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Cryptobatrachus pedroruizi Lynch, 2008
Cryptobatrachus pedroruizi Lynch, 2008, Zootaxa, 1883: 62. Holotype: ICN38716, by original designation. Type locality: "La Victoria, quebrada Tucuy, municipio La Jagua de Ibirico, Cesar, Colombia, 928 m".
Cryptobatrachus remotus Infante-Rivero, Rojas-Runjaic, and Barrio-Amorós, 2009 "2008", Mem. Fund. La Salle Cienc. Nat., 169: 48. Holotype: MHNLS17661, by original designation. Type locality: "en el fundo 'El Progreso', cuenca alta del río Socuy, sierra de Perijá, Municipio Jesús Enrique Losada, Estado Zulia, Venezuela (10°43′13,30″N—72°29′16,60″O; ± 845 m s.n.m.)". Synonymy by Meza-Joya, Ramos, Rojas-Runjaic, and Ovalle-Pacheco, 2021, Zootaxa, 5068: 247.
Common Names
None noted.
Serranía de Perijá, Colombia and Venezuela, at elevations between 450 and 1842 m
Geographic Occurrence
Natural Resident: Colombia, Venezuela
See Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic, and Señaris Vasquez, 2019, Amph. Rept. Conserv., 13 (1: e180): 53, for comments on range, taxonomy, and literature of nominal Cryptobatrachus remotus. : 247–262, reviewed the status of Cryptobatrachus frogs in the Sierra de Perija, Venezula, employing morphometrics and genetic markers, and placed Cryptobatrachus remotus into the synonymy of Cryptobatrachus pedroruizi.
External links:
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- For access to general information see Wikipedia
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- For access to relevant technical literature search Google Scholar
- For images search CalPhoto Images and Google Images
- To search the NIH genetic sequence database, see GenBank
- For additional information see AmphibiaWeb report
- For information on conservation status and distribution see the IUCN Redlist
- For information on distribution, habitat, and conservation see the Map of Life
- For related information on conservation and images as well as observations see iNaturalist