Hylarana intermedia (Rao, 1937)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Ranidae > Genus: Hylarana > Species: Hylarana intermedia

Rana (Hylorana) intermedius Rao, 1937, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Ser. B, 6: 394. Holotype: CCB; now lost according to Dubois, 1984, Alytes, 3: 157. BNHS 5823, from type locality, designated neotype by  Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne, and Meegaskumbura, 2014, Contr. Zool., Amsterdam, 83: 295. Type locality: "Saklespur, Hassan District, Mysore [now Karnataka] State", India. Incorrect gender of species name. 

Sylvirana intermedia —  Das and Dutta, 2007, Hamadryad, 31: 164.

Hylarana intermediusBiju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne, and Meegaskumbura, 2014, Contr. Zool., Amsterdam, 83: 295. Incorrect gender of species name. 

Indosylvirana intermedia — Oliver, Prendini, Kraus, and Raxworthy, 2015, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 90: 190. 

Hylarana intermedia — Dubois, Ohler, and Pyron, 2021, Megataxa, 5: 501, by implication.

Common Names

Rao's Intermediate Golden-backed Frog (Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne, and Meegaskumbura, 2014, Contr. Zool., Amsterdam, 83: 295). 

Rao's Brown-coloured Frog (Chanda, 2002, Handb. Indian Amph.: 115).

Intermediate Golden-backed Frog (Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Deepak, and Kulkarni, 2023, Fauna India Checklist, vers. 5.0 : 10).


Western Ghats north of the Palghat Gap of the states of Karnataka and adjoining regions of Kerala, predominently at elevations between 600 and 1183 m, but also as low as 8 m elevation at Adyar (Mangalore).

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: India

Endemic: India


Removed from the synonymy of Hylarana flavescens by Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne, and Meegaskumbura, 2014, Contr. Zool., Amsterdam, 83: 295 (who provided an account and placed it in their Hylarana aurantiaca group), where it had been placed by Dubois, 1992, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 61: 341. Chanda, 2002, Handb. Indian Amph.: 115, provided a brief account (as Rana intermedius). Das and Dutta, 2007, Hamadryad, 31: 154–181, noted no larval descriptions in the literature. Kamath and Sreekar, 2016, Acta Herpetol., Firenze, 11: 15–20, reported on morphology, ecology, and behavior. 

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