Rana pseudodalmatina Eiselt and Schmidtler, 1971

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Ranidae > Genus: Rana > Species: Rana pseudodalmatina

Rana macrocnemis pseudodalmatina Eiselt and Schmidtler, 1971, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 75: 384. Holotype: NHMW 19790. 4, by original designation. Type locality: "Weyser (SW Chalus = Tschalus), 1150 m ü. d. M., Prov. Mazanderan", Iran.

Rana pseudodalmatinaVeith, Kosuch, and Vences, 2003, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 26: 325.

Rana (Rana) pseudodalmatina — Yuan, Zhou, Chen, Poyarkov, Chen, Jang-Liaw, Chou, Matzke, Iizuka, Min, Kuzmin, Zhang, Cannatella, Hillis, and Che, 2016, Syst. Biol., 65: 835.

Common Names

Hircanian Wood Frog (Safaei-Mahroo, Ghaffari, Fahimi, Broomand, Yazdanian, Najafi-Majd, Hosseinian Yousefkani, Rezazadeh, Hosseinzadeh, Nasrabadi, Mashayekhi, Motesharei, Naderi, and Kazemi, 2015, Asian Herpetol. Res., 6: 266). 

Hyrcanian Frog (Dufresnes, 2019, Amph. Eur., N. Afr., & Middle East: 97). 


Southwestern and southern margin of the Caspian Sea in the Hyrcanian forests of Iran (Mazandaran, Gilan, Golestan and Ardabil provinces), east to the District of Balkan, Turkmenistan, and north into southern Republic of Azerbaijan in the districts of Astara, Lenkoran, Lerik, Masally, Yardymly, and Jalilabad. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan


Veith, Kosuch, and Vences, 2003, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 26: 310-327, and Veith, Schmidtler, Kosuch, Baran, and Seitz, 2003, Mol. Ecol., 12: 185-199, provided evidence that Rana pseudodalmatina is distinct from Rana macrocnemis. Anderson, 1978, Herpetol. Rev., 9: 22, provided a record for Mazanderan Province in northern Iran and noted the more westerly records in Iran. Kami and Vakilpoure, 1996, Herpetol. Rev., 27: 150, provided a record for Ardabil Province, Iran, and commented on the range. Safaei-Mahroo, Ghaffari, Fahimi, Broomand, Yazdanian, Najafi-Majd, Hosseinian Yousefkani, Rezazadeh, Hosseinzadeh, Nasrabadi, Mashayekhi, Motesharei, Naderi, and Kazemi, 2015, Asian Herpetol. Res., 6: 257–290, reported on distribution and conservation status in Iran. Picariello, Safaei-Mahroo, and Chinali, 2018, Salamandra, 54: 269–277, provided satellite DNA evidence in support of the species status of this taxon. Najibzadeh, Gharzi, Rastegar-Pouyani, Rastegar-Pouyani, and Pesarakloo, 2018, Russ. J. Genet., 54: 1221–1228, reported on mtDNA geographic variation. See Dufresnes, 2019, Amph. Eur., N. Afr., & Middle East: 97, for brief summary of identifying morphology and biology, a range map, as well as a photograph. Kidov and Litvinchuk, 2021, Russ. J. Herpetol., 28: 97–107, discussed range, habitat, and conservation status in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Safaei-Mahroo, Ghaffari, and Niamir, 2023, Zootaxa, 5279: 1–112, provided for Iran an identification key including this species, photographs, habitat and conservation threats, a review of the literature, discussion of nomenclature and systematics, as well as dot and modeled distribution maps. Hosseinian Yousefkani, Shafiei Bafti, Rezazadeh Mashizi, and Moeinadini, 2024, North-West. J. Zool., Romania, 20(e242501): 85–89, discussed the possible effects of climate change on the range in Iran and provided a current dot map for that country.   

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