Ololygon hiemalis (Haddad and Pombal, 1987)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylidae > Subfamily: Hylinae > Genus: Ololygon > Species: Ololygon hiemalis

Hyla hiemalis Haddad and Pombal, 1987, Rev. Brasil. Biol., 47: 127. Holotype: MZUSP 60555, by original designation. Type locality: "fazenda Santana, Sousas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil (aprox. 22° 50′ S, 46° 58′ W; 600 m alt.)".

Ololygon hiemalisCaramaschi and Kisteumacher, 1989, Bol. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, N.S., Zool., 327: 1–15.

Scinax hiemalisDuellman and Wiens, 1992, Occas. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas, 151: 22; Duellman, Marion, and Hedges, 2016, Zootaxa, 4104: 26.

Common Names

Sousas Snouted Treefrog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 64).


Southern part of the Brazilian states of São Paulo (Municipality of Jundiaí at Serra do Japi, São Sebastião and Botucatu), western Rio de Janeiro (Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos, Municipality of Teresópolis), and into Minas Gerais at Mirantão, Bocaina de Minas, Minas Gerais, southern Serra da Mantiqueira. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Brazil

Endemic: Brazil


In the Scinax rizibilis group (as Hyla rizibilis) according to original publication. Subsequently the Scinax rizibilis group was combined into the Scinax catharinae group by Pombal, Bastos, and Haddad, 1995, Naturalia, São Paulo, 20: 213–225, and who also described the advertisement call. In the Scinax catharinae clade, Scinax catharinae group of Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell, and Wheeler, 2005, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 294: 95. See Haddad and Sazima, 1992, in Morellato (ed.), Hist. Nat. Serra do Japi: 195, for photo and brief description. Tadpoles compared to those of other members of the Scinax catharinae group by Conte, Nomura, Rossa-Feres, d'Heursel, and Haddad, 2007, Amphibia-Reptilia, 28: 177–192. Caram, Luna-Dias, Gomes, and Carvalho-e-Silva, 2011, Herpetol. Notes, 4: 153–154, reported this species from the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and discussed its range. Bang and Giaretta, 2017, J. Herpetol., 16: 23–45, discussed and described vocalizations. Pederassi, Caramaschi, Lima, Souza, and Sampaio, 2022, Bol. Asoc. Herpetol. Esp., 33: 94–96, provided a record for southern Minas Gerais, Brazil, and provided a dot map of the distribution. In the Ololygon catharinae group of Araujo-Vieira, Lourenço, Lacerda, Lyra, Blotto, Ron, Baldo, Pereyra, Suárez-Mayorga, Baêta, Ferreira, Barrio-Amorós, Borteiro, Brandão, Brasileiro, Donnelly, Dubeux, Köhler, Kolenc, Leite, Maciel, Nunes, Orrico, Peloso, Pezzuti, Reichle, Rojas-Runjaic, Silva, Sturaro, Langone, Garcia, Rodrigues, Frost, Wheeler, Grant, Pombal, Haddad, and Faivovich, 2023, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 27 (Special Issue): 61 (see comment under Hylinae). 

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