Amazophrynella amazonicola Rojas, Carvalho, Ávila, Farias, Gordo, and Hrbek, 2015

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Bufonidae > Genus: Amazophrynella > Species: Amazophrynella amazonicola

Amazophrynella amazonicola Rojas-Zamora, Carvalho, Ávila, Farias, Gordo, and Hrbek, 2015, Zootaxa, 3946: 86. Holotype: MZUNAP 901, by original designation. Type locality: "Puerto Almendra (3° 49′ 41″ S, 73° 22′ 07″ W), 10 km from the municipality of Iquitos, Province of Maynas, District of San Juan, Nina-Rumi community, Peru". Zoobank publication registration: E7630BC6-637C-49E9-9C6D-E9C26DFA4AA0 

Common Names

None noted. 


Known only from five localities in the Peruvian department of Loreto: Fundo Zamora, Fundo UNAP, Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve, the vicinity of Nauta, and Puerto Almendra. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Peru

Endemic: Peru


See map by Rojas-Zamora, Fouquet, Ron, Hernández-Ruz, Melo-Sampaio, Chaparro, Vogt, Carvalho, Pinheiro, Ávila, Farias, Gordo, and Hrbek, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e4941): 7, who discussed evolution within the genus. Rojas-Zamora, Carvalho, Ávila, Kawashita-Ribeiro, Hrbek, and Gordo, 2018, Zootaxa, 4459: 193–196, described the advertisement call. Gagliardi-Urrutia, García Dávila, Jaramillo-Martinez, Rojas-Padilla, Rios-Alva, Aguilar-Manihuari, Pérez-Peña, Castroviejo-Fisher, Simões, Estivals, Guillen Huaman, Castro Ruiz, Angulo Chávez, Mariac, Duponchelle, and Renno, 2022, Anf. Loreto: 40–41, provided a brief account, dot map, and genetic barcode for Loreto, Peru.  

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