Raorchestes andersoni (Ahl, 1927)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Rhacophoridae > Subfamily: Rhacophorinae > Genus: Raorchestes > Species: Raorchestes andersoni

Ixalus tuberculatus Anderson, 1879 "1878", Anat. Zool. Res.: 845. Holotype: Presumably originally deposited in the ZSIC, presumed lost by Bossuyt and Dubois, 2001, Zeylanica, 6: 38. Type locality: "on leval marshy flats on the banks of the Nampoung [= Nanben River] in the centre of the Kakhyen Hills", Yingjiang County, Yunnan, China. Secondary homonym of Polypedates tuberculatus Anderson, 1871, when both are in Rhacophorus.  

Rhacophorus andersoni Ahl, 1927, Sitzungsber. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1927: 36. Replacement name for Ixalus tuberculatus. Inasmuch as the substitute name was proposed prior to 1961 Ixalus tuberculatus Anderson cannot be resurrected (Art. 59.3, International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1999). 

Rhacophorus (Philautus) andersoniAhl, 1931, Das Tierreich, 55: 53, 67.

Philautus tuberculatusBourret, 1942, Batr. Indochine: 92; Fei, Ye, and Huang, 1990, Key to Chinese Amph.: 178.

Philautus andersoniiBourret, 1942, Batr. Indochine: 452. Incorrect subsequent spelling.

Rhacophorus (Philautus) andersoniBourret, 1942, Batr. Indochine: 452.

Philautus andersoniBourret, 1942, Batr. Indochine: 452; Inger, 1985, in Frost (ed.), Amph. Species World 526.

Philautus (Philautus) tuberculatusBossuyt and Dubois, 2001, Zeylanica, 6: 28. See comment.

Aquixalus tuberculatusFei, Hu, Ye, and Huang, 2009, Fauna Sinica, Amph. 2: 714. See comment above and under Philautus.

Theloderma andersoniLi, Che, Murphy, Zhao, Zhao, Rao, and Zhang, 2009, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 53: 520.

Liuixalus tuberculatus —  Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2012, Colored Atlas Chinese Amph. Distr.: 513.

Theloderma (Theloderma) andersoni — Poyarkov, Orlov, Moiseeva, Pawangkhanant, Ruangsuwan, Vassilieva, Galoyan, Nguyen, and Gogoleva, 2015, Russ. J. Herpetol., 22: 276. 

Theloderma tuberculatus — Hou, Yu, Chen, Liao, Zhang, Chen, Li, and Orlov, 2017, Russ. J. Herpetol., 24: 114. Exclusion from Theloderma, placed provisionally in that genus previously, with the implication that the species may belong in Raorchestes

Raorchestes andersoni — Chen, Prendini, Wu, Zhang, Suwannapoom, Chen, Jin, Lemmon, Lemmon, Stuart, Raxworthy, Murphy, Yuan, and Che, 2020, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 145 (106724): 4.  

Common Names

Anderson's Bubble-nest Frog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 111; Li, Zhao, and Dong, 2010, Amph. Rept. Tibet: 70).

Anderson's Bush Frog (Das and Dutta, 1998, Hamadryad, 23: 66; Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Gururaja, and Bhatta, 2009, Rec. Zool. Surv. India, Occas. Pap., 302: 93; Li, Zhao, and Dong, 2010, Amph. Rept. Tibet: 70).

Tubercled Small Treefrog (Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2012, Colored Atlas Chinese Amph. Distr.: 513). 

Tuberculate Shrubfrog (Zug, 2022, Smithson. Contrib. Zool., 653: 44).

Kakhyen Hill Bush Frog (Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Deepak, and Kulkarni, 2023, Fauna India Checklist, vers. 5.0 : 13).


Northeastern India (Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya. Assam, Mizoram, Nagaland), southeastern Tibet, and adjacent Yunnan (China); Kaptail National Park, southeastern Bangladesh; southern Bhutan; expected in northern Myanmar. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, People's Republic of, India

Likely/Controversially Present: Myanmar


See account by Bourret, 1942, Batr. Indochine: 452–453. Fei, 1999, Atlas Amph. China: 260-261, provided a brief account (under Philautus tuberculatus), map (excluding Yunnan), and figure. See Bossuyt and Dubois, 2001, Zeylanica, 6: 28, for a discussion of nomenclature and their interpretation of Article 59.3 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1999). Chanda, 2002, Handb. Indian Amph.: 147–148, and Sarkar and Ray, 2006, In Alfred (ed.), Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, Part 1: 308, provided a brief report for Arunachal Pradesh. Das and Dutta, 2007, Hamadryad, 31: 154–181, noted no larval descriptions in the literature (as Philautus andersonii). Fei, Hu, Ye, and Huang, 2009, Fauna Sinica, Amph. 2: 714–717, provided an account (as Aquixalus tuberculatus) and a spot map, and implied its inclusion in what is now referred to as Theloderma. Sen and Mathew, 2009, Rec. Zool. Surv. India, Occas. Pap., 285: 126, provided a specific record for Nagaland, northeastern India. Mathew and Sen, 2010, Pict. Guide Amph. NE India: 94–95, provided a brief characterization and a photographs. Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2010, Colored Atlas of Chinese Amph.: 433, provided a brief account for China (as Aquixalus tuberculatus). Li, Zhao, and Dong, 2010, Amph. Rept. Tibet: 70–71, provided an account (as Philautus andersoni) for Xizang, China. Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2012, Colored Atlas Chinese Amph. Distr.: 513, provided an account (as Liuixalus tuberculatus), photographs, and a range map for China. In the subgenus Theloderma, Theloderma leporosum species group of Poyarkov, Orlov, Moiseeva, Pawangkhanant, Ruangsuwan, Vassilieva, Galoyan, Nguyen, and Gogoleva, 2015, Russ. J. Herpetol., 22: 276. Hou, Yu, Chen, Liao, Zhang, Chen, Li, and Orlov, 2017, Russ. J. Herpetol., 24: 114–115, discussed the nomenclature of the species, apparently unaware that Art. 59.3 of the Code prevents Ixalus tuberculatus Anderson, 1879, from priority. These authors also argued that on the basis of morphological similarity to Philautus longchuanensis that this species is not a member of Theloderma, but possibly in Raorchestes. Subsequently transferred to Raorchestes by Chen, Prendini, Wu, Zhang, Suwannapoom, Chen, Jin, Lemmon, Lemmon, Stuart, Raxworthy, Murphy, Yuan, and Che, 2020, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 145 (106724): 4. Ahmad and Mim, 2020, IRCF Rept. & Amph., 27: 36–41, reported the species (as Theloderma andersoni) from Bandarban District, southeastern Bangladesh. Che, Jiang, Yan, and Zhang, 2020, Amph. Rept. Tibet: 354–359, provided a detailed account (as Raorchestes cf. tuberculatus) for Tibet, China. Zug, 2022, Smithson. Contrib. Zool., 653: 44, briefly discussed habitat,  range, and identification in Myanmar. Wangyal and Jamtsho, 2022, Hamadryad, 39: 12–19, reported the species (photo voucher only) from Zangling village, Shingkhar Gewog (sub-District), Zhemgang District, southern Bhutan. 

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