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Pseudacris streckeri Wright and Wright, 1933
Pseudacris streckeri Wright and Wright, 1933, Handb. Frogs Toads U.S. Canada: 26, 102. Syntypes: CUMV 2485 (5 specimens), now lost according to Smith, 1966, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 27: 1. Type locality: Not stated; designated (in error) as "Waco, McLennan County, Texas", USA by Schmidt, 1953, Check List N. Am. Amph. Rept., Ed. 6: 76; revised to "Somerset, Bexar County, Texas", USA, by Smith, 1966, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 27: 1.
Hyla (Pseudacris) streckeri streckeri — Dubois, 1984, Alytes, 3: 85.
Pseudacris (Pycnacris) streckeri streckeri — Fouquette and Dubois, 2014, Checklist N.A. Amph. Rept.: 364.
Common Names
Strecker's Chorus Frog (Schmidt, 1953, Check List N. Am. Amph. Rept., Ed. 6: 76; Conant, Cagle, Goin, Lowe, Neill, Netting, Schmidt, Shaw, Stebbins, and Bogert, 1956, Copeia, 1956: 176; Conant, 1975, Field Guide Rept. Amph. E. Cent. N. Am., Ed. 2: 333; Collins, Huheey, Knight, and Smith, 1978, Herpetol. Circ., 7: 12; Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 63; Collins, 1997, Herpetol. Circ., 25: 13; Crother, Boundy, Campbell, de Queiroz, Frost, Highton, Iverson, Meylan, Reeder, Seidel, Sites, Taggart, Tilley, and Wake, 2001 "2000", Herpetol. Circ., 29: 13 ; Frost, McDiarmid, and Mendelson, 2008, in Crother (ed.), Herpetol. Circ., 37: 10; Collins and Taggart, 2009, Standard Common Curr. Sci. Names N. Am. Amph. Turtles Rept. Crocodil., ed. 6: 7; Frost, McDiarmid, Mendelson, and Green, 2012, in Crother (ed.), Herpetol. Circ., 39: 20; Frost, Lemmon, McDiarmid, and Mendelson, 2017, in Crother (ed.), Herpetol. Circ., 43: 18).
Extreme south-central Kansas, through most of Oklahoma and east to central Arkansas and south through most of central, South, and East Texas to extreme northwestern Louisiana, USA.
Geographic Occurrence
Natural Resident: United States of America, United States of America - Arkansas, United States of America - Kansas, United States of America - Louisiana, United States of America - Oklahoma, United States of America - Texas
Endemic: United States of America
In the Pseudacris nigrita group. Reviewed by Smith, 1966, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 27: 1–2. Cocroft and Ryan, 1995, Animal Behav., 49: 283–303, discussed advertisement call in an evolutionary context. Shepard, Brown, and Butterfield, 2005, in Lannoo (ed.), Amph. Declines: 484–485, provided a detail account that summarized the range and relevant literature, in the sense of including Pseudacris illinoensis. See comment under Pseudacris illinoensis. Dodd, 2013, Frogs U.S. and Canada, 1: 416–421, provided an account that summarized the relevant literature. Barrow, Ralicki, Emme, and Lemmon, 2014, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 75: 78–90, demonstrated analytical paraphyly with respect to Pseudacris illinoensis, but suggested that this was due to incomplete lineage sorting. Elliot, Gerhardt, and Davidson, 2009, Frogs and Toads of N. Am.: 48–51, provided an account (in the sense of including Pseudacris illinoensis), photos, and advertisement call. Altig and McDiarmid, 2015, Handb. Larval Amph. US and Canada: 209–210, provided an account of larval morphology and biology. Bassett, 2023, Reptiles & Amphibians, 30(e18486): 1–18, provided an updated county distribution map for Texas, USA.
External links:
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- For access to general information see Wikipedia
- For additional sources of general information from other websites search Google
- For access to relevant technical literature search Google Scholar
- For images search CalPhoto Images and Google Images
- To search the NIH genetic sequence database, see GenBank
- For additional information see AmphibiaWeb report
- For information on conservation status and distribution see the IUCN Redlist
- For information on distribution, habitat, and conservation see the Map of Life
- For related information on conservation and images as well as observations see iNaturalist