Capensibufo rosei (Hewitt, 1926)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Bufonidae > Genus: Capensibufo > Species: Capensibufo rosei

Bufo rosei Hewitt, 1926, Ann. S. Afr. Mus., 20: 417. Syntypes: AMG, now in PEM. PEM A5132 designated lectotype by Conradie, Branch, and Watson, 2015, Zootaxa, 3936: 57, and who discussed the syntypes. Type locality: "Muizenberg Mountain", Cape Peninsula, Western Cape Province, Rep. South Africa.

Capensibufo roseiGrandison, 1980, Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Zool., 39: 294.

Common Names

Rose's Mountain Toadlet (Du Preez and Carruthers, 2009, Compl. Guide Frogs S. Afr.: 186).

Rose's Mountain Toad (De Villiers, 2004, in Minter et al. (eds.), Atlas Frogs S. Afr. Lesotho and Swaziland: 87).

Striped Mountain Toad (Rose, 1950, Rep. Amph. S. Afr.: 104; Rose, 1962, Rep. Amph. S. Afr., Ed. 2: 99; Wager, 1965, Frogs S. Afr.: 114; Passmore and Carruthers, 1979, S. Afr. Frogs: 66).

Rose's Toad (Rose, 1950, Rep. Amph. S. Afr.: 106; Passmore and Carruthers, 1978, J. Herpetol. Assoc. Afr., 19: 4; Passmore and Carruthers, 1979, S. Afr. Frogs: 66; Channing, 2001, Amph. Cent. S. Afr.: 100).

Cape Mountain Toad (Passmore and Carruthers, 1978, J. Herpetol. Assoc. Afr., 19: 4; Passmore and Carruthers, 1979, S. Afr. Frogs: 66).

Muizenberg Cape Toad (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 44).


Known only from the Cape Peninsula in undisturbed mountain fynbos, Western Cape Province, Rep. South Africa. See comment.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: South Africa

Endemic: South Africa


See comments under Capensibufo and Capensibufo tradouwi. Accounts of this species prior to 2017 require care in reading inasmuch as the species was considered to be more wide-ranging an to include the morphologically distinct populations now named Capensibufo deceptus, Capensibufo magistratus, and Capensibufo selenophos. See account by Boycott, 1988, in Branch (ed.), South Afr. Red Data Book, Amph. Rept.: 113-115. In the Bufo gariepensis group of Martin, 1972, in Blair (ed.), Evol. Genus Bufo: 62. Channing, 2001, Amph. Cent. S. Afr.: 100-102, De Villiers, 2004, in Minter et al. (eds.), Atlas Frogs S. Afr. Lesotho and Swaziland: 87-90, and Du Preez and Carruthers, 2009, Compl. Guide Frogs S. Afr.: 186-187, provided accounts. See photograph, map, description of geographic range and habitat, and conservation status in Stuart, Hoffmann, Chanson, Cox, Berridge, Ramani, and Young, 2008, Threatened Amph. World: 194. Channing, Rödel, and Channing, 2012, Tadpoles of Africa: 140–141, reported on comparative tadpole morphology. Tolley, De Villiers, Cherry, and Measey, 2010, Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 100: 822-834, suggested that this name covers a species complex and this was employed as the basis of the revision by Channing, Measey, De Villiers, Turner, and Tolley, 2017, Zootaxa, 4232: 282–292 (who provided a specific account on pp. 288). Edwards, Tolley, and Measey, 2017, Herpetol. J., 27: 287–298, discussed breeding and tadpole habitat. da Silva, Feldheim, Daniels, Edwards, and Tolley, 2017 "2016", Afr. J. Herpetol., 65: 69–82, reported on population genetics and population structure. Du Preez and Carruthers, 2017, Frogs S. Afr., Compl. Guide: 150–151, provided a brief account, including a polygon range map, photograph, identification features, adult and larval morphology, and habitat. da Silva and Tolley, 2018, Conserv. Genetics, 19: 349–363, reported on conservation genetics with respect towards future genetic monitoring of this highly endemic species. Channing and Rödel, 2019, Field Guide Frogs & Other Amph. Afr.: 84–85, provided a brief account, photograph, and range map. Dorse and Dorse, 2023, Field Guide Fynbos Fauna: 28–29, provided a brief account, polygon range map, and photograph. 

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