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Phyllobates bicolor Bibron, 1840
Phyllobates bicolor Bibron in De la Sagra, 1840, Hist. Fis. Polit. Nat. Cuba, 8 (Atlas Zool.): pl. 29bis, description by indication. Holotype: animal figured in illustration, presumably MNHNP 838.
Phyllobates bicolor Duméril and Bibron, 1841, Erp. Gen., 6: 638. Holotype: MNHNP 838 according to Guibé, 1950 "1948", Cat. Types Amph. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat.: 34. Type locality: "l'île de Cuba"; corrected to Colombia by Silverstone, 1976, Sci. Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co., 27: 23. Placed on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology by Anonymous, 2009, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 66: 103-105.
Phyllobates melanorrhinus Berthold, 1845, Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen, 1845: 43. Syntypes: Including ZFMK 28126-27, 28129-31, and AMNH 140864 (formerly ZFMK 28128); ZFMK 28130 designated lectotype by Myers and Böhme, 1996, Am. Mus. Novit., 3185: 5. Type locality: "Neu-Granada .... Provinz Popayan"; clarified by Myers and Böhme, 1996, Am. Mus. Novit., 3185: 17, to "Pacific versant northwestern Colombia, probably upper Río San Juan drainage in the present-day Department of Risaralda" western Colombia. Synonymy by Cochran and Goin, 1970, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 288: 36. Myers and Böhme, 1996, Am. Mus. Novit., 3185: 1-20, discussed synonymy.
Phyllobates chocoensis Posada Arango, 1869, Bull. Soc. Med. Allemande Paris, 1869: 206. Types: Not stated, although likely originally in MNHNP. Type locality: "forets de la Nouvelle-Grenade . . . . Chocó". Synonymy (with Dendrobates histrionicus) by Boulenger, 1913, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913: 1028. Synonymy (with Phyllobates pictus) by Silverstone, 1975, Sci. Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co., 21: 11. Synonymy with Phyllobates bicolor by Silverstone, 1976, Sci. Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co., 27: 23-24.
Dendrobates tinctorius var. chocoensis — Boulenger, 1913, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913: 1028; Cochran and Goin, 1970, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 288: 26-28.
Phyllobates nicefori Noble, 1923, Am. Mus. Novit., 88: 1. Holotype: AMNH 14028, by original designation. Type locality: "town of Andes [Antioquia], Colombia, South America .... probably in the vicinity of Medellin". Synonymy by Cochran and Goin, 1970, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 288: 36.
Phyllobates melanorhinus — Gorham, 1963, Canad. Field Nat., 77: 25.
Common Names
Two-toned Arrow-poison Frog (Cochran, 1961, Living Amph. World: 84).
Black-legged Poison Frog (Walls, 1994, Jewels of the Rainforest: 28; Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 51).
Two-toned Poison Frog (CITES).
Endemic to Colombia. Western flank of the northern part of the Cordillera Occidental, 400-1500m, northwestern Colombia (Chocó, Valle del Cauca, and Risaralda,).
Geographic Occurrence
Natural Resident: Colombia
Endemic: Colombia
See Myers, Daly, and Malkin, 1978, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 161: 328. See Lötters, Castro-Herrera, Köhler, and Richter, 1997, Rev. Fr. Aquar. Herpetol., 24: 55-58. Lötters, Jungfer, Henkel, and Schmidt, 2007, Poison Frogs: 421-425, provided an account. See statement of geographic range, habitat, and conservation status in Stuart, Hoffmann, Chanson, Cox, Berridge, Ramani, and Young, 2008, Threatened Amph. World: 614. González-Santoro, Palacios-Rodríguez, Hernández-Restrepo, Mejía-Vargas, and Amézquita, 2022, Zootaxa, 5100: 145–150, described the advertisement and courtship calls from a population found in Santa Cecilia, Risaralda, Colombia, and discussed previous literature. Amézquita, Vargas-Salinas, Ramos, Palacios-Rodríguez, Salazar, Quiroz, Bolívar-García, Galindo-Uribe, and Mazariegos-H., 2024, ZooKeys, 1212: 217–240, reported on molecular phylogenetics and provided a dot map of the distribution.
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- For information on distribution, habitat, and conservation see the Map of Life
- For related information on conservation and images as well as observations see iNaturalist