Leptobrachella purpuraventra Wang, Li, Li, Chen, and Wang, 2019

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Megophryidae > Subfamily: Leptobrachiinae > Genus: Leptobrachella > Species: Leptobrachella purpuraventra

Leptobrachella purpuraventra J. Wang, Y.L. Li, Y. Li, H.H. Chen, and Y.Y. Wang in Wang, Li, Li, Chen, Zeng, Shen, and Wang, 2019, ZooKeys, 848: 140. Holotype: SYS a007284, by original designation. Type locality: "Jinjiazhai Village (27°7'5.92"N, 105°19'28.47"E; 1890 m a.s.l.) in Wujing Nature Reserve, Chahe Town, Qixingguan District, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, China". http://zoobank.org/0B2C4A25-981B-4AE9-900D-60CAB4E7A560 

Common Names

Purple-bellied Leaf Litter Toad (original publication). 


Known only from the type locality at Jinjiazhai Village in Wujing Nature Reserve, Chahe County, and Baimashan Forest Station in Zhaozishan Nature Reserve, both in Qixingguan District, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, China, 1600 to 1900 m elevation.  

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: China, People's Republic of

Endemic: China, People's Republic of


The sister taxon of Leptobrachella bijie according to the original publication from which it differs in morphology, call, and mtDNA.  

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