Rana dabieshanensis Wang, Qian, Zhang, Guo, Pan, Wu, Wang, and Zhang, 2017

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Ranidae > Genus: Rana > Species: Rana dabieshanensis

Rana dabieshanensis Wang, Qian, Zhang, Guo, Pan, Wu, Wang, and Zhang, 2017, ZooKeys, 724: 144. Holotype: AHU2016R001, by original designation. Type locality: "Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve, Yuexi County, Anhui Province, China (30°58′16.92″N, 116°04′11.88″E, elevation 1150 m a.s.l.)". http://zoobank.org/B2595A92-AD54-433B-9F0A-C05DF5E68336 

Common Names

Dabie Mountain Brown Frog (original publication). 


High elevations of the Dabie Mountains of Anhui, presumably adjacent Hubei, and possibly to Henan, China, but known with certainty only from the type locality (Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve, Yuexi County, Anhui Province, China). 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: China, People's Republic of

Endemic: China, People's Republic of


In the Rana longicrus group and the sister taxon of Rana hanluica (in error as Rana hanluensis) according to the original publication. Gan, Li, Wan, Li, and Zhang, 2021, MtDNA, Part B, 6: 2418–2419, reported on the complete mtDNA genome. 

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