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Guibemantis bicalcaratus (Boettger, 1913)
Rhacophorus bicalcaratus Boettger, 1913, in Voeltzkow (ed.), Reise Ost-Afr., 3(4): 320. Syntypes: SMF 1077.5A (23 specimens); SMF 6811 designated lectotype by Mertens, 1967, Senckenb. Biol., 48(A): 48. Type locality: "Insel Ste. Marie", Madagascar.
Rhacophorus (Rhacophorus) bicalcaratus — Ahl, 1931, Das Tierreich, 55: 194.
Gephyromantis bicalcaratus — Guibé, 1975 "1974", Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, Ser. 3, Zool., 266: 1761; Guibé, 1978, Bonn. Zool. Monogr., 11: 55.
Mantidactylus bicalcaratus — Blommers-Schlösser, 1979, Beaufortia, 29: 50; Glaw and Vences, 1992, Fieldguide Amph. Rept. Madagascar: 276.
Mantidactylus (Blommersia) bicalcaratus — Dubois, 1992, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 61: 311.
Mantidactylus (Pandanusicola) bicalcaratus — Glaw and Vences, 1994, Fieldguide Amph. Rept. Madagascar, Ed. 2: 400.
Guibemantis (Pandanusicola) bicalcaratus — Vences and Glaw, 2006, in Vences et al. (eds.), Calls Frogs Madagascar: 16. Glaw and Vences, 2006, Organisms Divers. Evol., 6: 246; by implication; Glaw and Vences, 2006, Organisms Divers. Evol., Electron. Suppl., 11(1): 2.
Common Names
Sainte Marie Madagascar Frog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 101 [appropriateness of this name is now questionable as the mainland populations are now referred to Guibemantis methueni]).
Nosy Boraha on the northeastern Madagascar coast, although expected on the adjacent mainland.
Geographic Occurrence
Natural Resident: Madagascar
Endemic: Madagascar
Prior to the revision by Glaw and Vences, 2006, Organisms Divers. Evol., 6: 236–253, in the Mantidactylus (Blommersia) pulcher group of Dubois, 1992, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 61: 311. Lehtinen, Nussbaum, Richards, Cannatella, and Vences, 2007, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 44: 1121–1129, suggested on the basis of molecular evidence that more than one species masquerades under this name. Glaw and Vences, 2007, Field Guide Amph. Rept. Madagascar, Ed. 3: 202–203, provided an account and noted three similar unnamed species in east-central and southeastern Madagascar. Vences, Rakotoarison, Rakotondrazafy, Ratsoavina, Randrianiaina, Glaw, Lehtinen, and Raxworthy, 2013, Vert. Zool., Senckenberg, 63: 193–205, redelimited and rediagnosed the species, restricted its occurrence of Nosy Boraha and excluded Guibemantis methueni from the synonymy, which then became the name for the relatively wide-ranging mainland populations.
External links:
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- For access to general information see Wikipedia
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- For images search CalPhoto Images and Google Images
- To search the NIH genetic sequence database, see GenBank
- For additional information see AmphibiaWeb report
- For information on conservation status and distribution see the IUCN Redlist
- For information on distribution, habitat, and conservation see the Map of Life
- For related information on conservation and images as well as observations see iNaturalist