesto Sanguino, and Acevedo-Rincón, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2(2): 56–61. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Nymphargus grandisonae (Centrolenidae) noting account, photograph, and dot map by Vanegas-Guerrero, Ramírez-Castaño, and Guevara-Molina, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2(2): 51–55. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Dendropsophus microcephalus (Hylidae) noting the account, photograph, and dot map for Colombia by Buitrago-González and Vargas-Salinas, 2017, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2(2): 37–42.

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Sachatamia punctulata (Centrolenidae) noting the account, photograph, and dot map by Rojas-Morales, Castro-Gómez, and Ramírez-Castaño, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2(2): 30–36. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Rhinella humboldti (Bufonidae) noting account, photograph, and dot map for Colombia by Torres-Suárez and Vargas-Salinas, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2(2): 19–23, in the sense of including Rhinella beebei as a synonym.

7 August 2017: Added comment under Andinobates bombetes (Dendrobatidae) noting account, photograph, and dot map by Vargas-Salinas, Rodríguez-Collazos, and Suárez-Mayorga, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2(2): 13–18. 

7 August 2017: Added comment under Hyloscirtus palmeri (Hylidae) noting account, photograph, and spot map by Rivera-Correa and Faivovich, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2(2): 1–6. 

7 August 2017: Added comment under Dendropsophus columbianus (Hylidae) noting account, photograph, and spot map by Agudelo-Valderrama, Bolívar-García, and Hernández-Medina, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2(1): 40–46. 

7 August 2017: Added comment under Bolitoglossa tamaense (Plethodontidae) noting account, photograph, and spot map by Acevedo-Rincón, Armesto Sanguino, Franco-Pallares, and Silva, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2(1): 36–39. 

7 August 2017: Added comment under Pristimantis achatinus (Craugastoridae) noting publication by Fernández-Roldán, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2(1): 25–29, who provided an account, photograph, and spot map for Colombia. 

7 August 2017: Added comment under Osornophryne percrassa (Bufonidae) noting account, photograph, and dot map provided by Fernández-Roldán, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2: 21–24. 

7 August 2017: Added comment under Gastrotheca nicefori (Hemiphractidae) noting account and dot map for Colombia provided by Fernández-Roldán, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2: 16–20. 

7 August 2017: Added comment under Gastrotheca helenae (Hemiphractidae) noting account and dot map provided by Acevedo-Rincón, Armesto Sanguino, Franco-Pallares, Silva, and Gallardo, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2: 11–15. 

7 August 2017: Added comment under Andinobates tolimensis (Dendrobatidae), noting publication of Bernal-Bautista and Luna-Mora, 2014, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 2: 1-4, who provided an account and dot map. 

7 August 2017: Added comment under Dendropsophus luddeckei (Hylidae), noting publication of Guarnizo, 2013, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 1: 50–52, for account and dot map.

7 August 2017: Added comment under Pristimantis achatinus (Craugastoridae) noting publication of Rojas-Rivera, Gutiérrez-Cárdenas, and Cortés-Bedoya, 2013, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 1: 35–44, who provided an account and dot map for Colombia.  

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Agalychnis spurrelli (Phyllomedusidae) noting the publication of Vargas-Salinas and Torres-Suárez, 2013, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 1: 19–25, who provided an account and spot map for Colombia. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Centrolene savagei (Centrolenidae) noting the publicaiton of Bolívar-García, Prado-Sañudo, Soria, and Rivera-Rincón, 2013, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 1: 15–18, who provided an account and dot map.  

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Dendropsophus norandinus (Hylidae) noting the publication of Rivera-Correa and Gutiérrez-Cárdenas, 2013, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 1: 6–9, who provided an account and dot map. 

7 August 2017: Added comments under Scinax haddadorum (Hylidae) and Scinax rupestris noting the publication of Bang, Carvalho, Andrade, Haga, Bernardes, and Giaretta, 2017, Neotropical Biodiversity, 3: 117–124, who reported on vocalization in these species. 

7 August 2017: Added Pristimantis saturninoi (Craugastoridae), named by Brito-M., Batallas-Revelo, and Yánez-Muñoz, 2017, Neotropical Biodiversity, 3: 125–156, from Cerro Sambalán, 3337 m, Parque Nacional Sangay, Provincia de Morona Santiago, República del Ecuador. 

7 August 2017: Added Pristimantis sambalan (Craugastoridae), named by Brito-M., Batallas-Revelo, and Yánez-Muñoz, 2017, Neotropical Biodiversity, 3: 125–156named from Cerro Sambalán, 2851 m, Parque Nacional Sangay, Provincia de Morona Santiago, República del Ecuador. 

7 August 2017: Added Pristimantis churuwiai (Craugastoridae), named by Brito-M., Batallas-Revelo, and Yánez-Muñoz, 2017, Neotropical Biodiversity, 3: 125–156, from the Parque Nacional Sangay, parroquia Sinaí, cantón Morona, provincia de Morona Santiago, República del Ecuador. 

7 August 2017: Added Pristimantis albujai (Craugastoridae), named by Brito-M., Batallas-Revelo, and Yánez-Muñoz, 2017, Neotropical Biodiversity, 3: 125–156, from the Parque Nacional Sangay, parroquia Sinaí, cantón Morona, provincia de Morona Santiago, República del Ecuador. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Bokermannohyla oxente (Hylidae), noting the publication of Giaretta, Brandao, and Martins, 2017, Neotropical Biodiversity, 2: 159–162, who reported on the advertisement call. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Atelopus longirostris (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Tapia, Coloma, Pazmiño-Otamendi, and Peñafiel, 2017, Neotropical Biodiversity, 3: 157–167, who reported on rediscovery of this nearly extinct frog in Imbabura, Ecuador, and provided natural history observations. 

7 August 2017: Added a comment under Choerophryne (Microhylidae) noting the publication of Oliver, Iannella, Richards, and Lee, 2017, PeerJ, 5(e377): 1–23, who reported on molecular phylogenetics, biogeography, trends in miniaturization, noted 11 unnamed species, and also provided evidence that Choerophryne exclamitans and an unnamed close relative are phylogenetically distant from the Choerophryne clade. 

6 August 2017: Added Pristimantis muranunka (Craugastoridae), named by Brito-M., Almendáriz C., Batallas-Revelo, and Ron, 2017, Pap. Avulsos Zool., São Paulo, 57: 177–195, from the Cordillera del Condor, at Cerro Plateado, provincia de Zamora Chinchipe, República del Ecuador. 

6 August 2017: Added comments under Rhacophorus kio and Rhacophorus rhodopus (Rhacophoridae) noting the publication of Pham, Pham, Hoang, Ziegler, and Nguyen, Herpetol. Notes, 10: 183–191, who provided records for Ha Giang Province, Vietnam, with observations on morphology and ecology. 

6 August 2017: Added a comment under Pristimantis ramagii (Craugastoridae) noting the publication of Oitaven, Oliveira-Santos, Silva, Gambale, and Moura, 2017, Herpetol. Notes, 10: 197–203, who reported on vocalizations and their variations.  

6 August 2017: Added a comment under Scinax eurydice (Hylidae) noting the publication of Mângia, Carvalho, Pereira Silva, Cavalcanti, Simões, and Santana, 2017, Herpetol. Notes, 10: 237–243, who reported on the release call and noted that the advertisement calls in northern and southern populations are substantially different from each other. 

6 August 2017: Modified range statements as appropriate and added comments to records of Rhacophorus dorsoviridis (Rhacophoridae), Rhacophorus duboisi, Rhacophorus feae, Rhacophorus maximus, Rhacophorus orlovi, and Rhacophorus rhodopus reflecting the publication of Pham, Nguyen, Ziegler, and Nguyen, 2017, Herpetol. Notes, 10: 379–381, provided records for Son La Province, Vietnam, with notes on morphology and ecology. 

6 August 2017: Modified the range statement of Trachycephalus coriaceus (Hylidae) and added a comment noting the publication of . Meneghelli, Dorazio, and Calderon, 2017, Herpetol. Notes, 10: 75–78, , who provided the first records for Rondônia, Brazil. 

6 August 2017: Modified the range statement of Ameerega berohoka (Dendrobatidae) and added a comment noting the publication of Sant’Anna, Rocha, Akieda, Galvão, and Neves, Herpetol. Notes, 10: 41–43, who reported several localities in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. 

6 August 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement of Craugastor psephorsypharus (Craugastoridae) to reflect the publication by Hernández-Ordóñez, Cervantes-López, González-Hernández, Andresen, and Reynoso-Rosales, 2017, Rev. Mexicana Biodiversidad, 88: 260–264, reported on this species in Chiapas, Mexico, and provided a dot map for the species. 

6 August 2017: Added comments under Telmatobius (Telmatobiidae) and constituent species noting the publication by Barrionuevo, 2017, Cladistics, 33: 41–68, who reported on morphological phylogenetics. 

6 August 2017: Added comments under Telmatobius culeus (Talmatobiidae), Telmatobius hintoni, and Telmatobius oxycephalus, noting the publication of Brunetti, Muñoz-Saravia, Barrionuevo, and Reichle, 2017, Canad. J. Zool., 95: 335–343, who reported on underwater vocalization. 

6 August 2017: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Craugastor guerreroensis (Craugastoridae) reflecting the publication of Palacios-Aguilar, 2017, Alytes, 34: 69–72, who reported on the distribution, habitat, morphological variation and natural history. 

6 August 2017: Added a comment under Pelophylax kurtmuelleri (Ranidae) noting the publication of Kolenda, Pietras-Lebioda, Hofman, Ogielska, and Pabijan, 2017, Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 187–196, who presented genetic evidence for the possible introduction into southwestern Poland from the border areas of Greece, Albania, and Macedonia.  

5 August 2017: Added a comment under Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Bufonidae) noting the population of Vences, Brown, Lathrop, Rosa, Cameron, Crottini, Dolch, Edmonds, Freeman, Glaw, Grismer, Litvinchuk, Milne, Moore, Solofo, Noël, Nguyen, Ohler, Randrianantoandro, Raselimanana, van Leeuwen, Wogan, Ziegler, Andreone, and Murphy, 2017, Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 197–207, who identified through forensic molecular phylogenetics that southern Vietnam is the likely source of the introduced Madagascan population and disucssed the potential range in Madagascar. 

5 August 2017: Added a comment under Craugastor escoces (Craugastoridae) and modified its range statement noting the publication of Jiménez and Alvarado, 2017, Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 257–259, who reported on the first detection of this species in 60 years. 

5 August 2017: Added a comment under Bombina variegata (Bombinatoridae) noting the publication of Guicking, Finke, Wittich, Pfeiffer, Veith, Geske, Braukmann, Weising, and Neubeck, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 201–211, who reported on conservation genetics in northern Hesse, Germany. 

5 August 2017: Added a comment under Boana atlantica and Boana punctata (Hylidae) noting the publication of Taboada, Brunetti, Alexandre, Lagorio, and Faivovich, 2017, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 12: 1–13, who discussed fluorescence of this species under UV-A/blue light and provided a list of 281 species in seven families (Arthroleptidae, Centrolenidae, Hemiphractidae, Hylidae, Hyperoliidae, Mantellidae, and Rhacophoridae) that should be tested for the occurrence of fluorescence.  

5 August 2017: Added Pelophryne penrissenensis (Bufonidae), named by Matsui, Nishikawa, Eto, and Hossman, 2017, Zool. Sci., Tokyo, 34: 345–350, from  the trail between Batu Panggah and Summit of Gunung Penrissen, Padawan, State of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. 

5 August 2017: Added citations in relevant records noting the English standard names and taxonomic notes provided by Frost, Lemmon, McDiarmid, and Mendelson, 2017, in Crother (ed.), Herpetol. Circ., 43: 6–22, and Highton, Bonett, and Jockusch, 2017, in Crother (ed.), Herpetol. Circ., 43: 22–34.  

5 August 2017: Placed Plethodon ainsworthi (Plethodontidae) into the synonymy of Plethodon mississippi based on the morphometric study of Himes and Beckett, 2013, Southeast. Nat., 12: 851–856. 

5 August 2017: Added a comment under Plethodon idahoensis, Plethodon vandykei, and Plethodon larselli (Plethodontidae) noting the phylogeographic publication of Pelletier, Crisafulli, Wagner, Zellmer, and Carstens, 2015, Syst. Biol., 64: 909–925. 

5 August 2017: Added a comment under Plethodon kentucki (Plethodontidae) noting the publication of Kuchta, Brown, Converse, and Highton, 2016, PLoS One, 11(3: e0150022): 1–25, on phylogeography and species delimitation. 

5 August 2017: Added  comment under Plethodon serratus (Plethodontidae) noting phylogeographic publications by Newman and Austin, 2015, PLoS One, 10(7: e0130131): 1–19, and Thesing, Noyes, Starkey, and Shepard, 2016, Evol. Ecol., 30: 89–104.

4 August 2017: Added Breviceps passmorei Minter, Netherlands, and de Preez, and Breviceps carruthersi du Preez, Netherlands, and Minter, both named in Minter, Netherlands, and Du Preez, 2017, Zootaxa, 4300: 195–216, noth named from northern KwaZulu-Natal, Rep. South Africa. 

3 August 2017: Added links or species and genera to VerNet, which allows ready access to specimen data from most major collections. 

1 August 2017: Added Brachycephalus coloratus (Brachycephalidae) and Brachycephalus curupira, both named by Ribeiro, Blackburn, Stanley, Pie, and Bornschein, 2017, PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.3603: 1–28, from, respectively Estância Hidroclimática Recreio da Serra, Serra da Baitaca, municipality of Piraquara, and Serra do Salto, Malhada District, municipality of São José dos Pinhais, both from the state of Paraná, Brazil. 

31 July 2017: Added a comment under Salamandra (Salamandridae) noting the publication of Rodriguez, Burgon, Lyra, Irisarri, Baurain, Blaustein, Göçmen, Künzel, Mable, Nolte, Veith, Steinfartz, Elmer, Philippe, and Vences, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 115: 16–26, which reported on multiple phylogenomic approaches to understanding the evolution within that genus.  

31 July 2017: Added Ommatotriton nesterovi (Salamandridae) from northern Anatolia, Turkey, to reflect the publication of van Riemsdijk, Arntzen, Bogaerts, Franzen, Litvinchuk, Olgun, and Wielstra, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 114: 73–81, who provided a phylogeographic analysis of the Ommatotriton ophryticus complex and provided considerable geographic delimitation of the included species.. 

29 July 2017: Added Theloderma pyaukkya (Rhacophoridae), named by Dever, 2017, J. Herpetol., 51: 425–436 fromLwe Aein Stream, Intawgyi Wildlife Sanctuary, Hepu Village, Mohnyin Township, Kachin State, Myanmar, and also reported from Chin State, Myanmar. 

29 July 2017: Added Dendropsophus nekronastes (Hylidae), named by Dias, Haddad, Argôlo, and Orrico, 2017, PLoS One, 12(3: e0171678): 1–20, from near the Almadina city cemetery, municipality of Almadina, State of Bahia, Brazil. 

25 July 2017: Added Boulengerula spawlsi (Herpelidae), named by Wilkinson, Malonza, Campbell, and Loader, 2017, Zootaxa, 4286: 525–534, from  the Ngaia Forest Reserve, Nyambene Hills, Meru County, Kenya, and previously confused with Boulengerula denhardti. 

23 July 2017: Added a new link in the "useful links" page to SysTax (, a GBIF-related database that provides access to, among many others, the type collection, seemingly all imaged, of the ZMB. 

23 July 2017: Added a comment under Bolitoglossa paraensis (Plethodontidae), noting the publication of Gutsche, Tillack, and Mahlow, 2017, Zootaxa, 4282: 395–400, who found the original holotype, redescribed it and set aside the now invalid neotype. 

23 July 2017: Added a comment under Physalaemus nanus (Leptodactylidae), noting the publication of Ceron and Santana, 2017, Zootaxa, 4277: 280–281, who described the larval morphology.

19 July 2017: Added Bryophryne phuyuhampatu (Craugastoridae), named by Catenazzi, Ttito, Diaz, and Shepack, 2017, ZooKeys, 685: 65–81, from the Quispillomayo valley, Área de Conservación Privada (ACP) Ukumari Llaqta, Distrito Paucartambo, Provincia Paucartambo, Departamento de Cusco, Peru. 

19 July 2017: Added Bolitoglossa yariguiensis (Plethodontidae), named by Meza-Joya, Hernández-Jaimes, and Ramos-Pallares, 2017, Zootaxa, 4294: 93–111, from the municipality of San Vicente de Chucurí in the Eastern Andes of the Department of Santander, Colombia. 

19 July 2017: Added a comment under Rhinella meriana (Bufonidae) noting the publicaiton of Silva, Schiesari, and Menin, 2017, Zootaxa, 4294:145–150, who reported on larval morphology, clutch size, and egg deposition site. 

19 July 2017: Added a comment under Dendropsophus novaisi (Hylidae), noting the publication of Protázio, Protázio, Conceição, Braga, Santos, Ribeiro, and Souza, 2017, Zootaxa, 4294: 127–129, who reported on the advertisement call. 

19 July 2017: Added comments under Brachycephalus albolineatus (Brachycephalidae), Brachycephalus auroguttatus,Brachycephalus boticario, Brachycephalus fuscolineatus, Brachycephalus leopardus, Brachycephalus mariaeterezae, Brachycephalus olivaceus, Brachycephalus quiririensis, and Brachycephalus verrucosus, noting the publication of Condez, Monteiro, and Haddad, 2017, Zootaxa, 4290: 395–400, who suggested that these forms requires taxonomic reassessment due to errors (detailed by them) in the original diagnosis and descriptions. 

19 July 2017: Added Andinobates victimatus (Dendrobatidae), named by Márquez, Mejía-Vargas, Palacios-Rodríguez, Ramírez-Castañeda, and Amézquita, 2017, Zootaxa, 4290: 531–546, named from Chichiridó, Dabeiba, Antioquia, Colombia. 

19 July 2017: Added Megophrys liboensis (Megophryidae), named as Xenophrys liboensis by Zhang, Li, Xiao, Li, Pan, Wang, Zhang, and Zhou, 2017, Asian Herpetol. Res., 8: 75–85, from "Libo County, Guizhou Province, China (25.4731°N 108.1054°E, elevation 634m a.s.l.)". Although named as a Xenophrys, the paper was clearly submitted prior to the revision of Mahony, Foley, Biju, and Teeling, 2017, Mol. Biol. Evol., 34: 744–771. 

19 July 2016: Added a comment under Leptobrachium bompu (Megophryidae) and modified the range statement to include Upper Medog, Xizang, China, reflecting the publication of Liang, Liu, Wang, Ding, Wu, Xie, and Jiang, 2017, Asian Herpetol. Res., 8: 137–146, who reported on specimens from Upper Medog, Xizang, China, and provided descriptions of tadpole and adult morphology, advertisement calls, and its phylogenetic position within Leptobrachium

18 July 2017: Added a comment under Fejervarya multistriata (Dicroglossidae) noting the publication of Yang, Peng, Xu, and Huang, 2017, Asian Herpetol. Res., 8: 22–26, who reported on color pattern polymorphism in a population in Lingnan, Huangshan, China. 

17 July 2017: Added comments under Diasporus tigrillo and Diasporus citrinobapheus (Eleutherodactylidae) noting the publicaton of García-Rodríguez, Arias, and Chaves, 2016, Neotropical Biodiversity, 2: 59–68, who provided molecular, acoustic, and ecological evidence of the distinctiveness of the two species. 

17 July 2017: Modified the range statement and added a comment to the Eleutherodactylus nivicolimae (Eleutherodactylidae) record noting the publication of Quezada-Hipólito, Suazo-Ortuño, Alvarado-Díaz, Medina- Aguilar, and Pérez-Centurion, 2016, Acta Zool. Mexicana, N.S., 32: 192–194, who provided a record for southwestern Michoacán, Mexico, and mapped the range. 

16 July 2017: Corrected the authorship of Ambystoma mavortium melanostictum (Ambystomatidae) to Cooper, 1859, Nat. Hist. Washington Terr.. Thanks to Ken Tighe at the USNM. 

6 July 2017: Added a comment under Smilisca dentata (HylidaeO noting the publication of Avila-Villegas and Flores de Anda, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 386, which provided a new record in Aguascalientes, Mexico, and briefly discussed the range. 

6 July 2017: Added a comment under Sarcohyla pentheter (Hylidae) noting the publication of Palacios-Aguilar, Santos-Bibiano, and Beltrán-Sánchez, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 385–386, which provided a new record in Guerrero, Mexico, and briefly discussed the range. 

6 July 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement of Rhinella jimi (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Valencia-Zuleta and Maciel, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 385, which provided records from Espíritu Santo and Pará, Brazil, and briefly discussed the range. 

6 July 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement of Lithobates sphenocephalus (Ranidae) noting the publication of Root, Passamaneck, and Keele, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 385, who noted an introduced population in Madera County, California, USA, in the San Joaquin River. 

6 July 2017: Added a comment under Proceratophrys brauni (Odontophrynidae) noting the publication of Toffolo, Nunes, Soares, and Zanella, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 385, who provided a record from Parque Estadual Pagagal Charão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and briefly discussed the range. 

6 July 2017: Added a comment under Occidozyga laevis (Dicroglossidae) noting the publication of Binaday, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 385, who provided a record for Batan, Philippines, and briefly discussed the range. 

6 July 2017: Added a comment under Lithobates taylori (Ranidae) referencing the publication of Flores, de Gracia, and Rivas, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 383, who provided a record for Los Santos Province, Panama, and briefly discussed the range. 

5 July 2017: Added a comment under and modified the range statement for Dryophytes chrysoscelis (Hylidae) to reflect the publication of Tye, Geluso, and Harner, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 382–382, who provided a record for central Nebraska, USA, and discussed the range and possibility of introductions in Nebraska and South Dakota, USA. 

5 July 2017: Added a comment under Nymphargus griffithsi (Centrolenidae) noting the publication of Arcila-Pérez, Ríos-Soto, Montilla, Londoño-Guarnizo, Gómez, and Vargas-Salinas, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 275–280, who reported on vocalization and natural history on a population in the central Andes of Colombia. These authors also provided a dot-range map. 

5 July 2017: Added Ansonia khaochangensis (Bufonidae), named by Grismer, Wood, Aowphol, Cota, Grismer, Murdoch, Aguilar, and Grismer, 2017 "2016", Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 120: 1–25, from Takua Pa District, Phang Nga Province, southern Thailand. These authors also reported on the molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of the genus. 

5 July 2017: Added a comment under Atelopus hanumae (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Carvajalino-Fernández, Porras, Ortega-Chinchilla, and Barrientos, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 273–275, reporting on vocalizations. 

2 July 2017: Added Plectrohyla calvata (Hylidae), named by McCranie, 2017, Mesoam. Herpetol., 4: 390–401, from the eastern slope of Montaña de CelaqueDepartamento de Lempira, Honduras. 

2 July 2017: Completed a first pass through Fei and Ye, 2016, Amph. China, 1 (salamanders, caecilians, Bombinatoridae, Megophryidae, Bufonidae, and Hylidae), which added no new species, but caused me to modify more-or-less all range statements for the Chinese amphibians covered. The volume contains many taxonomic novelties, not all adequately explained within a phylogenetic context, most of which have not been included into this catalog for the simple reason that I have not had the time to evaluate them against available phylogenetic trees. The text appears to have gone to press in 2014, so does not include the most recent literature, but the keys, maps, and and summaries of knowledge of the species alone make this a very valuable >1000 page volume to have. 

27 June 2017: Added comments and modified range statements for the species of Amolops (Ranidae) known to occur in China, to reflect the publication of Hou, Yu, Chen, Liao, Zhang, Chen, Li, and Orlov, 2017, Russ. J. Herpetol., 24: 99–127. Theloderma andersoni (in error referred to as Theloderma tuberculatum) was removed from Theloderma but not assigned to another genus, although intimating that it might belong in Raorchestes

27 June 2017: Added Amolops xinduqiao (Ranidae), named by Fei, Ye, Wang, and Jiang, 2017, Zool. Res., Kunming, 38: 138–145, from near Xinduqiao, Sichuan, China. The name Amolops kangtingensis, mistakenly applied to this population was placed into the synonymy of Amolops mantzorum. 

25 June 2017: Added Arthroleptella atermina (Pyxicephalidae) (Kanonberg, in the Riviersonderend Mountains near Greyton), Arthroleptella draconella (Zachariashoek, Klein Drakenstein Mountains), and Arthroleptella kogelbergensis (near Oudebosch, Kogelberg Nature Reserve), all in Western Cape Province, Rep. South Africa, all named by near Turner and Channing, 2017, Afr. J. Herpetol., 66: 53–78, who also provided a Bayesian molecular consensus tree of the relationships within Arthroleptella

24 June 2017: Added a comment under Fejervarya manoharani (Dicroglossidae) and modified its range statement, noting the publication of  Kumar, Anoop, Sivakumar, Dinesh, Mano, Deuti, and Sanil, 2017, Zootaxa, 4277: 491–502, who reported a second locality in the Agasthyamala Hills of South India and described its complete mitochondrial genome. 

24 June 2017: Added Fejervarya cepfi (Dicroglossidae) (Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India), Fejervarya kadar (Thavalakuzhipara, Vazhachal forest division, Thrissur district, Kerala state, India), Fejervarya neilcoxi (Parambikulam, Palakkad district, Kerala state, India ), and Fejervarya manoharani (Chathankod-Bonnacaud, Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala state, India).all named by Garg and Biju, 2017, Zootaxa, 4277: 451–490, who redelimited Fejervarya rufescens, and formulated species group within Fejervarya

23 June 2017: Added Isthmura corrugata (Plethodontidae), named by Sandoval-Comte, Pineda-Arredondo, Rovito, and Luría-Manzano: 573–582, from 9 km northwest of Coatepec, Veracruz, México .  

13 June 2017: Added a comment under Rhombophryne (Microhylidae), noting the publication of Scherz, Hawlitschek, Andreone, Rakotoarison, Vences, and Glaw, 2017, Zootaxa, 4273: 301–340, who reported on the molecular systematics and osteology of the Rhombophryne serratopalpebrosa species group and named two species, Rhombophryne diadema (high elevations of the Sorata Massif in northern Madagascar) and Rhombophryne regalis (Anjanaharibe-Sud, Ambolokopatrika, and Besariaka, northern Madagascar).  

9 June 2017: Dealt with the breakup of the Eurycea quadridigitata complex (Plethodontidae) as nicely revised by Wray, Means, and Steppan, 2017, Herpetol. Monogr., 31: 18–46. Two species were named: Eurycea hillisi (southern Alabama to central Georgia and south into central Panhandle Florida) and Eurycea sphagnicola (Gulf Coast of Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida Panhandle, USA), one name resurrected, Eurycea paludicola (eastern third of Texas, eastward into portions of southern Arkansas, most of Louisiana, and eastern Mississippi) and two species revised, Eurycea chamberlaini (Piedmont and coastal plain in both North and South Carolina the central coastal plain in North Carolina) and Eurycea quadridigitata (Coastal Plain from southern North Carolina southward through the eastern half of South Carolina and into southern Georgia and all of Florida; documented in extreme southwestern Alabama and extreme eastern Louisiana). 

8 June 2017: Added Hylodes caete (Hylodidae), named by Malagoli, de Sá, Canedo, and Haddad, 2017, Herpetologica, 73: 136–147, from the Serra do Mar, state of São Paulo, Brazil. 

8 June 2017: Added Sphaenorhynchus cammaeus (Hylidae), named by Roberto, Araujo-Vieira, Carvalho-e-Silva, and Ávila, 2017, Herpetologica, 73: 148–161, from the Reserva Biológica de Pedra Talhada, municipality of Quebrangulo, Alagoas, northeastern Brazil, ca. 850 m elevation. 

8 June 2017: Resurrected Rhinella beebei (Bufonidae) for populations east of the Andes in Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, and French Guiana formerly assigned to Rhinella humboldti, to reflect the publication of Murphy, Angarita-Sierra, Downie, and Jowers, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 267–278, who revised the taxa. Rhinella humboldti, similarly, was restricted to the Magdalena Valley of Colombia to the Caribbean coast. 

8 June 2017: Added comments under Ololygon (Hylidae), Ololygon heyeri, Ololygon humilis, Ololygon longilineus, and Ololygon trapicheiro to reflect the publication of Hepp, Lourenço, and Pombal, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 212–230, who reviewed the Scinax catharinae species group (now Ololygon). 

8 June 2017: Added comments under Colomascirtus antioquia (Hylidae) and Colomascirtus larinopygrion to reflect the publication of Rivera-Correa, Vargas-Salinas, and Grant, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 237–244, who described the advertisement calls. 

8 June 2017: Added Choerophryne crucifer (Microhylidae), Choerophryne multisyllaba, and Choerophryne bisyllaba, named by Günther and Richards, 2017, Zoosyst. Evol., Berlin, 93: 265–279, from mountains and foothills of southern and northeastern Papua New Guinea. 

8 June 2017: Added Pristimantis boucephalus (Craugastoridae), named by Lehr, Moravec, Cusi, and Gvoždík, 2017, Eur. J. Taxon., 325: 1–22, from Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park, Region Pasco, Peru. 

6 June 2017: Added Phrynopus anancites, Phrynopus capitalis, Phrynopus dumicola, and Phrynopus personatus (Craugastoridae), named by Rodríguez and Catenazzi, 2017, Zootaxa, 4273: 381–406, from Río Abiseo National Park in northeastern Peru. 

6 June 2017: Added Leptolalax puhoatensis (Megophryidae), named by Rowley, Dau, and Cao, 2017, Zootaxa, 4273: 61–79, from Pu Hoat Nature Reserve, Nghe An Province, Vietnam.

2 June 2017: Added Rhinella lilyrodriguezae (Bufonidae), named by Cusi, Moravec, Lehr, and Gvoždík, 2017, ZooKeys, 673: 21–47, from the Cordillera Azul National Park, Alto Biavo District, Bellavista Province, San Martín Region, Peru. 

2 June 2017: Added Hyalinobatrachium yaku (Centrolenidae), named by Guayasamin, Cisneros-Heredia, Maynard, Lynch, Culebras, and Hamilton, 2017, ZooKeys, 673: 1–20, from Kallana, province of Pastaza, Amazonian Ecuador.

2 June 2017: Added a comment under Crossodactylodes itambe (Leptodactylidae), noting the publication by Santos, Pezzuti, Barata, Leite, and Garcia, 2017, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 12: 14–23, who reported on larval morphology. 

2 June 2017: Adde a comment under Boana jaguariaivensis (Hylidae), noting the publication of Guerra Batista, Lingnau, and Bastos, 2017, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 12: 34–41, who reported on vocalizations. 

1 June 2017: Added a comment under Oreolalax sterlingae (Megophryidae), noting the publication of Rowley, Tapley, Nguyen, and Altig, 2017, Zootaxa, 4272: 579–582, reported on larval morphology. 

1 June 2017: Added Limnonectes quangninhensis (Dicroglossidae), named by Pham, Le, Nguyen, Ziegler, Wu, and Nguyen, 2017, Zootaxa, 4269: 545–558, from Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam.

1 June 2017: Added Phyllomedusa chaparroi (Phyllomedusidae), named by Castroviejo-Fisher, Köhler, De la Riva, and Padial, 2017, Zootaxa, 4269: 254–264, named from Shucshuyacu,Departamento San Martín, Peru.  

1 June 2017: Added Desmognathus valentinei (Plethodontidae) from southeastern Louisiana east to southwestern Alabama, USA, named by Means, Lamb, and Bernardo, 2017, Zootaxa, 4263: 467–506. 

1 June 2017: Added a comment under Odontophrynidae, noting the publication of Blotto, Pereyra, Faivovich, Dias, and Grant, 2017, Zootaxa, 4258: 425–442, who reportd on the evolution of foot musculature in the family. 

1 June 2017: Added Hyalinobatrachium muiraquitan (Centrolenidae), named by Araujo de Oliveira and Hernández-Ruz, 2017, Internatl. J. Res. Stud. Biosci., 5 (3): 1–12, from Vitoria farm (S: 02º58”00’ and W 052º13”00) in the municipality of Vitória do Xingu, State of Pará, Brazil.  

1 June 2017: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Ischnocnema parva (Brachycephalidae) noting the publication of Gehara, Barth, Oliveira, Costa, Haddad, and Vences, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 112: 68–78, who reported on molecular phylogenetics of the Ischnocnema parva complex, and noted that the species Ischnocnema parva is likely restricted to the type locality with other parts of the nominal range inhabited by unnamed species. 

1 June 2017: Added a comment under Pleuroeles waltl (Salamandridae) noting the publicaton of Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Barbosa, and Martínez-Solano, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 112: 122–137, who reported on the molecular phylogeography of this species. 

1 June 2017: Added comments under Rana (Ranidae), Rana dybowskii, Rana pirica, and Rana uenoi to reflect the publication of Yang, Zhou, Min, Matsui, Dong, Li, and Fong, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 112: 148–157, who reported on the molecular phylogeneetics and biogeography of the Rana dybowskii species complex. 

1 June 2017: Added comments under Anomaloglossus (Aromobatidae), and the species of the Anomaloglossus degranvillei and Anomaloglossus stepheni groups, noting revised ranges, unnamed cryptic species, and phylogenetics reflecting the publication of Vacher, Kok, Rodrigues, Lima, Lorenzini, Martinez, Fallet, Courtois, Blanc, Gaucher, Dewynter, Jairam, Ouboter, Thébaud, and Fouquet, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 112: 158–173. 

31 May 2017: Modified the range statement for "Eleutherodactylus" bilineatus (Craugastoridae) and added a comment to the account to reflect the publication of Dias, Mira-Mendes, Souza-Costa, Juncá, and Solé, 2017, ZooKeys, 677: 151–159, who reported on vocalization and range. 

4 May 2017: Added Brachycephalus darkside (Brachycephalidae), named by Guimarães, Luz, Rocha, and Feio, 2017, Zootaxa, 4258: 327–344, from 'Trilha do Cruzeiro' (20°52'40.7"S, 042°31'14.6"W; 1266 m a.s.l.), Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (PESB), district of Careço, Municipality of Ervalia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. 

4 May 2017: Added Gracixalus jinggangensis (Rhacophoridae), named by Zeng, Zhao, Chen, Chen, Zhang, and Wang, 2017, Zootaxa, 4250: 171–185, from theJingzhushan Area (26°29′28.53″ N, 114°04′32.94″ E; 1208 m elevation), Mount Jinggang, Jiangxi Province, China. 

4 May 2017: Added Megophrys (Ophryophryne) elfina (Megophryidae), named by Poyarkov, Duong, Orlov, Gogoleva, Vassilieva, Nguyen, Nguyen, Nguyen, Che, and Mahony, 2017, ZooKeys, 672: 1–120, from Chu Yang Sin National Park, Bong Krang Commune, Lak District, Dak Lak Province, Vietnam. The ranges of Megophrys synoria and Megophrys gerti were modified to correspond to the results of the general review of Ophryophryne provided by the authors.

13 April 2017: Added Microhyla taraiensis (Microhylidae), named by Khatiwada, Shu, Wang, Thapa, Wang, and Jiang, 2017, Zootaxa, 4254: 221–239, from Jamun Khadi, Jhapa district, Nepal. These authors provided new records for Microhyla nilphamariensis from central and eastern Nepal. 

6 April 2017: Placed Telmatobius zapahuirensis (Telmatobiidae) into the synonymy of Telmatobius pefauri, and modified the range statement of the latter, in conformity with the study of  Fibla, Sáez, Salinas, Araya, Sallaberry-Ayerza, and Méndez-Torres, 2017, Zootaxa, 4250: 301–314, who provided a detailed study of morphology and molecular phylogenetics of the species and detailed the range. 

4 April 2017: Added Rhacophorus zhoukaiyae (Rhacophoridae), named by T. Pan, Y. Zhang, and B. Zhang in Pan, Zhang, Wang, Wu, Kang, Qian, Li, Zhang, Chen, Rao, Jiang, and Zhang, 2017, Asian Herpetol. Res., 8: 1–13, from .Qianping, Jinzhai County, Anhui, China in the Dabie Mountains. 

2 April 2017: Added a comment under and modified the range statement for Fritziana ulei (Hemiphractidae) to reflect the publication of Menegucci, Gaiga, and Machado, 2017, Check List, 13 (2: 2061): 1–3, who reported new localities in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil, and discussed the range. 

31 March 2017: Added a comment under Uperodon taprobanicus (Microhylidae) noting the publication of Ravikanth, Narayana, Mohan, and Naresh, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 121, who provided a record for the Eastern Ghats of the state of Telegana, South India. 

31 March 2017: Added a comment under and modified the range statement of Rhacophorus suffry (Rhacophoridae) to reflect the publication of Lalremsanga, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 121, who provided the second record of this species, and the first for the state of Mizoram, northeastern India. 

31 March 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement of Odorrana mawphlangensis (Ranidae) to reflect the publication of Lalremsanga, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 120, who provided a record  for the state of Mizoram, northeastern India. 

31 March 2017: Added a comment under Elachistocleis pearsei (Microhylidae) noting the publication of Flores, Peña, and Rivas, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 118–119, who provided a range extension to Cerro Hoya National Park, Mariato District, Veraguas, Panama, and discussed the range. 

31 March 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement for Cardioglossa leucomystax (Arthroleptidae) to reflect the publication of Pauwels, De Bakker, and Maddison, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 118, who provided a record for Ngounié Province, Gabon, and discussed the range.

31 March 2017: Added a comment under, and modified the range statement for Anotheca spinosa (Hylidae), noting the publication of Torrez-Pérez and Barragán-Vazquez, 2017, Herpetol. Rev., 48: 118, reported the species for Tabasco, Mexico. 

30 March 2017: Reorganized the genera of megophryines (Megophryidae) to reflect the revision by Mahony, Foley, Biju, and Teeling, 2017, Mol. Biol. Evol., 34: 744–771, who provided a detailed phylogenetic analysis, divergence time estimates within the group. Ophryophrne, Xenophrys, Panophrys, Atympanophrys, Brachytarsophrys, Megophrys, and Pelobatrachus as subgenera. 

29 March 2017: Added comments under Bufo bufo (Bufonidae) and Bufo spinosus, noting the publication of Trujillo, Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Arntzen, and Martínez-Solano, 2017, Contrib. Zool., Amsterdam, 86: 1–10, who reported on a hybridizing population in northwestern France with no evidence of restriction to gene flow. 

29 March 2017: Added Ansonia teneritas (Bufonidae), named by Waser, Schweizer, Haas, Das, Jankowski, Min, and Hertwig, 2017, Organisms Divers. Evol., 17: 287–303, from the Sungei Julan on the northern side of the Usun Apau Plateau just above the falls of the Sungei Julan Valley, Usun Apau National Park, Sarawak, East Malaysia (Borneo). The authors also addressed the molecular phylogenetics of the genus with special reference to the species of Borneo. 

29 March 2017: Added Dendropsophus arndti (Hylidae) (from Amazonian Bolivia), Dendropsophus vraemi (from La Mar, Peru), resurrected Dendropsophus reticulatus, and redelimited Dendropsophus leucophyllatus and Dendropsophus triangulum, all with reference to the revision by Caminer, Milá, Jansen, Fouquet, Venegas, Chávez, Lougheed, and Ron, 2017, PLoS One, 12(3: e0171785): 1–42. 

29 March 2017: Added Kurixalus sapaensis (Rhacophoridae), named by Matsui, Ohler, Eto, and Nguyen, 2017, Alytes, 33: 25–37, from Fan Si Pan, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam. This required that the range of Kurixalus carinensis be restricted to Thailand and Myanmar and some literature ostensibly addressing Kurixalus carinensis be assigned to the Kurixalus sapaensis account.  

29 March 2017: Added a comment under Schismaderma carens (Bufonidae), noting the publication of Viertel and Channing, 2017, Alytes, 33: 38–46, who reported on larval morphology. 

29 March 2017: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Ingerana charlesdarwini (Dicroglossidae) noting the publication of Chandramouli, 2017, Alytes, 33: 47–54, who discussed the taxonomic history, recent collections, and range and considered the generic assignment to be provisional.  

29 March 2017: Added Pristimantis ecuadorensis (Craugastoridae), named by Guayasamin, Hutter, Tapia, Culebras, Peñafiel, Pyron, Morochz, Funk, and Arteaga-Navarro, 2017, PLoS One, 12(3:e0172615): 1–21, from ca. 3 km NE of San Francisco de Las Pampas, Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador. The effect of this was to restrict the range statement of Pristimantis ornatissimus to localities below 1100 m. 

28 March 2017: Added Rhombophryne nilevina (Microhylidae), named by Lambert, Hutter, and Scherz, 2017, Zoosyst. Evol., 93: 143-155, from Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar.  

28 March 2017: Added a comment under Proceratophrys mantiqueira (Odontophrynidae), noting the publication of Provete, Guimarães, Ouchi-Melo, and Rossa-Feres, 2017, Copeia, 2017: 46–52, who reported on larval morphology with special reference to internal oral features. 

28 March 2017: Added comments under Leptobrachella and Leptolalax (Megophryidae) noting the publication of Matsui, Eto, Nishikawa, Hamidy, Belabut, Ahmad, Panha, Khonsue, and Grismer, Curr. Herpetol., Kyoto, 36: 11–21, who presented an mtDNA tree that suggested that Leptobrachella is phylogenetically imbedded within Leptolalax

28 March 2017: Added a comment under Kurixalus eiffingeri (Rhacophoridae) noting the publication of Kishimoto and Hayashi, 2017, Curr. Herpetol., Kyoto, 36: 37–45, who reported on embryonic and larval development stages. 

28 March 2017: Added a comment under, and modified the range statement of Dendropsophus tintinnabulum (Hylidae), noting the publication of Teixeira and Giaretta, 2017, Phyllomedusa, 15: 119–126, who reported on its rediscovery, range, ecology, external morphology, and calls. 

28 March 2017: Aded a comment under Ichthyosaura alpestris (Salamandridae), noting the publication of Heiss, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 137–141, who reported on a neotenic/leucistic population in the Province of Bolzano, northern Italy. 

28 March 2017: Added Pristimantis attenboroughi (Craugastoridae), named by Lehr and von May, 2017, ZooKeys, 660: 17–42, named from the Pui Pui Protected Forest of Pasco and Junin, Peru.  

28 March 2017: Added Leptolalax petrops (Megorphryidae), named by Rowley, Dau, Hoang, Le, Cutajar, and Nguyen, 2017, Zootaxa, 4243: 554–564, from Cham Chu Nature Reserve, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam. 

28 March 2017: Added a comment under Pristimantis (Craugastoridae) noting the publication of González-Durán, Targino, Rada, and Grant, 2017, Zootaxa, 4243: 42–74, who provided a detailed phylogenetic analysis of the Pristimantis leptolophus species group, resulting in the naming of the Pristimantis boulengeri species group. They also provided a rather large phylogenetic analysis of Craugastoridae that illiminated a number of ongoing issues.  

28 March 2017: Added Pelodytes atlanticus (Pelodytidae), from southern Portugal, and Pelodytes hespericus from Spain, named by  Díaz-Rodríguez, Gehara, Márquez, Vences, Gonçalves, Sequeira, Martínez-Solano, and Tejedo, 2017, Zootaxa, 4243: 1–41, who also redelimited the range of Pelodytes punctatus. 

27 March 2017: Added a comment under Pristimantis (Craugastoridae) noting the publication of Rivera-Correa, Jiménez-Rivillas, and Daza-R., 2017, Zootaxa, 4242: 313–343, who reported on the molecular phylogenetics of the Pristimantis leptolophus species group, and named Pristimantis leopardus from Cerro La Vieja, Páramo de Sonsón, Municipio de Sonsón, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. 

27 March 2017: Added a comment under Cochranella resplendens (Centrolenidae) and modified the range statement to reflect the publication of Molina-Zuluaga, Cano, Restrepo, Rada, and Daza-R., 2017, Zootaxa, 4238: 268–274, rwho eported an apparently disjunct population on the eastern slope of the central Andes in the Departamento Antioquia, Colombia, at 1309 and 1699 m elevation, for a species otherwise known only from the eastern slopes of the Andes, below 900 m, in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. 

27 March 2017: Added Phyllodytes megatympanum (Hylidae) named by Marciano, Lantyer-Silva, and Solé, 2017, Zootaxa, 4238: 135–142, from southern Bahia, Brazil. 

27 March 2017: Added a comment under Scinax hayii (Hylidae) noting the publication of Santos and Martins, 2017, Zootaxa, 4232: 58–585, who reported a bioacoustic analysis from the type locality. 

8 March 2017: Added Dendropsophus bromeliaceus (Hylidae), named by Ferreira, Faivovich, Beard, and Pombal, 2015, PLoS One, 10 (12: e0142893): 1–24, from the surroundings of the Reserva Biológica Augusto Ruschi (19°54’27”S, 40°31’05”W; 878 m a.s.l.), Santa Teresa, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil.

7 March 2017: Added Chiasmocleis migueli (Microhylidae) (from Municipality of San Luzia do Itanhy, Sergipes, Brazil), Chiasmocleis veracruz (from State of Bahia, Brazil), and Chiasmocleis altomontana (from Municipality of Bananal, State of São Paulo, Brazil), named by Forlani, Tonini, Cruz, Zaher, and de Sá, 2017, PeerJ, 5(e3005): 1–43, who reported on molecular phylogenetics of the species in the genus and provided a spot map of the species. 

24 February 2017: Added a comment under Adenomera diptyx (Leptodactylidae) noting the publication of Zaracho and Kokubum, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 1–9, who reported on larval morphology and reproduction. 

24 February 2017: Placed Hyla molitor Schmit, 1857 (Dendropsophus molitor, Hylidae), as a senior synonym of Hyla labialis Peters, 1863 (Dendropsophus labialis), follwing the publication of Jungfer, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 18–24; in his synonymy of Dendropsophus molitor he did not include a number of names traditionally in the synonymy of Denropsophus labialis, although what this implies is unknown.  

24 February 2017: Added a comment under Rana temporaria (Ranidae) noting the publication of Vences, Sarasola-Puente, Sanchez, Amat, and Hauswaldt, 2017, Salamandra, 53 : 25–33, who reported on deep mtDNA lineages in the species, with particular reference to northern Spain. 

24 February 2017: Added Gephryomantis (Asperomantisceratophrys (Mantellidae), resurrected from the synonymy of Gephyromantis asper by Vences, Köhler, Pabijan, Bletz, Gehring, Hawlitschek, Rakotoarison, Ratsoavina, Andreone, Crottini, and Glaw, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 77–98. These authors also named the subgenus Asperomantis to relieve the nonmonophyly of Duboimantis, discussed the molecular phylogenetics, comparative morphology, and acoustic data and provided accounts for the members of this new subgenus: Gephryomantis ambohitra, Gephryomantis asper, Gephryomantis ceratophrys, Gephryomantis spinifer, and Gephryomantis tahotra. 

22 February 2017: Added seven new species of Nyctibatrachus (Nyctibatrachidae) from the Western Ghats of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, southern India, named by Garg, Suyesh, Sukesan, and Biju, 2017, PeerJ, 5(e3007; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3007): 1–50 (Nyctibatrachus athirappillyensis, Nyctibatrachus manalari, Nyctibatrachus pulivijayani, Nyctibatrachus radcliffei, Nyctibatrachus robinmoorei, Nyctibatrachus sabarimalai, and Nyctibatrachus webilla). 

22 February 2017: Resurrected Hypsiboas xerophylla (Hylidae) from the synonymy of Hypsiboas crepitans following the revision by Orrico, Nunes, Mattedi, Fouquet, Lemos, Rivera-Correa, Lyra, Loebmann, Pimenta, Caramaschi, Rodrigues, and Haddad, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 99–113. 

22 February 2017: Added comments under Alsodes (Alsodidae) and Alsodes norae noting the publication of Formas and Cuevas, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 131–136, who reviewed the comparative larval morphology of the species and specifically described the larval morphology of Alsodes cf. norae

21 February 2017: Added a comment under Capensibufo rosei (Bufonidae) noting the publication of da Silva, Feldheim, Daniels, Edwards, and Tolley, 2017 "2016", Afr. J. Herpetol., 65: 69–82, who reported on population genetics and population structure within the species. 

16 February 2017: Added Capensibufo magistratus (Bufonidae), Capensibufo selenophos, and Capensibufo deceptus, as well as revising the geographic limits of Capensibufo rosei, all found on various mountains in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, with which these species were formerly confused, to bring this catalogue into line with the revision of Channing, Measey, De Villiers, Turner, and Tolley, 2017, Zootaxa, 4232: 282–292. 

13 February 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement for Scinax exiguus (Hylidae) to reflect the publication of  Araujo-Vieira, 2017 "2016", Herpetol. Rev., 47: 624, who provided the first records from Brazil, from the state of Roraima, municipalities of Boa Vista, Paracaíma, and Tepequém. 

13 February 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement for Nyctibates corrugatus (Arthroleptidae) to reflect the publication of Neil and Jongsma, 2017 "2016", Herpetol. Rev., 47: 623–624, wo provided a record for Estuaire Province, Gabon, the first record for that country. 

11 February 2017: Added a comment under Stefania (Hemiphractidae) to reflect the publication of Kok, Russo, Ratz, Means, MacCulloch, Lathrop, Aubret, and Bossuyt, 2017, J. Biogeograph., 44: 170–181, who provided a molecular-based phylogenetic analysis and biogeography, and who noted 10 unnamed species. 

10 February 2017: Added a comment under Pelophylax saharicus (Ranidae), noting the publication of Nicolas, Mataame, Crochet, Géniez, and Ohler, 2015, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res., 53: 239–248, who  on molecular phylogeography. 

10 February 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement for Insuetophrynus acarpicus (Rhinodermatidae) to note the extension of the range 90 km to the south of previous records to  Llancahue ca. 10 km southeast of the city of Valdivia (39°50ʹ S, 073°10ʹ W), Los Ríos region, Chile, published by Parada, Fenolio, Olivares, and Nuñez, 2017, Check List, 13(1: 2034): 1–4. 

9 February 2017: Added a comment under Rhinella ceratophrys (Bufonidae) and modified the range statement to reflect the publication of Rojas-Runjaic, Camargo-Siliet, Carvalho, and La Marca, 2017, Check List, 13(1: 2035): 1–6, who reported the species from Cerro Neblina, Venezuela, and discussed and mapped the range of the species.  

9 February 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement for the Scinax cardosoi (Hylidae) record to reflect the publication of Moroti, Ferreira, Santos, Soares, and Machado, 2017, Check List, 13(1: 2042): 1–3, who provided a record from southeastern state of São Paulo, Brazil, and mapped the range of the species. 

9 February 2017: Added a comment under Leptodactylus viridis (Leptodactylidae) noting the publication of. Rocha, Pezzuti, and Garcia, 2016, Salamandra, 52: 342–344, who reported on the advertisement call. 

9 February 2017: Added a comment under Epipedobates (Dendrobatidae), noting the publication of Tarvin, Powell, Santos, Ron, and Cannatella, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 109: 283–295, who reported on molecular phylogenetics of this group, the evolution of aposematism in the group, as well as the substantial data discordance which has been the source of considerable misunderstanding in phylogenetic inference. 

8 February 2017: Modified the range statement and added a comment for Psychrophrynella illimani (Craugastoridae) to reflect the publication of e Willaert, Reichle, Stegen, Martel, Lavayen, Sánchez de Lozada Bianco, Greenhawk, Agostini, and Muñoz-Saravia, 2016, Salamandra, 52: 317–327, who reported on range, morphology, ecology, reproduction, and call. 

8 February 2017: Added Pristimantis ashaninka (Craugastoridae), named by Lehr and Moravec, 2017, ZooKeys, 645: 88, fromthe border of the Pui Pui Protected Forest (11°12′38.5″S, 74°57′28.9″W), 1700 m elevation, Distrito Pichanaqui, Provincia Chanchamayo, Región Junín, Peru.  

8 February 2017: Added Aplastodiscus lutzorum (Hylidae), named by Berneck, Giaretta, Brandão, Cruz, and Haddad, 2017, ZooKeys, 642: 115–130, from Fazenda São Bento Municipality of Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Goiás State, Brazil. This species was previous confused with Aplastidiscus perviridis which required a change in that species' range statement. 

7 February 2017: Added a comment under Elachistocleis magnus (Microhylidae), noting the substantial range extension in Rondônia, Brazil, by Meneghelli and Calderon, 2017 "2016", Herpetol. Rev., 47: 622. 

7 February 2017: Added a comment and modified the range statement to reflect the publication of Beyhaghi, 2017 "2016", Herpetol. Rev., 47: 621–622, who reported Triturus karelinii (Salamandridae) from Golestan Province, Iran, and briefly discussed the range. 

7 February 2017: Added Fejervarya chiangmaiensis (Dicroglossidae), named by Suwannapoom, Yuan, Poyarkov, Yan, Kamtaeja, Murphy, and Che, 2016, Zool. Res., Kunming, 37(6): 327–337, from Ban Monjong, Omkoi District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. 

7 February 2017: Added a comment under Physalaemus nattereri (Leptodactylidae) noting the publication of Fratani, Woitovicz-Cardoso, and Lourenço, 2017, Zootaxa, 4227: 219–232, who reported on osteology.

7 February 2017: Added Ameerega shihuemoy (Dendrobatidae), named by Serrano-Rojas, Whitworth, Villacampa-Ortega, von May, Gutiérrez, Padial, and Chaparro, 2017, Zootaxa, 4221: 71–94, from Provincia Manu, Departamento Madre de Dios, Peru.  

7 February 2017: Added a comment under Rhombophryne/Stumpffia be (Microhylidae) to reflect the publication by Lattenkamp, Mandák, and Scherz, 2016, Zootaxa, 4205: 483–485, who reported on the advertisement call. 

7 February 2017: Added a comment under and modified the range statement of Proceratophrys dibernardoi (Odontophrynidae) to reflect the publication of Ferreira, Sugai, Souza, Vaz-Silva, Bastos, and Morais, 2016, Zootaxa, 4205: 480–482, who reported on advertisement call and specimens from the municipality of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. 

6 February 2017: Added a comment under Quasipaa shini (Dicroglossidae) noting the publication of Kong, Zheng, and Zhang, 2016, Zootaxa, 4205: 87–89, who reported on the advertisement call. 

6 February 2017: Added Gastrotheca spectabilis and Gastrotheca oresbias (Hemiphractidae), named by Duellman and Venegas, 2016, Phyllomedusa, 15: 103–117, from Amazonas, Peru. 

6 February 2017: Added a comment under Pristimantis crucifer (Craugastoridae) noting the publication by Muñoz-Arcos, Guerrero-Cupacán, and Cepeda-Quilindo, 2016, Check List, 12(6: 2021): 1–4, who reported the species from Nariño Department, Colombia, which also required a change in the range statement.  

6 February 2017: Added a comment under Mantidactylus guttulatus (Mantellidae) noting the publication of Schulze, Randrianiaina, Perl, Glaw, and Vences, 2016, Acta Herpetol., Firenze, 11: 119–125, who reported on larval morphology. 

6 February 2017: Added Paramesotriton aurantius, named by Yuan, Wu, Zhou, and Che, 2016, Zootaxa, 4205: 549–563, from Fujian Province, China, and who provided a molecular estimate of phylogenetic within the Paramesotriton chinensis group. 

6 February 2017: Added Nototriton nelsoni and Nototriton oreadorum (Plethodontidae), named by Townsend, 2016, Zootaxa, 4196: 511–528, from Atlántida province, Honduras, and who provided a phylogenetic estimate of the species within the genus and who restricted the range of Nototriton barbouri to Yolo province, Honduras. 

6 February 2017: Added a comment under Craugastor angelicus (Craugastoridae) noting the publication of Kubicki, 2016, Mesoam. Herpetol., 3: 1070–1071, who reported on the rediscovery of the species in Costa Rica. 

6 February 2017: Added a comment under Incilius luetkenii (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Rehberg-Besler, Doucet, and Mennill, 2016, J. Herpetol., 50: 502-508, who reported on vocalization. 

6 February 2017: Added Eleutherodactylus cattus (Eleutherodactylidae), named by Rodriguez, Dugo-Cota, Montero-Mendieta, Gonzalez-Voyer, Bosch, Vences, and Vilà, 2017, Zootaxa, 4221: 501–522, from the the trail to Pico El Gato, Sierra del Cobre, 20.01364 N, 76.04809 W, 844 m a.s.l.", Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.   

5 February 2017: Added Oedipina berlini (Plethodontidae) named by Kubicki, 2016, Mesoam. Herpetol., 3: 819–840, from Guayacán Rainforest Reserve, Provincia de Limón, Costa Rica. 

5 February 2017: Added Oreobates yanucu (Craugastoridae), named by Köhler and Padial, 2016, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 84: 23–38, from Carrasco National Park, Provincia Chapare, Departamento Cochabamba, Bolivia.  

5 February 2017: Added Phrynomedusa dryade (Phyllomedusidae), from Sao Paulo, Brazil, named by Baêta, Giasson, Pombal, and Haddad, 2016, Herpetol. Monogr., 30: 49–78, who reviewed the genus.