Astylosternus laticephalus Rödel, Hillers, Leaché, Kouamé, Ofori-Boateng, Diaz, and Sandberger, 2012

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Arthroleptidae > Subfamily: Astylosterninae > Genus: Astylosternus > Species: Astylosternus laticephalus

Astylosternus laticephalus Rödel, Hillers, Leaché, Kouamé, Ofori-Boateng, Diaz, and Sandberger In Rödel, Barej, Hillers, Leaché, Kouamé, Ofori-Boateng, Assemian, Gonwouo, Nopper, Brede, Diaz, Fujita, Gil, Segniagbeto, Ernst, and Sandberger-Loua, 2012, Zootaxa, 3245: 16. Holotype: ZMB 75449, by original designation. Type locality: "Ghana, Atewa Forest Reserve, 6.23375 / - 0.56557 . . . , forest around stream next to road".

Common Names

Wide-headed Night Frog (Channing and Rödel, 2019, Field Guide Frogs & Other Amph. Afr.: 232).


Southern Ghana (Afao Hills Forest Reserve, Draw River Forest Reserve, Ankas Conservation Area, and Atewa Range) to southeastern Ivory Coast (Banco National Park).

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Ghana, Ivory Coast


The sister taxon of Astylosternus occidentalis and confused with that species prior to its naming according to the original publication. Channing, Rödel, and Channing, 2012, Tadpoles of Africa: 91–92, reported on comparative tadpole morphology. Griesbaum, Hirschfeld, Barej, Schmitz, Rohrmoser, Dahmen, Mühlberger, Liedtke, Gonwouo, Doumbia, and Rödel, 2019, Zoosyst. Evol., 95: 133–160, redescribed larval morphology. Channing and Rödel, 2019, Field Guide Frogs & Other Amph. Afr.: 232–233, provided a brief account, photograph, and range map.  

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