Phrynobatrachus arcanus Gvoždík, Nečas, Dolinay, Zimkus, Schmitz, and Fokam, 2020.

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Phrynobatrachidae > Genus: Phrynobatrachus > Species: Phrynobatrachus arcanus

Phrynobatrachus arcanus Gvoždík, Nečas, Dolinay, Zimkus, Schmitz, and Fokam, 2020, PeerJ, 8 (e8393): 16. Holotype: NMP-P6V 74603/1, by original designation. Type locality: "Nigeria–Cameroon border area, Gotel Mountains, Mount Gangirwal (= Chappal Waddi or Cabbal Wade), site 2 (pond in small stream surrounded by shrubs on grassland slope), 7.0398°N, 11.7068°E, 2,250 m". Zoobank publication registration: 71CF018D-9E8B-46CD-A6EA-1F9CCB809765

Common Names

Hidden Puddle Frog (original publication). 


Known only from Mount Gangirwal, Gotel Mountains, Cameroon–Nigeria border, where the species was found at two sites, approximately 2 km from eachother (1.1 km by air), at elevations 1,940 and 2,250 m. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Cameroon, Nigeria


In the Phrynobatrachus arcanus group according to the original publication. 

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