Osteocephalus cannatellai Ron, Venegas, Toral, Read, Ortiz, and Manzano, 2012

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylidae > Subfamily: Hylinae > Genus: Osteocephalus > Species: Osteocephalus cannatellai

Osteocephalus cannatellai Ron, Venegas, Toral, Read, Ortiz, and Manzano, 2012, ZooKeys, 229: 16. Holotype: QCAZ 49572, by original designation. Type locality: "Ecuador, Provincia Pastaza, Cantón Santa Clara, Río Pucayacu, in the vicinities of the Zanjarajuno Reserve (1.3578° S, 77.8477° W), 940 m above sea level".

Common Names

None noted.


Amazon Basin of Ecuador (provinces of Morona Santiago, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza, and Sucumbíos), Peru (Cordillera Kampankis) and Cauquetá, Colombia, at elevations of 200 to 1290 m.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru


In the Osteocephalus buckleyi group according to the original publication. In the Osteocephalus buckleyi species group of Jungfer, Faivovich, Padial, Castroviejo-Fisher, Lyra, Berneck, Iglesias, Kok, MacCulloch, Rodrigues, Verdade, Torres-Gastello, Chaparro, Valdujo, Reichle, Moravec, Gvoždík, Gagliardi-Urrutia, Ernst, De la Riva, Means, Lima, Señaris Vasquez, Wheeler, and Haddad, 2013, Zool. Scripta, 42: 351-380. Forti, Foratto, Márquez, Pereira, and Toledo, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e4813): 1–19, characterized the advertisement call. Chasiluisa, Caminer, Varela-Jaramillo, and Ron, 2020, Neotropical Biodiversity, 6: 21–36, noted on the basis of molecular evidence that nominal Osteocephalus cannatellai is composed of at least two lineages, with the Zamora-Chinchipe population unnamed.  

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