Rana matsuoi Eto and Matsui, 2023

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Ranidae > Genus: Rana > Species: Rana matsuoi

Rana matsuoi Eto and Matsui, 2023, Curr. Herpetol., Kyoto, 42: 199. Holotype: KMNH 20230419VR-KE2058, by original designation. Type locality: "Arikawa, Nakadori Island, Nagasaki Pref., Japan (32.9679° N, 129.1306° E, 100 m above sea level)". Zoobank LSID: DD797EA6-407E-43FC-BC3F-F2C94D85C235

Common Names

Goto Tago’s Brown Frog (original publication). 


Goto Islands (specifically Nozaki, Nakadori, Wakamatsu, Naru, and Fukue Is.), Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Japan

Endemic: Japan


Previously treated as a population of Rana tagoi, this species was distinguished by Eto and Matsui, 2023, Curr. Herpetol., Kyoto, 42: 191–209, who reviewed earlier literature and provided morphological, mtDNA, and call evidence in support of the taxonomic recognition of this population. 

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