Ranoidea pearsoniana (Copland, 1961)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylidae > Subfamily: Pelodryadinae > Genus: Ranoidea > Species: Ranoidea pearsoniana

Hyla pearsoni Copland, 1960, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 85: 154. Holotype: AMS R18588, by original designation. Type locality: "branch of Cedar Creek, east of Mt. Glorious, about 20 miles north-west of Brisbane, Queensland", Australia. Junior homonym of Hyla pearsoni Gaige, 1929.

Hyla pearsoniana Copland, 1961, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 86: 168. Replacement name for Hyla pearsoni Copland, 1960.

Litoria pearsoniTyler, 1971, Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 19: 354.

Litoria pearsonianaBarker and Grigg, 1977, Field Guide Aust. Frogs: 56.

Dryopsophus pearsonianaWells and Wellington, 1985, Aust. J. Herpetol., Suppl. Ser., 1: 5. Disagreement in gender.

Dryopsophus pearsonianus — Duellman, Marion, and Hedges, 2016, Zootaxa, 4104: 40.

Ranoidea pearsoniana — Dubois and Frétey, 2016, Dumerilia, 6: 21. 

Common Names

Pearson's Tree Frog (Cogger, 2018, Rept. Amph. Australia, 7th ed.: 181).

Pearson's Green Tree Frog (Barker, Grigg, and Tyler, 1995, Field Guide Aust. Frogs., Ed. 2: 126; Tyler and Knight, 2009, Field Guide Frogs Aust.: 58).

Cascade Treefrog (Ingram, Nattrass, and Czechura, 1993, Mem. Queensland Mus., 33: 222).

Cedar Creek Treefrog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 60).


Elevated areas of southeastern Queensland and extreme northeastern New South Wales, Australia, 200–1000 m elevation.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Australia

Endemic: Australia


In the Litoria citropa group of Tyler and Davies, 1978, Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 27 (63): 20. Cogger, Cameron, and Cogger, 1983, Zool. Cat. Aust., Amph. Rept., 1: 48, considered Litoria pearsoniana to be a junior synonym of Litoria phyllochroa but provided no evidence to contradict evidence of dispecificity provided by Barker and Grigg, 1977, Field Guide Aust. Frogs: 54–56 (call differences), or King, 1981, in Banks and Martin (eds.), Proc. Melbourne Herpetol. Symp.: 172 (chromosomal differences). See McDonald and Davies, 1990, Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust., 114: 145–156, for account. Parris, 2001, Biol. Conserv., 99: 285–292, discussed habitat requirements and range. Donnellan, McGuigan, Knowles, Mahony, and Moritz, 1999, Aust. J. Zool., 47: 275–293, discussed taxonomic issues and species boundaries with other members of the group. See comment under Litoria phyllochroa. See statement of geographic range, habitat, and conservation status in Stuart, Hoffmann, Chanson, Cox, Berridge, Ramani, and Young, 2008, Threatened Amph. World: 616. Hoskin, Hines, Meyer, Clarke, and Cunningham, 2013, Zootaxa, 3646: 427, suggested that Litoria piperata is a junior synonym. Cogger, 2018, Rept. Amph. Australia, 7th ed.: 181–182, provided a brief account (as Litoria nannotis), photograph, and polygon distribution map. Cutajar, Portway, Gillard, and Rowley, 2022, Tech. Rep. Aust. Mus. Online, 36: 30, provided a polygon distribution map (as Litoria pearsoniana). Cutajar and Rowley, 2022, J. Herpetol., 56: 318–323, provided dot- and polygon maps (as Litoria pearsoniana). 

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