Atelopus exiguus (Boettger, 1892)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Bufonidae > Genus: Atelopus > Species: Atelopus exiguus

Phryniscus laevis var. exigua Boettger, 1892, Kat. Batr. Samml. Mus. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges.: 22. Syntypes: SMF (2 specimens); SMF 4046 considered "holotypus" by Mertens, 1967, Senckenb. Biol., 48(A): 43, although this is not a formal nomenclatural act. SMF 4046 (formerly Boettger 1151f); see discussion by Coloma, Lötters, and Salas, 2000, Herpetologica, 56: 310, who noted 8 more syntypes than originally noted in the original publication. Type locality: "Zurucuchu, W.-Anden von Cuenca", Cajas National Park, Azuay Province, Ecuador.

Atelopus ignescens exiguaRivero, 1963, Caribb. J. Sci., 3: 108; Gray and Cannatella, 1985, Copeia, 1985: 910-917.

Atelopus exiguaMcDiarmid, 1971, Sci. Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co., 12: 39.

Atelopus exiguusLötters, 1996, Neotrop. Toad Genus Atelopus: 26; Coloma, Lötters, and Salas, 2000, Herpetologica, 56: 310.

Common Names

None noted.


Macizo del Cajas Biosphere Reserve (MCB) and Quimsacocha National Recreation Area in the western Andean cordillera of Azuay province, southern Ecuador, in páramo and subpáramo, 3000–4000 m elevation.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Ecuador

Endemic: Ecuador


Removed from the synonymy of Atelopus ignescens by McDiarmid, 1971, Sci. Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co., 12: 39, where it had been placed by Nieden, 1926, Das Tierreich, 49: 83. Coloma, Lötters, and Salas, 2000, Herpetologica, 56: 310–319, provided a detailed account of the species. See photograph, map, description of geographic range and habitat, and conservation status in Stuart, Hoffmann, Chanson, Cox, Berridge, Ramani, and Young, 2008, Threatened Amph. World: 165. Toral, Frenkell, and Salas, 2005, in Rueda-Almonacid et al. (eds.), Ranas Arlequines: 75, provided a brief account, photograph, and map. Astudillo, Jiménez, Siddons, and Timbe, 2022, Rev. Peruana Biol., 29 (e22742): 1–4, provided new localities and discussed habitat and conservation. 

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