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Running log of changes and additions, 2018
I attempt to summarize here what work I have done on ASW starting 1 January 2018. This log will not include error corrections and the like and I cannot promise that there will not be errors of omission or commission inasmuch as this log is not being constructed automatically and focuses on publications rather than on particular changes and fixes.
31 December 2018: Added Chiropterotriton aureus and Chiropterotriton nubilis (Plethodontidae), named by García-Castillo, Soto-Pozos, Aguilar-López, Pineda-Arredondo, and Parra-Olea, 2018, Amph. Rept. Conserv., 12 (2: e167): 37–54, from, respectively, the Western side of Sierra de Chiconquiaco, part of the Sierra Madre Oriental in central Veracruz, Mexico, and eastern slopes of Cofre de Perote in central Veracruz, Mexico. The authors also noted at least four unnamed species in this genus and provided a tree of the species of Chiropterotriton.
28 December 2018: Added a comment under Physalaemus cuvieri (Leptodactylidae) noting the publication of Miranda, Maciel, Lima-Ribeiro, Colli, Haddad, and Collevatti, 2018 "2019", Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 132: 67–80, who reported on molecular biogeography.
28 December 2018: Modified the range statement for Leptodactylus jolyi (Leptodactylidae) and added a comment under that species record noting the publication of Neves, Pereira Silva, Lima, Folly, Oliveira, Santana, and Feio, 2017, Herpetol. Notes, 10: 297–311, who discussed call differences between typical Leptodactylus jolyi and a population found in the Serra Negra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and discussed problems of identification relative to Leptodactylus sertanejo.
27 December 2018: Added comments under Lithobates areolatus, Lithobates capito, Lithobates sevosus, and Lithobates palustris (Ranidae), noting the publication of Lannoo, Stiles, Saenz, and Hibbitts, 2018, Copeia, 2018: 575–579, who reported on comparative call characteristics within the subgenus Nenirana.
27 December 2018: Added Craugastor aenigmaticus (Craugastoridae), named by Arias, Chaves, and Parra-Olea, 2018, Phyllomedusa, 17: 211–232, from high elevations in the Sierra de Talamanca, Costa Rica.
27 December 2018: Added comments under Rhinella merianae and Rhinella granulosa (Bufonidae), noting the publication of Giaretta, Haga, and Andrade, 2018, Phyllomedusa, 17: 255–265, who reported on their advertisement calls.
27 December 2018: Revised the distributions of and added comments under Scinax iquitorum and Scinax onca (Hylidae) to reflect the publication of Chávez, 2018, Phyllomedusa, 17: 279–283, who reassigned the Brazilian records of Scinax iquitorum to Scinax onca, and provided a record for Scinax onca for Amazonian Peru.
27 December 2018: Modified the synonymy of Xenopus petersii (Pipidae) noting the lectotype designation and discussion of types by Frétey, Dewynter, and Ohler, 2018, Bionomina, 13: 37–50.
27 December 2018: Added a comment under Nectocaecilia petersii (Typhlonectidae), noting the publication of Fraga, Santos, Souza, Kawashita-Ribeiro, Ribeiro, and Maciel, 2018, Phyllomedusa, 17: 289–293, who provided a record for Pará, Brazil, and discussed its natural history.
24 December 2018: Added comments throughout the Angolan species, noting the publication of Marques, Ceríaco, Blackburn, and Bauer, 2018, Proc. California Acad. Sci., Ser. 4, 65 (Suppl. II): 1–501, who provided maps for Angola and brief discussions of the literature.
21 December 2018: Added comments under Tylototriton and Tylototriton anhuiensis (Salamandridae), noting the publication of Han, Wu, Qian, Sun, Zhang, and Pan, 2018, MtDNA, Part B, 3: 1300–1301, who provided a ML tree of the species and discussed the complete mt genome of Tylototriton anhuiensis.
21 December 2018: Added a comment under Pelophylax bedriagae (Ranidae) noting the publication of Pesarakloo, Najibzadeh, Rastegar-Pouyani, and Rastegar-Pouyani, 2018, Biologia, Bratislava, 73: 673–681, who reported on bioacoustics and morphometrics of the western Iran population.
21 December 2018: Added comments under Leptopelis (Arthroleptidae) and Leptopelis gramineus, noting the publication of Reyes-Velasco, Manthey, Freilich, and Boissinot, 2018, Mol. Ecol., 27: 2256–2270, who discussed the molecular phylogenetics of the species of Leptopelis in the Ethiopian highlands, showing showing Leptopelis gramineus to be a species complex.
20 December 2018: Modified the range statement of Bombina variegata (Bombinatoridae), noting the publication of Bülbül, Kurnaz, Eroğlu, Koç, and Kutrup, 2018, Russ. J. Herpetol., 25: 236–238, who mapped the range in Turkey and discussed its conservation and threat conditions in that country.
20 December 2018: Modified the range statement for Odorrana gigatympana (Ranidae) and added a comment under that record noting the publication of Nguyen, Pham, Do, Ziegler, and Nguyen, 2018, Russ. J. Herpetol., 25: 239–244, who reported on that species' natural history, range, revised diagnosis, and description.
20 December 2018: Added Hyloscirtus hillisi (Hylidae), named by Ron, Caminer, Varela-Jaramillo, and Almeida-Reinoso, 2018, ZooKeys, 809: 97–105, from "Ecuador, Provincia Morona Santiago, Caverns-cascade trail, Reserva Biológica El Quimi, on the slopes of flat-topped mountain on the eastern side of the Río Quimi valley (3.5190S, 78.3788W), 2128 m above sea level". Also added a comment under Hyloscirtus noting the phylogenetics and biogeography of the species within the genus presented in the paper as well.
20 December 2018: Added a comment under Eupsophus (Alsodidae), noting the publication of Suárez-Villota, Quercia, and Nuñez, 2018, J. Genomics, 6: 98–102, who reported on molecular phylogenetics of the species.
20 December 2018: Modified the range statements and added comments under Alsodes barrioi and Alsodes vanzolinii (Alsodidae) reflecting the publication of Flores Flores, 2018, Biodiversity Nat. Hist., Concepción, Chile, 4: 1–7, who provided new geographic records and a dot map for the species.
20 December 2018: Added comments under Cardioglossa schioetzi and Leptodactylodon bicolor (Arthroleptidae) noting the publication of Arroyo-Lambaer, Chapman, Hale, and Blackburn, 2018, PLoS One, 13(8: e0202010): 1–17, wo reported on conservation genetics.
20 December 2018: Added comments under Ischnocnema (Brachycephalidae) as well as the members of the Ischnocnema guentheri series (Ischnocnema erythromera, Ischnocnema guentheri, Ischnocnema henselii, Ischnocnema nasuta, and Ischnocnema oea) noting the publication of Taucce, Canedo, Haddad, Lemmon, Lemmon, Vences, and Lyra, 2018, MtDNA, Part B, 3: 915–917, who reported on the mtDNA genome of these taxa and their phylogenetics.
20 December 2018: Added comments under Rhacophoridae and Pseudophilautus, noting the publication of Meegaskumbura, Senevirathne, Manamendra-Arachchi, Pethiyagoda, Hanken, and Schneider, 2019 "2018", Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 132: 14–24, who discussed molecular phylogenetics and biogeography, primarily of Pseudophilautus, but with reference to general structure of the genera within Rhacophoridae.
20 December 2018: Modified the range statement for Leptodactylus nesiotus (Leptodactylidae) and added a comment noting the publication of Jairam and Fouquet, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 997–999, who provided first country records for French Guiana, Surinam, and Guyana.
19 December 2018: Added Microhyla darreli (Microhylidae), named by Garg, Suyesh, Das, Jiang, Wijayathilaka, Amarasinghe, Alhadi, Vineeth, Aravind, Senevirathne, Meegaskumbura, and Biju, 2018 "2019", Vert. Zool., Senckenberg, 69: 1–77, from Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala state, India. The authors also revised the species of South Asia.
19 December 2018: Added a comment under Bokermannohyla saxicola (Hylidae), noting the publication of Nascimento, Chaves, Leite, Eterovick, and Santos, 2018, PLoS One, 13 (11: e0206732): 1–19, wh reported on molecular phylogeography, noting four deeply divergent mtDNA clades that, if corroborated by nuDNA, calls, and morphology might be distinct species.
19 December 2018: Added a comment under Nyctimantis rugiceps (Hylidae), noting the publication of Souza, Rivera-Correa, Padial, and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2018, Zootaxa, 4532: 441–443, who reported on advertisement call and natural history.
19 December 2018: Added Phyzelaphryne nimio (Eleutherodactylidae), named by Simões, Costa, Rojas-Runjaic, Gagliardi-Urrutia, Sturaro, Peloso, and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2018, Zootaxa, 4532: 203–230, from an area of terra-firme forest on the west bank of the Juami River (Canal da Inveja), within Estação Ecológica Juami-Japurá, state of Amazonas, Brazil.
13 December 2018: Added Arthroleptis wageri (Arthroleptidae), removed from the synonymy of Arthroleptis wahlbergi by Tolley, Conradie, Harvey, Measey, and Blackburn, 2018, Afr. Zool., 53: 83–97, who reported on the molecular biogeography of the complex.
13 December 2018: Added Rhinatrema gilbertogili (Rhinatrematidae), from Porto Tombetes, Plateau Almeidas, municipality of Oriximiná, state of Pará, Brazil, and Rhinatrema uaiuai, from Serra do Acaraí, ESEC Grão-Pará Norte, municipality of Oriximiná, State of Pará, Brazil, named by Maciel, Sampaio, Hoogmoed, and Schneider, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13:: 287–299. The authors also transferred Epicrionops niger to Rhinatrema, proposed a phylogenetic hypothesis of the species in the genus, and provided a dot map for the species.
11 December 2018: Added a comment under Sarcohyla bistincta (Hylidae), noting the publication by Zarza, Connors, Maley, Tsai, Heimes, Kaplan, and McCormack, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e6045): 1–25, who discussed cryptic lineages within nominal Sarcohyla bistinca.
11 December 2018: Added Pseudopaludicola matuta (Leptodactylidae), named by Andrade, Haga, Lyra, Carvalho, Haddad, Giaretta, and Toledo, 2018, Eur. J. Taxon., 480: 1–25, from the southern foothills of the Serra do Cipó, municipality of Curvelo, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
9 December 2018: Added comments under Bokermannohyla pseudopseudis and Bokermannohyla sapiranga (Hylidae), noting the publication of Lins, Magalhães, Costa, Brandão, Py-Daniel, Miranda, Maciel, Nomura, and Pezzuti, 2018, Zootaxa, 4527: 501–520, who provided a comparative description of the larvae.
7 December 2018: Added comments under Microhyla and the relevant species of that genus noting the publication of Firdaus, Ratih, Karima, Kusuma, and Suastika, 2018, Bioinform. Biomed. Res. J., 1: 1–6, reported on the mtDNA phylogenetic relationships of the species of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and peninsular Malaysia.
6 December 2018: Added Pristimantis gralarias (Craugastoridae), named by Guayasamin, Arteaga-Navarro, and Hutter, 2018, Zootaxa, 4527: 323–334, from the Reserva Las Gralarias, Pichincha Province, Ecuador.
6 December 2018: Added comments under Anura and the natatanuran frog families noting the publication of Yuan, Zhang, Raxworthy, Weisrock, Hime, Jin, Lemmon, Lemmon, Holland, Kortyna, Zhou, Peng, Che, and Prendini, 2018, Natl. Sci. Rev., Beijing, 6: 1–5, who reported on phylogenetics and biogeography of natatanuran frogs.
5 December 2018: Added Siren reticulata (Sirenidae), named by Graham, Kline, Steen, and Kelehear, 2018, PLoS One, 13 (12: e0207460): 1–16, from the environs of Lake Jackson, on the Florida–Alabama line, but found in the western end of the Florida Panhandle and west to the western side of the Mobile Embayment.
5 December 2018: Added a comment under Aneides aeneus (Plethodontidae), noting the publication of Newman, Barrett, and Dillman, 2018, J. Herpetol., 52: 438–444, who reported on estimated abundance and habitat variables. I recently was made aware of just how little abundance and detailed microhabitat data we have on any amphibian species we have. And, NSF is, at least in the biological sciences, is no longer interested in supporting life history and abundance studies. This is poor timing in my view, with climate change churning up to have horrific effects on amphibians, biodiversity generally, and the future of human society. We need as much life history data as we can get.
5 December 2018: Added Brasilotyphlus dubium (Siphonopidae), named by Correia, Nunes, Gamble, Maciel, Marques-Souza, Fouquet, Rodrigues, and Mott, 2018, Zootaxa, 4527: 186–196, from Serra da Maroquinha, Mucajaí municipality, Roraima, Brazil.
5 December 2018: Added Scinax strussmannae (Hylidae), named by Ferrão, Moravec, Kaefer, Fraga, and Lima, 2018, J. Herpetol., 52: 473–486, from Nascentes do Lago Jari National Park, Purus-Madeira Interfluve municipality of Tapauá, State of Amazonas, Brazil.
4 December 2018: Added a bunch of comments in the plethodontids records under species that occur in the Sierra Zongolica, Veracruz, Mexico, to reflect the accounts in Cázares-Hernández, Molohua Tzitzihua, Méndez Quiahua, Quiahua Colotl, Temoxtle Marquez, Rodriguez Merino, and Apale Pacheco, 2018, Tlaconetes: 1–92, a book, in both Spanish and Nahuatl, about this particular fauna, loaded with great photographs as well as life history information, habitat, and conservation status, as well as noting several unnamed species.
4 December 2018: Added three new species of the Oophaga histrionica group (Dendrobatidae) from the Chocoan region of western Colombia: Oophaga anchicayensis, Oophaga andresi, and Oophaga solanensis, which required the redelimitation of the range statement of Oophaga histrionica, all from the publication Posso-Terranova and Andrés, 2018, Mol. Ecol., 27: 3432–3451, who discussed the morphological and molecular evidence to delimit these species, and to address their conservation status.
4 December 2018: Added a comment under Pithecopus ayeaye (Phyllomedusidae) noting the publication of Magalhães, Lemes, Camargo, Oliveira, Brandão, Thomassen, Garcia, Leite, and Santos, 2017, Ecol. Evol., 7: 8812–8828, who reported on potential range and conservation.
4 December 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Pithecopus centralis (Phyllomedusidae), noting the publication of Magalhães, Rocha, Santos, Strüssmann, and Giaretta, 2018, J. Nat. Conserv., 45: 1–10, who reported on range, call, morphometric and molecular diagnosis, conservation, and confusion with other species.
4 December 2018: Added a comment under Plethodon cinereus (Plethodontidae), noting the publication of. Moore, Ouellet, and Lambert, 2018, Frontiers Biogeograph., 9(4: e 33282): 1–14, who modeled the change in potential range under climate change; the future is not pretty.
28 November 2018: Modified the range statement of Pseudis minuta (Pseudidae) and added a comment noting the publication by Vera Candioti, D’Andrea, and Brodeur, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 897–900, who provided a record from southern Santa Fe Province, Argentina, and discussed the range.
28 November 2018: Modified the range statement of Melanophryniscus spectabilis (Bufonidae) and added a comment noting the substantial range extension published by Reynaud, Hiert, Balestrin, and Miranda, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 593–597, who provided a record from Faxinal do Céu Botanical Garden, Pinhão municipality, Paraná state, Brazil, 1100 m elevation.
28 November 2018: Added a comment under Alytes obstetricans (Alytidae), noting the publication by Allain and Goodman, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 451–454, who reported on the absence of chytrid fungus in an introduced population in Cambridge, England (UK).
28 November 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Arthroleptis palava (Arthroleptidae), noting the publication of Dolinay, Tasse Taboue, Fokam, and Gvoždík, 3018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 557–560, who reported the species from Mount Gangirwal in the Gotel Mountains, Cameroon–Nigeria border, 1890 m elevation, and from the Tchabal Mbabo, 2060 m elevation, Cameroon, and added an elevational extension on the Bambenda Highlands of Cameroon.
28 November 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Ischnocnema penaxavantinho (Craugastoridae), noting the publication of Assis, Guedes, Savignon, and Feio, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 561–563, who provided a third locality in Minas Gerais, Brazil, discussed the range, and compared the advertisement call to that of Ischnocnema juipoca.
28 November 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Pristimantis boulengeri (Craugastoridae), noting the publication of Ríos-Soto and Ospina-L., 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 719–723, who reported on the advertisement call from a population in the Cordillera Central (Tolima), Colombia, and provided a range map.
28 November 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Megophrys rubrimera (Megophryidae) to reflect the publication of Tapley, Cutajar, Nguyen, Nguyen, Harding, Portway, Luong, and Rowley, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 865–868, who provided a record from the Hoang Lien Range (Mount Ky Quan San), Bat Xat Nature Reserve, Bat Xat District, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam, 2153 m elevation.
28 November 2018: Added a comment under, and modified the range statement for Physalaemus feioi (Leptodactylidae), to reflect the publication of Rocha, Assis, and Pereira Silva, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 893–896, who provided a record for the state of Rio de Janeiro, as well as discussing and mapping the range.
28 November 2018: Added a comment under Dryophytes japonicus (Hylidae), noting the publication of Maslova, Jang, Zhestkov, and Borzée, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 1007–1008, who reported on color variants in Russia and South Korea.
27 November 2018: Added a comment under Adelphobates galactonotus (Dendrobatidae), noting the publication of Santos, Dantas, and Nomura, 2018, Zootaxa, 4422: 287–290, who described the larva.
27 Novembe 2018: Added comment under Centrolene (Centrolenidae) and Centrolene buckleyi, noting the publication of Amador, Parada, D’Elía, and Guayasamin: 1–20, who provided molecular evidence that nominal Centrolene buckleyi is composed of at least three species, none of which is each other's closest relative, one in southern Ecuador, two (including Centrolene buckleyi sensu stricto) in northern Ecuador, and another in central Andean Colombia, with the edges remaining unknown.
27 November 2018: Added a comment under Afrixalus knysnae (Hyperoliidae), noting the publication of De Lange and Du Preez, 2018, Zootaxa, 4521: 121–124, who described the larva and commented on aspects of reproductive biology.
27 November 2018: Added a comment under Atelopus hoogmoedi (Bufonidae), noting the publication of Costa-Campos and Carvalho, 2018, Zootaxa, 4521: 141–144, who reported on the advertisement call from Amapá, Brazil, and compared it to that of Atelopus barbotini, Atelopus flavescens, and Atelopus franciscus.
27 November 2018: Added a comment under Bufotes variabilis (Bufonidae), noting the publication of Oraie, Rastegar-Pouyani, Khosravani, and Adibi, 2018, Acta Zool. Bulgarica, 70: 297–303, who found identical mtDNA haplotypes of nominal Bufotes kavirensis and Bufotes variabilis in southern Iran, further justifying their synonymy.
27 November 2018: Added a comment under Rhacophorus feae (Rhacophoridae), noting the publication of Kane, Michaels, and Tapley, 2018, Zootaxa, 4504: 138–144,who reported on larval development.
27 November 2018: Added a comment under Raorchestes tinniens (Rhacophoridae) noting the publication of Leona Princy and Kannan, 2018, Alytes, 35: 68–74, who reported on the direct development of eggs to froglets.
27 November 2018: Added comments under Elachistocleis carvalhoi (Microhylidae), Elachistocleis helianneae, Elachistocleis magna, Elachistocleis matogrosso, Elachistocleis muiraquitan, and Elachistocleis surumu, noting the publication of Marinho, Carvalho, Bang, Teixeira, Azarak, Costa-Campos, and Giaretta, 2018, Zootaxa, 4521: 357–375, who discussed these species' advertisement calls, intraspecific variation, and diagnosis.
27 November 2018: Added a comment under Trachycephalus typhonius (Hylidae), noting the publication of Zaracho, Aguiar, and Giaretta, 2018, Zootaxa, 4521: 414–416, who reported on geographic variation in the advertisement call and suggested on these data the possibility of cryptic species.
27 November 2018: Added comments under Pleurodeles waltl and Salamandra algira (Salamandridae) noting the publication of Hernandez, 2018, Herpetol. Bull., London, 144: 19–21, who discussed the ranges in Morocco and provided new cave localities for both species.
27 November 2018: Added a comment under Onychodactylus koreanus (Hynobiidae) noting the publication of Suk, Lee, Bae, Lee, Poyarkov, Lee, and Min, 2018, MtDNA, Part A, 29: 650–658, wo reported on mtDNA haplotype distribution, suggesting multiple species under this name, and discussing its conservation management.
26 November 2018: Added a comment under Sphaenorhynchus cappellei (Hylidae) and modified its range statement, reflecting the publication of Thompson, Medina-Rangel, and Ruiz-Valderrama, 2018, Check List, 14: 945–949, who provided the first Colombia record in Caquetá, a 1000 km range extension west of the nearest locality in Venezuela.
26 November 2018: Modified the Pristimantis viridis (Craugastoridae) account to reflect the publication of Pinto-Erazo and Rada, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4: 65–69, who provided a detailed review of taxonomy, morphology, life history, range, and conservation.
26 November 2018: Added a comment under Nymphargus megacheirus (Centrolenidae), noting the publication of Arcila-Pérez and Rada, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4: 54–58, who provided a detailed review of taxonomy, morphology, life history, range, and conservation.
26 November 2018: Modified the account for Dendropsophus ebraccatus (Hylidae) to reflect the detailed review, photographs and map for Colombia by Ospina-L. and Touchon, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4: 37–47.
26 November 2018: Modified the range statement for, and added a comment to the account for "Centrolene" acanthidiocephalum (Centrolenidae) to reflect the detailed account, literature review, and dot map by Ríos-Soto and Rada, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4: 24–28.
20 November 2018: Many changes made to reflect the revision of Megophrys from northeastern India by Mahony, Kamei, Teeling, and Biju, 2018, Zootaxa, 4523: 1–96: Added three new species previously confused with Megophrys major or Megophrys glandulosa (1: Megophrys flavipunctata, from Meghalaya and Nagaland; 2: Megophrys oreocrypta, West Garo Hills district of Meghalaya state; 3: Megophrys himalayana, from Arunachal Pradesh; 4: Megophrys periosa, Arunachal Pradesh). Resurrected Megophrys monticola from the synonymy of Megophrys parva, but included Megophrys sanu (Deuti, Grosjean, Nicola, Vasudevan, and Ohler, 2017) into the synonymy of Megophrys monticola). Also modified range statements and added comments noting the accounts provided for Megophrys zhangi, Megophrys robusta, Megophrys medogensis, Megophrys major, Megophrys flavipunctata, and Megophrys glandulosa.
20 November 2018: Added a comment under Amphibia noting the brief publication of Wake and Koo, 2018, Curr. Biol., 28: 1221–1242, who provided an outline of the phylogenetics and conservation threats of Amphibia.
20 November 2018: Added comments under Brachycephalus (Brachycephalidae) and Melanophryniscus (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Pie, Faircloth, Ribeiro, Bornschein, and McCormack, 2018, Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 125: 72–82, who reported on phylogenetics and biogeography of the species in the southern Atlantic forest of Brazil.
20 November 2018: Added a comment under Chioglossa lusitanica (Salamandridae), noting the publication of Aguilar, Madeira, Crespo, and Rebelo, 2018, Herpetol. J., 28: 148–154, who discussed the 1943 introduction and continued existence of the population near Lisbon, Portugal.
20 November 2018: Added a comment under Dryophytes immaculatus (Hylidae), noting the publication of Borzée, Kong, Didinger, Nguyen, and Jang, 2018, Herpetol. J., 28: 160–170, who discussed mtDNA phylogeography in apparent ignorance of the recent synonymy of the presumably allopatric species Dryophytes immaculatus and Dryophytes suweonensis.
20 November 2018: Added a comment under Bokermannohyla martinsi (Hylidae), noting the publication of Magalhães, Lacerda, Reis, Garcia, and Pinheiro, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 202–209, who discussed sexual dimorphism and reported male-male combat.
10 November 2018: Transferred the species of Hypodactylus (Craugastoridae) into Niceforonia, following Acosta-Galvis, Streicher, Manuelli, Cuddy, and de Sá, 2018, Zootaxa, 4514: 487–500, who made the synonymy and discussed relationships among the species.
4 November 2018: Added a comment under Dermatonotus muelleri (Microhylidae), noting the publication of. Oliveira, Gehara, São Pedro, Costa, Burbrink, Colli, Rodrigues, and Garda: 2508–2519, who reported on molecular phylogeography of the species, noting two distinct lineages, a Southwest lineage in the Chaco and western Cerrado region in Brazil, northern Argentina, eastern Bolivia presumably Paraguay, and a Northeast lineage in the eastern Cerrado and Caatinga in Brazil.
2 November 2018: Added Limnonectes kiziriani (Dicroglossidae), named by Pham, Le, Ngo, Ziegler, and Nguyen, 2018, Zootaxa, 4508: 115–130, from Sao La Nature Reserve, A Luoi District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam.
2 November 2018: Added a comment under Boana stellae (Hylidae), noting the publication of Widholzer and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2018, Zootaxa, 4508: 582–586, who reported on larval morphology.
1 November 2018: Added Megophrys fansipanensis (Megophryidae) and Megophrys hoanglienensis, named by Tapley, Cutajar, Mahony, Nguyen, Dau, Luong, Le, Nguyen, Nguyen, Portway, Luong, and Rowley, 2018, Zootaxa, 4508: 301–333, named from the Hoang Lien Range, northern Vietnam, both presumably to be found in adjacent Yunnan, China.
30 October 2018: Added a comment under Rana graeca (Ranidae) noting the publication of Šunje, Jelić, and Vörös, 2018, Salamandra, 54: 278–282,who reported on molecular phylogeography in the Balkan Peninsula.
30 October 2018: Added a comment under Rana pseudodalmatina (Ranidae) noting the publication of Picariello, Safaei-Mahroo, and Chinali, 2018, Salamandra, 54: 269–277, who provided satellite DNA evidence in support of the species status of this taxon
29 October 2018: Added a comment under Chiasmocleis (Microhylidae) and in the synonymies of the species, noting the publication of de Sá, Tonini, van Huss, Long, Cuddy, Forlani, Peloso, Zaher, and Haddad, 2018 "2019", Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 130: 198–210, reported on the phylogenetics and biogeography of the species, coining a new subgeneric name, Relictus, for Chiasmocleis gnoma, and employing Syncope as Chiasmocleis as other subgenera, reflected in the species synonymies.
29 October 2018: Added a comment under Salamandra algira (Salamandridae), noting the publication by Dinis, Merabet, Martínez-Freiría, Steinfartz, Vences, Burgon, Elmer, Donaire-Barroso, Hinckley, Fahd, Joger, Fawzi, Slimani, and Velo-Antón, 2018 "2019", Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 130: 81–91, reported on the allopatric diversification and biogeography over the entire range.
28 October 2018: Added Minervarya muangkanensis (Dicroglossidae), named as Fejervarya muangkanensis by Suwannapoom, Yuan, Jiang, Yan, Gao, and Che, 2017, Zool. Res., Kunming, 38: 243–250, from Ban Tha Khanun, Thong Pha Phum, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand, and by implication of the subsequent revision by of Sanchez, Biju, Islam, Hasan, Ohler, Vences, and Kurabayashi, 2018, Salamandra, 54: 109–116, transferred to Minervarya.
25 Octiber 2018: Added Tylototriton ngarsuensis (Salamandridae), named by Grismer, Wood, Quah, Thura, Espinoza, Grismer, Murdoch, and Lin, 2018, Zootaxa, 4500: 553–573, from Baw Hto Chang in Ngar Su Village, Ywangan Township, Taunggyi District, Shan State, Myanmar. The authors also provided a discussion of the phylogenetics of the species within the genus.
22 October 2018: Added Microhyla beilunensis (Microhyldae), named by Zhang, Fei, Ye, Wang, Wang, and Jiang, 2018, Asian Herpetol. Res., 9: 135–148, from Chaiqiao Town (29.86667° N, 121.55000° E, 120 m a.s.l), Beilun District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China.
20 October 2018: Added a comment under Bufo bufo (Bufonidae), noting the publication of Tuncay, Roth, Bardakci, and Jehle, 2018, Herpetol. J., 28: 127–133, who reported on the mtDNA phylogeography of the Norwegian coast.
20 October 2018: Added a comment under Pelobates fuscus (Pelobatidae) noting the publication of Ćurić, Zimić, Bogdanović, and Jelić, 2018, North-West. J. Zool., Romania, 14: 50–59, who detailed the range in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
17 October 2018: Added Hyla perrini (Hylidae), from the Po Valley of northern Italy and adjacent areas in Slovenia and Switzerland, and modified the range statement of Hyla intermedia, which formerly included the range now assigned to Hyla perrini. Named by Dufresnes, Mazepa, Rodrigues, Brelsford, Litvinchuk, Sermier, Lavanchy, Betto-Colliard, Blaser, Borzée, Cavoto, Fabre, Ghali, Grossen, Horn, Leuenberger, Phillips, Saunders, Savary, Maddalena, Stöck, Dubey, Canestrelli, and Jeffries, 2018, Frontiers Ecol. Evol., 6 (144): 118, who reported on the molecular phylogeography of Hyla intermedia, with which Hyla perrini was previously confused.
8 October 2018: Added Odorrana kweichowensis (Ranidae), named by Li, Xu, Lv, Jiang, Wei, and Wang, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e5695): 1–28, from Lengshuihe Nature Reserve (27.47361 N, 106.00139 E; elevation 754 m a.s.l.), Jinsha County, Guizhou Province, China.
7 October 2018: Added Micryletta nigromaculata (Microhylidae), named by Poyarkov, Nguyen, Duong, Gorin, and Yang, 2018, PeerJ, 6 (e5771): 1–27, from Cat Ba National Park, Hai Phong Province, northern Vietnam. The authors also discussed genealogical relationships and taxonomic problems within the genus Micryletta, provided molecular evidence for the validity of Mycryletta erythropoda and discuss the taxonomic status of Micryletta steinegeri.
2 October 2018: Modified the range statement for Hoplobatrachus litoralis (Dicroglossidae) and added a comment noting the publication of Mondal, Purkayastha, and Chaudhuri, 2018, Herpetol. Rev., 49: 500, who reported the species from West Bengal, India.
2 October 2018: Added Brachycephalus mirissimus (Brachycephalidae), named by Pie, Ribeiro, Confetti, Nadaline, and Bornschein, 2018, PeerJ, 6 (e5683): 1–27, from Morro Santo Anjo, municipality of Massaranduba, state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil.
2 October 2018: Added a comment under Afrixalus paradorsalis (Hyperoliidae) noting the publication of Charles, Bell, Blackburn, Burger, Fujita, Gvoždík, Jongsma, Kouete, Leaché, and Portik, 2018, J. Biogeograph., 45: 1781–1794, reported on the molecular biogeography of the species and commented on biogeography generally in the lower Guineo-Congolian rain forest.
2 October 2018: Added comments under Necturus (Proteidae), Necturus beyeri, Necturus lodingi, Necturus maculosus, Necturus louisianensis, Necturus alabamensis, and Necturus punctatus noting the publication of Chabarria, Murray, Moler, Bart, Crother, and Guyer, 2018, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res., 56: 352–363, who restricted the range of Necturus beyeri and Necturus maculosus, and expanded the ranges of Necturus louisianensis and Necturus lodingi, as part of a discussion of the phylogenetics of the Necturus maculosus complex.
2 October 2018: Added a comment under Brachycephalus albolineatus (Brachycephalidae) noting the publication of Bornschein, Ribeiro, Rollo, Confetti, and Pie, 2018, PeerJ, 6 (e5273): 1–18, who reported on the advertisement call.
2 October 2018: Added Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) schulzi (Mantellidae), named by Vences, Hildenbrand, Warmuth, Andreone, and Glaw, 2018, Zootaxa, 4486: 575–588, from "Tsaratanana Massif, Manarikoba Forest, Andampy, "Camp 0" (14°02’32’’S, 48°45’42’’E, ca. 730 m above sea level), former Antsiranana province, northern Madagascar".
29 September 2018: Added to the synonymy of Lyciasalamandra fazilae (Salamandridae) an additional nominal subspecies, Lyciasalamandra fazilae ulfetae, named by Göçmen, Ehl, Kariş, Thiesmeier, and Kordges, 2018, Zool. Middle East, 64: 304–314. for the western populations. The authors reported on the geographic variation in morphology and mtDNA for the entire species range.
29 September 2018: Redlimited the range of Scinax quinquefasciatus (Hylidae), Scinax elaeochroa, and added Scinax tsachila, named by Ron, Duellman, Caminer, and Pazmiño, 2018, PLoS One, 13 (9: e0203169): 1–26, from 4 kilomters south from Santa Rosa, on the road to Las Balsas, 44 m above sea level, Provincia El Oro, Ecuador. The authors provided an extensive discussion of molecular phylogenetics, holotype morphology, type localities, and natural history of the relevant species.
20 September 2018: Added Adelophryne michelin (Eleutherodactylidae), named by Lourenço-de-Moraes, Dias, Mira-Mendes, Oliveira, Barth, Ruas, Vences, Solé, and Bastos, 2018, PLoS One, 13 (9: e0201781): 1–17, from the fragment Vila 5 of pristine forests (13˚48’59.45” S, 39˚12’13.39” W, 270 m above sea level) at Reserva Ecológica Michelin (REM), municipality of Igrapiúna, Bahia, Brazil.
9 September 2018: Added comments for the species of amphibians found in Gansu, China, noting the accounts written by Yao and Gong, 2012, Amph. Rept. Gansu: 1–163.
9 September 2018: Added comments regarding larval morphology of the species of amphibians found in Liaoning, China, noting the publication of Li, Lian, and Lu, 2010, Res. Tadpoles Liaoning: 1–101.
9 September 2018: Added comments for the species found in Guangdong, China, noting the publicaiton of Li, 2011, Amph. Rept. Guangdong: 1–259.
9 September 2018: Added a comment under Nanorana yunnanensis (Dicroglossidae) noting the publicaion of Chen, 2011, Stud. Phylogeogr. Paa yunnanensis: 1–129.
9 September 2018: Added a large number of comments under the relevant species records noting the detailed accounts for the amphibians found in Hunan, China, by Shen, 2014, Fauna Hunan, Amph.: 247–251, provided an account for Hunan, China.
7 September 2018: Added comments under Bombina orientalis (Bombinatoridae), Bufo gargarizans, Bufo stejnegeri, Strauchbufo raddei (Bufonidae), Dryophytes japonica (Hylidae), Kaloula borealis (Microhylidae), Pelophylax nigromaculatus, Pelophylax plancyi, Rana amurensis, Rana dybowskii, Rana huanrenensis, and Glandirana emeljanovi (Ranidae) noting the publication of Li, Lian, and Lu, 2010, Res. Tadpoles Liaoning: 1–107, who described and pictured the larvae.
7 September 2018: Noted Yao and Gong, 2012, Amph. Rept. Gansu: 1–60, in the relevant species account comment sections for the species found in Gansu, China.
7 September 2018: Noted Guo, Yang, and Li, 2009, Colored Illust. Amph. Rept. Taiwan: 1–336, in the relevant species account comments for Taiwan.
6 September 2018: Modified the range statements of Rhacophorus orlovi (Rhacophoridae) and Rhacophorus jarujuni and added comments under those records noting the publication of Thongproh, Sumontha, Chuaynkern, Chuaynkern, Ratree, Duengkae, Phetcharat, Maiprom, and Ungprombundith, 2018, Maejo Internatl. J. Sci. Technol., Sansai Thailand, 12: 36–50, who discussed the range of those species and noted that records of Rhacophorus orlovi from Thailand are referable to Rhacophorus jarujini.
4 September 2018: Modified the range statement for Pristimantis rufioculis (Craugastoridae) to reflect the frist Ecuadorian record by Tipantiza-Tuguminago, Auqui, Dueñas, and Valencia, 2018, Herpetozoa, Wien, 31: 119–122, from Campanilla, 1747 m elevation, San Carlos, Province of Zamora-Chinchipe, Ecuador on the eastern Andean slope.
2 September 2018: Added Proceratophrys ararype (Odontophrynidae), named by Mângia, Koroiva, Nunes, Roberto, Ávila, Sant’Anna, Santana, and Garda, 2018, Herpetologica, 74: 255–268, from Mata do Clube Recreativo Grangeiro, Crato Municipality, Ceará state, Brazil.
1 September 2018: Added Pristimantis tiktik (Craugastoridae), named by Székely, Eguiguren, Székely, Ordóñez-Delgado, Armijos-Ojeda, Riofrîo–Guamán, and Cogǎlniceanu, 2018, PLoS One, 13 (8: e0202332): 1–21, from: Ecuador, Loja province, Saraguro canton, 21 km (by road) E of Urdaneta, 3300 m above sea level.
1 September 2018: Added Leptobrachella fusca (Megophryidae), from Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia, and Leptobrachella bondangensis from Sungai (=River) Pongoniso, Gunung (= Mt.) Bondang, Saruhung Village, Tanah Siang District, Murung Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia, both named by Eto, Matsui, Hamidy, Munir, and Iskandar, 2018, Curr. Herpetol., Kyoto, 37: 95–105.
1 September 2018: Added Leptobrachium tenasserimense (Megophryidae), named by Pawangkhanant, Poyarkov, Duong, Naiduangchan, and Suwannapoom, 2018, PeerJ, 6 (e3584): 1–27, from montane forest of Khao Laem Mt., Suan Phung District, Ratchaburi Province, western Thailand.
30 August 2018: Added a comment under Theloderma gordoni (Rhacophoridae) noting the publication by Kropachev, Evsyunin, Orlov, and Nguyen, 2018, J. Herpetol., 52: 348–351, who reported on larval morphology.
30 August 2018: Modified the range statement of Leptodactylus fragilis (Leptodactylidae) and added a comment to reflect the publication by Rodríguez-Cabrera, García-Padrón, Acosta-Galvis, de Sá, and Bosch, 2018, J. Nat. Hist., London, 52: 1883–1892, who reported on introductions into Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba, and who discussed the possibility of this species becoming invasive in that country.
28 August 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment to the record of Rhinella gildae (Bufonidae), to reflect the publication of Ávila, Pansonato, Perez, Carvalho, Roberto, Morais, Almeida, Rojas-Zamora, Gordo, and Farias, 2018, Zootaxa, 4462: 274–290, who reported on morphological variation, advertisement and release calls, geographic variation, and a Bayesian tree of the Rhinella margaritifera group based on 439 bp of 16S rDNA.
28 August 2018: Added Ptychadena mutinondoensis (Ptychadenidae), named by Channing and Willems, 2018, Zootaxa, 4462: 349–366, from the Mutinondo Wilderness, northern Zambia (12.456° S; 31.293° E, 1430 m). The species is remarkable in its possession of a rupicolous larvae found in seeps on inselbergs.
25 August 2018: Added Ischnocnema colibri (Brachycephalidae), from Augusto Ruschi Biological Reserve, municipality of Santa Teresa, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil and Ischnocnema parnaso, from Serra dos Órgãos National Park, municipality of Guapimirim, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, both named by Taucce, Canedo, Parreiras, Drummond, Nogueira-Costa, and Haddad, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 128: 123–146, who also provided a number of molecular phylogenetic analyses and redelimited the species groups. as reflected in the species accounts and the generic account.
23 August 2018: Added Leucostethus jota (Dendrobatidae), named by Marín-Castaño, Molina-Zuluaga, Restrepo, Cano, and Daza-R., 2018, Zootaxa, 4461: 359–380, from "Colombia, Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Alejandría, Vereda El Respaldo, Jaguas hydroelectric protected areas–ISAGEN S.A., La Arenosa forest (6.39301, -75.036402; 1290 m.a.s.l)". Colostethus brachystriatus, Colostethus fraterdanieli, and Colostethus ramirezi were also transferred to Leucostethus in this paper due to their phylogenetic position.
23 August 2018: Added Mannophryne molinai (Aromobatidae), named by Rojas-Runjaic, Matta-Pereira, and La Marca, 2018, Zootaxa, 4461: 451–476, from Quebrada La Rondona, Sierra de Aroa, Sucre municipality, Yaracuy state, Venezuela.
23 August 2018: Added Lankanectes pera (Nyctibatrachidae), named by Senevirathne, Samarawickrama, Wijayathilaka, Manamendra-Arachchi, Bowatte, Samarawickrama, and Meegaskumbura, 2018, Zootaxa, 4461: 519–538, from the Knuckles Range of central Sri Lanka.
22 August 2018: Added comments under Odontobatrachus (Odontobatrachidae) and under its constituent species, to reflect the publication by Doumbia, Sandberger-Loua, Schulze, and Rödel, 2018, Alytes, 36: 63–92, who described larval morphology of all of these species.
21 August 2018: Added Boophis masoala (Mantellidae), named by Glaw, Scherz, Prötzel, and Vences, 2018, Salamandra, 54: 163–177, from the Masoala Peninsula of northeastern Madagascar.
21 August 2018: Rewrote the Microhyla ornata (Microhylidae), Microhyla nilphamariensis, Microhyla memensinghensis, and Microhyla mukhlesuri accounts and tried to sort the literature of "Microhyla ornata" as currently understood, to reflect the results of Garg, Das, Kamei, and Biju, 2018, MtDNA, Part B, 3: 856–861, addressed the complex via DNA barcodes, and provided generalized range maps.
18 August 2018: Added a comment under Capensibufo rosei (Bufonidae), noting the publication of da Silva and Tolley, 2018, Conserv. Genetics, 19: 349–363, reported on conservation genetics with respect towards future genetic monitoring of this highly endemic species.
18 August 2018: Resurrected Kurixalus chaseni (Rhacophoridae) from the synonymy of Kurixalus appendiculatus, following the publication of Matsui, Kawahara, Eto, Hamidy, Ahmad, and Hossman, 2018, Alytes, 36: 170–177, who recognized the Malay population as Kurixalus chaseni, but presenting mtDNA evidence that Kurixalus appendiculatus is a species complex.
16 August 2018: Added comments under Boana heilprini (Hylidae), Osteopilus dominensis, Osteopilus pulchrilineatus, and Osteopilus vastus, noting the publication of Díaz, Incháustegui, Marte, and Chong, 2015, Novit. Caribaea, Santo Domingo, 8: 1–29, who reported on larval morphology.
16 August 2018: Added Eleutherodactylus geitonos (Eleutherodactylidae), named by Díaz, Incháustegui, Marte, Köhler, Cádiz, and Rodríguez, 2018, Novit. Caribaea, Santo Domingo, 12: 25–42, named from 3.8 km NW of El Corte Nuevo, 1084 m above the sea level, Cambita Garabitos Municipality, San Cristóbal Province, southeastern slope of Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic. Also added comments regarding the taxonomic status of Eleutherodactylus neodreptus (probably distinct from Eleutherodactylus audanti) and Eleutherodactylus melatrigonum (probably the same as Eleutherodactylus notidotes).
8 August 2018: Added comments under Lophiohylinae (Hylidae) and Itapotihyla langsdorffii noting the publication of Forti, Foratto, Márquez, Pereira, and Toledo, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e4813): 1–19, who discussed cold- and hot-spots of bioacoustic knowledge of the species, compared the advertisment calls of the species where the call is known, and described the advertisement call of Itapotihyla langsdorffii.
8 August 2018: Added comments noting the publication of Liedtke, Müller, Hafner, Penner, Gower, Mazuch, Rödel, and Loader, 2017, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. B, Biol. Sci., 284 (20162598): 1–9, who reported on the evolution of terrestrial reproduction in African bufonids, under the assumptions of a Bayesian tree. Under Poytonophrynus and Poyntonophrynus lughensis comments were added noting that these authors found Poyntonophrynus lughensis to be the sister taxon of Mertensophryne, but the authors made no taxonomic remedy. Sclerophrys dodsoni was found as the sister taxon of Vandijkophrynus, rendering Sclerophrys nonmonophyletic, but no taxonomic remedy was provided.
8 August 2018: Added a comment under Bufonidae, noting the publication of Liedtke, Müller, Rödel, Menegon, Gonwouo, Barej, Gvoždík, Schmitz, Channing, Nagel, and Loader, 2016, Evolution, 70: 1717–1733, who discussed lineage and life history diversification of the genera and species in the family, with special reference to the African clade.
8 August 2018: Added Poyntonophrynus pachnodes (Bufonidae), named by Ceríaco, Marques, Bandeira, Agarwal, Stanley, Bauer, Heinicke, and Blackburn, 2018, ZooKeys, 780: 106–136, from the Serra da Neve, Serra da Neve Inselberg, Namibe Province, Angola.
8 August 2018: Added Ranoidea pallidofemora and Ranoidea nullicedens (Pelodryadidae), named in Litoria by Kraus, 2018, Zootaxa, 4457: 264–284, from, respectively, near Musgrave River NE of Moroka, 300 m, Central Province, Papua New Guinea, and Dorobisoro, 550 m, Central Province, Papua New Guinea, both members of the Ranoidea graminea group.
2 August 2018: Added a comment under Chthonerpeton braestrupi (Typhlonectidae), noting the publication by Dorigo, Vrcibradic, and Rocha, 2018, Pap. Avulsos Zool., São Paulo, 58(e20185805): 1–11, who discussed the taxonomic issues with collections of Chthonerpeton braestrupi in Rio de Janeiro (state) and elsewhere, noting that the nominal species could represent a species complex.
2 August 2018: Modified the range statement for Chthonerpeton braestrupi (Typhlonectidae) and added a comment under that species reflecting the publication of Almeida-Gomes, Siqueira, Borges, Vrcibradic, Fusinato, and Rocha, 2014, Biota Neotrop., 14 (3): 1–15, rwho eported the species from the Reserva Ecoloógica de Guapiaçu, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2 August 2018: Modified the range statement for Exerodonta smaragdina (Hylidae) and added a comment under that species reflecting the publication of Palacios-Aguilar, Jiménez-Martínez, and Flores-Villela, 2018, Rev. Mexicana Biodiversidad, 89: 306–309, who discussed and mapped the range in southern and southwestern Mexico, and provided new records for the state of Guerrero.
1 August 2018: Modified the range statement for Rhinella gildae (Bufonidae) and added a comment under that species noting the publication of Silva, Dantas, Santos, Burati, and Santana, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 121–125, who provided a new record from Tocantins, Brazil, a photograph, and dot map.
1 August 2018: Added Hyloxalus sanctamariensis (Dendrobatidae), named by Acosta-Galvis and Pinzón, 2018, Biota Colomb., 19 (Supl 1): 160–190, from the Reserva Natural Privada Bosque La Almenara, municipio de Santa María, departamento de Boyacá, Colombia, and seeming restricted to that municipality. Calls, larval and adult morphology, and relationship to other members of the genus in the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia were covered.
1 August 2018: Added Scinax caprarius (Hylidae), named by Acosta-Galvis, 2018, Biota Colomb., 19 (Supl. 1): 131–159, from the road between La Vega and Villeta, 4 km west of the Centro Ecológico y de Vacaciones San Felipe, 935 m elevation, Municipio La Vega, Departamento de Cundinamarca, western slope of the Eastern Andes of Colombia. The paper describes the adult and larval morphology, call, range, and general natural history and places this species in the Scinax ruber group.
1 August 2018: Added Hyloxalus felixcoperari (Dendrobatidae), named by Acosta-Galvis and Vargas-Ramírez, 2018, Vert. Zool., Senckenberg, 68: 123–141, from Finca La Nube, Natural Private Reserve Paso de Nubes, Vereda La Laja, San Francisco Municipality, Cundinamarca Department, Colombia, 2500–2574 m elevation. The paper also detailed that natural history of the species and addressed the phylogenetics and biogeography of the Hyloxalus subpunctatus clade.
29 July 2018: Added Amazonian Colombia records for Boana teteta (Hylidae) and Boana maculilateralis, from the publication of Acosta-Galvis, Lasso, and Morales-Betancourt, 2018, Check List, 14: 549–554.
28 July 2018: Added two new species of Megophryidae, Leptobrachella yunkaiensis, named by Wang, Li, Lyu, and Wang from Dawuling Forest Station, 1600 m elevation, Maoming City, Guangdong Province, China, and Leptobrachella wuhuangmontis, named by Wang, Yang, and Wang, from Mt. Wuhuang, 500 m elevation, Pubei County, Qinzhou City, Guangxi Province, China. Both species were named in one paper: Wang, Yang, Li, Lyu, Zeng, Liu, Ye, and Wang, 2018, ZooKeys, 776: 105-137
27 July 2018: Added Leptophryne javanica (Bufonidae), named by Hamidy, Munir, Mumpuni, Rahmania, and Kholik, 2018, Zootaxa, 4450: 427–444, from the north-western slope of Mount Slamet, Java, Indonesia, elevation 1400 m.
27 July 2018: Added Guibemantis albomaculatus (Mantellidae) and Guibemantis woosteri, both named by Lehtinen, Glaw, Vences, Rakotoarison, and Scherz, 2018, Eur. J. Taxon., 451: 1–20, from, respectively, Montagne d’Ambre National Park, northern Madagascar, and Marojejy National Park in Madagascar.
25 July 2018: Added Hypogeophis montanus (Indotyphlidae), named by Maddock, Wilkinson, and Gower, 2018, Zootaxa, 4450: 359–375, from Congo Rouge, Mahé island, Seychelles (04°38’43.6” S, 55°26’03.3” E, ca. 718 m/asl).
23 July 2018: Added comments under Rhinella (Bufonidae) and the members of the Rhinella granulosa group, noting the publication of Simon, Machado, and Marroig, 2016, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. B, Biol. Sci., 283 (20161783): 1–10, who reported on skull evolution within the Rhinella granulosa group and provided a dot map.
22 July 2018: Added a comment under Boana (Hylidae), noting the redelimitation of the Boana semileata species group, as well as adding the new species Boana icamiaba, named by Peloso, Oliveira, Sturaro, Rodrigues, Lima, Bitar, Wheeler, and Aleixo, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 150–169, from Capiranga, the municipality of Juruti, state of Pará, Brazil.
22 July 2019: Added Boana caiapo (Hylidae), named by Pinheiro, Cintra, Valdujo, Silva, Martins, Silva, and Garcia, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 171, from "Brazil: State of Goiás: municipality of Aragarças (15°53′39″S, 51°49′23″W; 309 m above sea level [asl])".
20 July 2018: Added a comment under Ranidae, noting the study of Huang and Tu, 2016, Genet. Mol. Res., 15 (3, gmr.15038302): 1–9, who reported on relationships of exemplar genera within the family based on concatenated mitogenomes: (((((Rana + Lithobates) + Odorrana) + ((Nidirana [as part of Babina] + Sylvirana) + Babina)) + (Pelophylax + Amolops))) +Glandirana) + Amnirana.
20 July 2018: Added comments under Holoadeninae (Craugastoridae), Phrynopus, noting the phylogenetic study of genera and species, and added Phrynopus mariellaleo, named by Venegas, Barboza, De la Riva, and Padial, 2018, Zootaxa, 4446: 501–524, from Sedrusco, Vista Alegre district, Rodríguez de Mendoza Province, Departamento Amazonas, Peru, 2575 m elevation.
18 July 2018: Added a comment under Nanorana yunnanensis (Dicroglossidae) noting the publicaiton of Zhang, Chen, Murphy, Che, Pang, Hu, Luo, Wu, Ye, and Zhang, Mol. Ecol., 19: 3406–3420, who reported on mtDNA biogeography within China.
18 July 2018: Modified the range statements of Alsodes pehuenche (Alsodidae) and Alsodes hugoi to reflect the report by Correa-Quezada, Zepeda, Lagos, Salinas, Palma, and Vásquez, 2018, Zoosyst. Evol., 94: 349–358, which reported on the discovery of several new populations, significanltly expanding the known ranges. The authors also noted populations of uncertain identification and suggested that systematic investigations are likely to delimit additional species.
18 July 2018: Added Gracixalus tianlinensis (Rhacophoridae) by Chen, Bei, Liao, Zhou, and Mo, 2018, Asian Herpetol. Res., 9: 74–84, from Cenwanglaoshan National Nature Reserve, Tianlin County, Guangxi, China (24.4883º N, 106.3947º E, 1858 m. The authors also provided considerable natural history and morphological information as well as a molecular tree of the species of Gracixalus.
18 July 2018: Added comments where relevant, extending from the type list of the Fundación Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, herpetology collection, by Scrocchi and Kretzschmar, 2017, Acta Zool. Lilloana, 61: 87–135.
17 July 2018: Added Allobates tinae (Aromobatidae), named by Melo-Sampaio, Oliveira, and Prates, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 131–149, from Platô do Piquiá, municipality of Boca do Acre, state of Amazonas, Brazil. The authors also discussed the type series of a number of very similar species.
15 July 2018: Added a comment under Allobates ignotus (Aromobatidae), noting the publication of Granda-Rodríguez, Montes-Correa, Jiménez-Bolaño, and Anganoy-Criollo, 2018, Acta Herpetol., Firenze, 13: 51–64, who reported on habitat use, abundance, larval morphology, and advertisement call.
14 July 2018: Added comments under Osteopilus dominicensis, Osteopilus pulchrilineatus, and Boana heilprini (Hylidae), noting the publicaiton of Galvis-Peñuela, Caorsi, Sánchez-Pacheco, and Rada, 2016, Bioacoustics, 25: 89–97, who reported on their advertisement calls.
14 July 2018: Added comments under Eleutherodactylus abbotti (Eleutherodactylidae), Eleutherodactylus flavescens, and Eleutherodactylus inoptatus, noting the publication of Galvis-Peñuela, Caorsi, Sánchez-Pacheco, and Rada, 2018, Bioacoustics, 27: 1–12, who reported on the advertisement call.
14 July 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Indirana leithii (Ranixalidae) to reflect the publication of Modak, Chunekar, and Padhye, 2018, J. Nat. Hist., London, 52: 27–28, who reported on life history.
14 July 2018: Added comments under Adelophryne pachydactyla (Eleutherodactylidae) and Adelophryne, noting the paper by Dominato, Cassini, Silva, and Orrico, 2018, Zootaxa, 4444: 575–583, who discussed the results of Fouquet, Loebmann, Castroviejo-Fisher, Padial, Orrico, Lyra, Roberto, Kok, Haddad, and Rodrigues, 2012, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 65: 547-561, particularly with reference to the identity of the various Adelophryne lineages noted in that paper as well as the morphological evolution illustrated by additional molecular phylogenetic work.
12 July 2018: Added Kurixalus yangi (Rhacophoridae), a member of the Kurixalus odontotarsus group named by Yu, Hui, Rao, and Yang, 2018, ZooKeys, 770: 211–226, from western Yunnan, China, at Nabang, Yingjiang County, Dehong Autonomous Prefecture.
12 July 2018: Added Amazophrynella teko (Bufonidae: from Alikéné, district of Camopi, French Guiana; Amazophrynella xinguensis from Sustainable Development Project (PDS) Virola Jatobá, municipality of Anapú, state of Pará, Brazil; Amazophrynella siona from Yasuni National Park, 200 m a.s.l., Bloque 31, Apaika, Province of Orellana, Ecuador"; Amazophrynella xinguensis from the tate of Pará, Brazil, at three localities: PDS Virola Jatoba, municipality of Anapú, Fazenda Paraiso, municipality of Senador José Porfirio (right bank of Xingu River) and Ramal dos Cocos, municipality of Altamira (left bank of Xingu River), all of them in area of influence of the Belo Monte dam, at 86–106 m elevation; Amazophrynella moisesii from the Serra do Divisor, Igarapé Ramon, municipality of Mâncio Lima, Acre, Brazil; all named by Rojas-Zamora, Fouquet, Ron, Hernández-Ruz, Melo-Sampaio, Chaparro, Vogt, Carvalho, Pinheiro, Ávila, Farias, Gordo, and Hrbek, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e4941): 1–56, who discussed the molecular phylogenetics and morphological and acoustic diversity of the genus, naming these species, and pointing to several other candidate species.
11 July 2018: Added a comment under Microhyla picta (Microhylidae) noting the publication of Vassilieva and Trounov, 2018, Zootaxa, 4444: 98–100, who reported on larval morphology.
11 July 2018: Modified the range statement, corrected the type locality of Ischnocnema lactea (Brachycephalidae), and added a comment to reflect the publication of Silva-Soares, Malagoli, Cruz, and Caramaschi, 2018, Zootaxa, 4444: 137–153, who reported on natural history and systematics of the species.
11 July 2018: Added Leptobrachella mangshanensis (Megophryidae), named as Leptolalax mangshanensis by Hou, Zhang, Hu, Li, Shi, Chen, Mo, and Wang, 2018, Zootaxa, 4444: 247–266, from Mangshan Nature Reserve, Hunan Province", China. The generic transfer was made due to the appearance of the paper by Chen, Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Lathrop, Wu, Zhou, Yuan, Jin, Chen, Liu, Nguyen, Nguyen, Duong, Eto, Nishikawa, Matsui, Orlov, Stuart, Brown, Rowley, Murphy, Wang, and Che, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 124: 162, which placed Leptolalax into the synonymy of Leptobrachella, and which appeared while the description of this species was in press.
8 July 2018: Added Choerophryne alainduboisi (Microhylidae), named by Günther and Richards, 2018, Alytes, 36: 159–169, from Iagifu Ridge near Moro, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea, 928 m elevation.
5 July 2018: Added a comment under Bufotes variabilis (Bufonidae), noting the publication of Fakharzadeh, Darvish, Kami, Ghassemzadeh, and Rastegar-Pouyani, 2018, Russ. J. Herpetol., 25: 56–60, who reported on (as Bufo variabilis) karyological variation in northwestern and southeastern Iran.
4 July 2018: Added a comment under Nanorana parkeri (Dicroglossidae), noting the publication of Wang, Zhang, Zhou, Li, Jin, Shao, Yang, Liu, Yan, Chen, Jin, Gao, Zhang, Li, Mao, Murphy, Wake, Zhang, and Che, 2018, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 115 (22:E5057): 1–10, who reported on the molecular phylogeography of the species suggested multiple lineages that are morphologically indistinguishable.
4 July 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Bufotes latastii (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Litvinchuk, Skorinov, Mazepa, and Borkin, 2018, Alytes, 36: 314–327, who discussed and modeled the range of this diploid species, noting that all records of nominal Bufotes latastii from Tajikistan, and Himanchal Pradesh, India, are referable to other species.
4 July 2018: Added a comment under Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis (Nasikabatrachidae), noting the publication of Thomas, Suyesh, Biju, and Bee, 2014, PLoS One, 9 (2: e84809): 1–12, who reported on vocal behavior
4 July 2018: Added a comment under Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis (Nasikabatrachidae), noting the publication of Senevirathne, Thomas, Kerney, Hanken, Biju, and Meegaskumbura, 2016, PLoS One, 11(3: e0151114): 1–23, who described larval ontogeny.
4 July 2018: Added a comment under Micrixalus herrei (Micrixalidae), noting the publication of Senevirathne, Garg, Kerney, Meegaskumbura, and Biju, 2016, PLoS One, 11(3: e0151781): 1–18, who described the external and internal morphology of the larva.
3 July 2018: Added Megophrys lancip (Megophryidae), named by Munir, Hamidy, Farajallah, and Smith, 2018, Zootaxa, 4442: 389–412, from the north-east of Desa Ngarip, Kecamatan Ulubelu, Kabupaten Tanggamus, Province of Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia.
3 July 2018: Added a comment and modified the range statement of Insuetophrynus acarpicus (Rhinodermatidae) to reflect the publication of Silva, 2017, Check List, 13 (1: 2046): 1–5, who provided a record from Alerce Costero National Park, Chile, 700 m elevation and discussed its range and conservation.
3 July 2018: Added a comment under Scinax rostratus (Hylidae) noting the publication of Armesto, Acevedo-Rincón, and Martinez Cuesta, 2018, Herpetol. Rev., 49: 283, provided a record from the state of Norte de Santander, Colombia, and dicussed the range.
3 July 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Leptodactylus longirostris (Leptodactylidae) reflecting the publication of Dias-Souza, Sanches, Esteves-Silva, Tavares-Costa, Damasceno-Souza, and Costa-Campos, 2018, Herpetol. Rev., 49: 282, who provided a record from the Parque Natural Municipal do Canção, Municipality of Serra do Navio, Amapá, Brazil, which also suggests its likely occurrence in French Guiana.
3 July 2018: Added a comment under Eleutherodactylus pinarensis (Eleutherodactylidae) noting the publication of Torres, Rodríguez-Cabrera, and Cajigas, 2018, Herpetol. Rev., 49: 281–282, who provided a range extension in Matanzas Province, Cuba, to the municipality of Martí.
3 July 2018: Added a comment under Anaxyrus americanus (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Holt, 2018, Herpetol. Rev., 49: 281, who provided a southern marginal record in Limestone County, Alabama, USA.
3 July 2018: Added a comment under Plethodon serratus (Plethodontidae) noting the publication of Shew and Holt, 2018, Herpetol. Rev., 49: 281, who provided the second record from Alabama, USA, from DeKalb County.
3 July 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Bolitoglossa mulleri (Plethodontidae) based on the publication of Gonzalez-Mollinedo and Mármol-Kattán, 2018, Herpetol. Rev., 49: 280, who provided a record for the province of Quiché, Guatemala.
2 July 2018: Redelimited the species Kurixalus naso (Rhacophoridae), Kurixalus verrucosus, Kurixalus odontotarsus, Kurixalus bisacculus, Kurixalus hainanus, and noted the existence and range of 6 unnamed species reflecting the publication of Yu, Rao, Matsui, and Yang, 2017, Sci. Rep. (Nature, London), 7 (16124): 1–13, who discussed coalescent-based species delimitation, as well as the comparative morphology of the species in the Kurixalus odontotarsus complex.
1 July 2018: Added a comment under Aparasphenodon venezolanus (Hylidae) and modified its range statement to reflect the publication of Carvalho, Fraga, Bittencourt-Silva, Bonora, Condrati, and Vogt, 2018, Phyllomedusa, 17: 139–144, who discussed the distribution in the Brazilian Amazon lowlands.
1 July 2018: Added comments under Phyllomedusa burmeisteri (Phyllomedusidae) and Phyllomedusa bahiana, noting the publication of Andrade, Haga, Carvalho, Martins, and Giaretta, 2018, Phyllomedusa, 17: 39–59, who could not distinguish Phyllomedusa bahiana and Phyllomedusa burmeisteri on the basis of morphometrics or acoustic parameters but did not suggest a taxonomic change.
1 July 2018: Added a comment under Walkerana phrynoderma (Ranixalidae) noting the publication of Kanagavel, Parvathy, Chundakatil, Dahanukar, and Tapley, 2018, Phyllomedusa, 17: 21–37, who discussed the distribution and habitat associations, as well as potential threats, abundance, and morphology.
1 July 2018: Added a comment under Bufo bufo (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Cossu, Frau, Delfino, Chiodi, Corti, and Bellati, 2018, Acta Herpetol., Firenze, 13: 43–49, who noted an apparently introduced population in Sardinia, Italy.
1 July 2018: Modified the range statement of Dryaderces inframaculata (Hylidae) and added a comment to that record to note the publication of Maffei, Machado, Silva, Nascimento, and Hoogmoed, 2018, Phyllomedusa, 17: 145–152, who discussed external morphological variation, natural history, and distribution.
1 July 2018: Added a comment under and modified the range statement of Allobates ignotus (Aromobatidae) to reflect the publication of Granda-Rodríguez, Montes-Correa, Jiménez-Bolaño, and Anganoy-Criollo, 2018, Acta Herpetol., Firenze, 13: 51–64, who provided a number of new localities and discussed the range and conservation.
1 July 2018: Reformulated ranges and comments for Microhyla fissipes (Microhylidae) and Microhyla mukhlesuri to reflect the publication of Yuan, Suwannapoom, Yan, Poyarkov, Nguyen, Chen, Chomdej, Murphy, and Che, 2016, Curr. Zool., Chengdu, 62: 531–543, who, on the basis of molecular analysis, provided a discussion of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations on how they shaped the genetic structre of the Microhyla fissipes complex (Microhyla mukhlesuri and Microhyla fissipes), and documented that Microhyla mukhlesuri includes all populations formerly assigned to Microhyla fissipes south and west of the Red River Valley of Yunnan, China, and Vietnam.
1 July 2018: Added comments under Isthmura (Plethodontidae) and Isthmura bellii, bIsthmura ondeti, Isthmura gigantea, Isthmura maxima, and Isthmura sierraoccidentalis, noting the publication of Bryson, Zarza, Grummer, Parra-Olea, Flores-Villela, Klicka, and McCormack, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 125: 75–84, who provided a tree and discussed the phylogenomic diversification of the genus across the Mexican highlands.
1 July 2018: Modified the range statement of Scinax exiguus (Hylidae) and added a comment referencing the publicaiton of Carvalho, Azarak, Bang, Duellman, and Giaretta, 2017, Neotropical Biodiversity, 3: 196–202, who reassessed the vocalization and distribution in Roraima, Brazil.
1 July 2018: Added a comment under Raorchestes shillongensis (Rhacophoridae) noting the publication of Boruah, Raj, Dutta, and Das, 2018, Phyllomedusa, 17: 3–20, who redescribed morphology, mapped the range, discussed natural history, conservation status, and call.
1 July 2018: Added Choerophryne pipiens (Microhylidae) and Oreophryne albitympanum (Microhylidae), named by Günther, Richards, and Tjaturadi, 2018, Vert. Zool., Senckenberg, 68: 109–110, from "Bog Camp", Foja Mountains near the summit, Papua Province, Indonesia, ~1600 m.
30 June 2018: Added a comment under Leptobrachium hasseltii (Megophryidae) noting the publication of Hamidy and Matsui, 2017, Treubia, 44: 15–28, who suggested on the basis of mtDNA analysis that the population on Bali likely constitutes a distinct species from those on Java + Sumatra.
30 June 2018: Noted in several comments the publication of Motta, Menin, Almeida, and Hrbek, 2018, Zootaxa, 4438: 79–104, who, on the basis of 16S rRNA sequence divergence measures, suggested an underestimate (and in one case, overestimate) of cryptic species of frogs in central Amazonia, with special reference to Allobates femoralis and Allobates sumtuosus (Aromobatidae), Pristimantis fenestratus (Craugastoridae), Dendropsophus brevifrons (Hylidae), Boana geographica, Osteocephalus taurinus and Osteocephalus oophagus (Hylidae), Leptodactylus petersii (Leptodactylidae), and Synapturanus (Microhylidae).
29 June 2018: Placed Bufo diptychus Cope, 1862, as the senior name of the taxon bearing the name Bufo schneideri Werner, 1894, as Rhinella diptycha, following Lavilla and Brusquetti, 2018, Zootaxa, 4442: 161–170.
27 June 2018: Added Ischnocnema garciai (Brachycephalidae) (Usina da Fumaça, municipality of Muriaé, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil) and Ischnocnema feioi (Lar dos Muriquis, Serra do Brigadeiro, municipality of Muriaé, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil), named by Taucce, Canedo, and Haddad, 2018, Herpetol. Monogr., 32: 1–21, who also provided a molecular tree for the genus, redelimited Ischnocnema oea and provided evidence that nominal Ischnocnema guentheri is composed of several cryptic species.
27 June 2018: Added Oreobates antrum (Craguastoridae), named by Vaz-Silva, Maciel, Andrade, and Amaro, 2018, Zootaxa, 4441: 89–108, from São Domingos municipality, in the complex of caves belonging to farm 'Baraunax', an adjacent area to the municipality of Divinópolis de Goiás, State of Goiás, Brazil. The authors also reported on the molecular phylogenetics of the species within the genus.
26 June 2018: Added Hynobius fossigenus (Hynobiidae), named by Okamiya, Sugawara, Nagano, and Poyarkov, 2018, PeerJ, 5084: 1–40, from the vicinity of Hinode City, Tokyo, Honshu Island, Japan. The species was formerly confused with Hynobius kimurae, requiring a change in the geographic range statement in that account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Craugastor stadelmani (Craugastoridae), noting the publication of McCranie, 2018, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 918: 1–10, who provided a detailed account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Craugastor omoaensis (Craugastoridae), noting the publication of McCranie, 2018, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 917: 1–9, who provided a detailed account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Craugastor fecundus (Craugastoridae), noting the publication of McCranie, 2018, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 916: 1–10, who provided a detailed account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Rheobates palmatus (Aromobatidae), noting the publication of Jerez and Yara-Contreras, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(1): 68–78, who provided a detailed account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Oophaga lehmanni (Dendrobatidae), noting the publication of Betancourth-Cundar and Palacios-Rodríguez, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(1): 45–51, who provided a detailed account and who suggested that the population in Chocó, Colombia, is actually assignable to Oophaga histrionica, based on information from A. Amézquita.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Leptodactylus lithonaetes (Leptodactylidae), noting the publication by Barrientos, Paz, and Lasso, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(1): 30–36, for Colombia.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Ikakogi tayrona (Centrolenidae), noting the publication of Peréz-González, Castañeda-Bonilla, and Rueda-Solano, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(1): 23–29, who provided a detail account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Espadarana andina (Centrolenidae), noting the publication of Cabanzo-Olarte and Ortega-Chinchilla, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(1): 16–22, provided a detailed account for Colombia.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Engystomops pustulosus (Leptodactylidae), noting the publication of Ospina-L. and Bedoya-Cañón, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(1): 7–15, provided a detailed account for Colombia.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Andinobates minutus (Dendrobatidae), noting the publication of Lozano-Osorio, Garcés-Restrepo, and Giraldo, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(1): 1–6, who provided a detailed account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Sachatamia orejuela (Centrolenidae), noting the publicaiton of Guevara-Molina and Rada, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(2): 68–72, who provided a detailed account for Colombia.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Pristimantis mnionaetes (Craugastoridae), noting the publication of Ballestas and Delgadillo-Méndez, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(2): 51–55, who provided a detailed account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Pristimantis calcaratus (Craugastoridae), noting the publication of Velásquez-Trujillo and Bolívar-García, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(2): 45–50, who provided a detailed account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Nymphargus cristinae (Centrolenidae), noting the publication of Peréz-González and Rada, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(2): 32–35, who provided a detailed account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Andinobates virolinensis (Dendrobatidae), noting the publication of Hernández-Jaimes, Meza-Joya, and Ramos-Pallares, 2018, Catal. Anf. Rept. Colombia, Medellín, 4(2): 1–7, who provided a detailed account.
19 June 2018: Added a comment under Ambystoma ordinarium (Ambystomatidae) noting the publication of Escalera-Vazquez, Hernández-Guzmán, Soto-Rojas, and Suazo-Ortuño, 2018, Herpetologica, 74: 117–126, who discussed the potential range of the species and its conservation.
18 June 2018: Added a comment under Isthmura bellii (Plethodontidae) noting the publication of Domínguez-Vega, Zuria, and Fernández-Badillo, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 39: 239–244, who reported the species in arid tropical scrub in Hidalgo, Mexico, and dwho iscussed the range.
18 June 2018: Added a comment under Anura noting the publication of Beçak, 2014, Genet. Mol. Res., 1: 5995-6014, who reported on polyploidy and epigenetic events in the evolution of Anura.
17 June 2018: Added comments under the accounts for Mongolian species (Bufotes pewzowi [Bufonidae[, Strauchbufo raddei [Bufonidae], Dryophytes japonicus [Hylidae], Rana amurensis [Ranidae], and Rana chensinensis [Ranidae], noting the publication of Kuzmin, Dunayev, Munkhbayar, Munkhbaatar, and Terbish, 2017, in Kuzmin (ed.), Amph. Mongolia: 46–208.
16 June 2018: Added a comment under Telmatobius philippii (Telmatobiidae) noting the publication of Lobos, Rebolledo, Sandoval, Canales, and Perez-Quezada, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 33–43, reported on natural history of a population related closely to, or possibly conspecific with, Telmatobius philippii from the Ascotan salt flat region at an elevation 3720 m in the Antofagasta Region, Bolivia.
16 June 2018: Added comments under Pelophylax kurtmuelleri (Ranidae) and Pelophylax shqipericus noting the publication of Vucić, Jelić, Klobučar, Prkljačić, and Jelić, 2018, Salamandra, 54: 147–157, who reported on hybridization levels in Lake Skadar, Montenego.
16 June 2018: Added a comment under Pelophylax lessonae (Ranidae) noting the publication of Zeisset and Hoogesteger, 2018, Herpetol. J., 28: 63–72, who reported on mtDNA phylogeography.
16 June 2018: Added comments under Pelophylax lessonae (Ranidae), Epidalea calamita (Bufonidae), Bufo bufo (Bufonidae), and Triturus cristatus (Salamandridae) noting the publication of Beebee, 2018, Herpetol. J., 28: 51–62, who discussed genetic studies relating to conservation in Britain.
16 June 2018: Added a comment and modified the range statement for Eleutherodactylus planirostris (Eleutherodactylidae) to reflect the publication of Contreras-Calvario, Mora-Reyes, Parra-Olea, and Mendoza, 2018, Herpetol. J., 28: 96–99, who provided a new record for Veracruz, Mexico, and summarized the literature for Mexican introduced populations.
16 June 2018: Added a comment and modified the range statements for Bromeliohyla dendroscarta (Hylidae) and Megastomatohyla mixomaculata to reflect the publication of Canseco-Márquez, Aguilar-López, Luría-Manzano, Gutiérrez-Mayén, and Hernandez-Benitez, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 23–29, who reported the species from the Sierra Negra region in southeastern Puebla, Mexico, in the case of Bromeliohyla dendroscarta this being the first observation of this species in 43 years.
16 June 2018: Added a comment and modified the range statement of Dendoprophus columbianus (Hylidae) to reflect the publication of Ramírez-Chaves, Pisso-Florez, Liévano-Bonilla, Ayerbe-Quiñones, Anganoy-Criollo, and Noguera-Urbano, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 49–58, who discussed the range of the species in Colombia with new records and provided a dot map as well as a predicted distribution map.
16 June 2018: Added a comment and modified the range statement for Rhinella ocellata (Bufonidae) to reflect the publication of Freitas, Santos, Amorim, and Almeida, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 17–18, who provided a record for the state of Bahia, Brazil, and mapped the known range.
16 June 2018: Added a comment and modified the range statement for Ischnocnema penaxavantinho (Brachycephalidae) to reflect the publication of Del Prette, Cândido, Felberg, Françoso, and Brandão, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 133–135, who provided a new record for Minas Gerais, Brazil, and mapped the range.
16 June 2018: Added a comment under Rhinella sebbeni (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Morais, Oliveira, Maciel, Zórtea, Silva, Vaz-Silva, and Lima-Ribeiro, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 197–199, who discussed the range and provided both a spot and predictive distribution maps.
16 June 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Arthroleptis krokosua (Arthroleptidae) to reflect the publication of Sandberger-Loua, Doumbia, and Rödel, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 271–273, who provided a record from the Nimba Mountains of southern Guinea and discussed the likely range of this extremely uncommon animal.
16 June 2018: Added a comment under Ololygon longilinea (Hylidae) and modified the range statement to reflect the publication of Matavelli, Oliveira, Godoy, Ribeiro, and Bertoluci, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 281–283, who provided a record for the state of São Paulo, Brazil.
16 June 2018: Added a comment under Trachycephalus imitatrix (Hylidae) and modified the range statement to reflect the publication of Matavelli, Oliveira, Godoy, Ribeiro, and Bertoluci, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 353–355, who provided records for Minas Gerais, Brazil, and discussed the range.
16 June 2018: Added a comment under Latonia nigriventer (Alytidae) noting the publication of Perl, Gafny, Malka, Renan, and Vences, 2018, Herpetol. Notes, 11: 475–480, who reported on post-metamorphic color pattern changes.
15 June 2018: Resurrected Plethodon dixi (Plethodontidae) from the synonymy of Plethodon wehrlei and added comments noting the publication that made this change, Kuchta, Brown, and Highton, 2018, Zool. Scripta, 47: 285–299.
15 June 2018: Added a comment under Anura, noting the publication by Streicher, Miller, Guerrero, Correa-Quezada, Ortiz, Crawford, Pie, and Wiens, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 119: 128–143, who discussed method of phylogenomic analysis and provided a new phylogeny of Hyloidea, as well as formulating several new above-family-group names: Neoaustrarana, Amazorana, Cornucopirana, and Commutibirana.
15 June 2018: Added a comment under Lepidobatrachus (Ceratophryidae) noting the publication of Brusquetti, Netto, Baldo, and Haddad, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 123: 123–136, who discussed biogeography within the genus.
15 June 2018: Resurrected Petropedetes newtonii (Petropedetidae) and revised the ranges of Petropedetes vulpiae and Petropedetes johnstoni to reflect the publication of Sánchez-Vialas, Calvo-Revuelta, Castroviejo-Fisher, and De la Riva, 2018, ZooKeys, 765: 59–78.
15 June 2018: Added a comment under Ischnocnema parva (Brachycephalidae), noting the publication of. Andrade, Haga, and Giaretta, 2017, North-West. J. Zool., Romania, 13: 271–277, who described the calls from four localities, noting variation among the sites.
15 June 2018: Added Lyciasalamandra flavimembris ilgazi (Salamandridae) to the synonymy of Lyciasalamandra flavimembris, named by Üzüm, Avcı, Bozkurt, and Olgun, 2015, Turkish J. Zool., 39: 328–334, from Kötekli, Muğla Province, Turkey.
15 June 2018: Added a comment under Lyciasalamandra flavimembris (Salamandridae) noting the publication of Göçmen and Kariş, 2017, North-West. J. Zool., Romania, 13: 49–57, who discussed morphological variation and provided new localities.
14 June 2018: Added Gephyromantis (Duboimantis) saturnini and Gephyromantis (Duboimantis) grosjeani, named by Scherz, Rakotoarison, Ratsoavina, Hawlitschek, Vences, and Glaw, 2018, Alytes, 36: 135: 130–158, from, respectively, the eastern parcel of the Ampotsidy mountains, District de Bealanana, Région Sofia, northern Madagascar, and high elevation on the Sorata massif, District de Vohemar, Région Sava, northern Madagascar.
14 June 2018: Added references to Speybroeck, Beukema, Bok, and Van Der Voort, 2016, Field Guide Amph. Rept. Brit. Eur.: 1–432, in the species accounts of the species of Europe.
12 June 2018: Added Hemiphractus elioti and Hemiphractus kaylockae (Hemiphractidae), named by Hill, Martin, Stanley, and Mendelson, 2018, Zootaxa, 4429: 495–512, from, respectively, Cordillera de Talamanca and Serranía de Pirre, Panama. In addition to these segregates of former Hemiphractus fasciatus, Hemiphractus panamensis was resurrected for populations of the the provinsces of Colon and San Blas, Panama. The status of Hemiphractus fasciatus was discussed and suggested to be restricted to Ecuador and possibly Colombia, although the status of this binomial remains questionable.
12 June 2018: Added Fejervarya kalinga and Fejervarya krishnan (Dicroglossidae), named by Raj, Dinesh, Das, Dutta, Kar, and Mohapatra, 2018, Rec. Zool. Surv. India, 118: 1–21, from, respectively, India, Odisha, Mahendragiri, Gajapati District, and India, Karnataka, Shimoga District, Jog Fall. Both provisionally placed in Minervarya based on the very recent paper by Sanchez, Biju, Islam, Hasan, Ohler, Vences, and Kurabayashi, 2018, Salamandra, 54: 109–116.
12 June 2018: Added Pseudopaludicola florencei (Leptodactylidae), named by Andrade, Haga, Lyra, Leite, Kwet, Haddad, Toledo, and Giaretta, 2018, Zootaxa, 4433: 71–100, from Andaraí, Chapada Diamantina, state of Bahia, Brazil.
12 June 2018: Added Ololygon goya (Hylidae), named by Andrade, Santos, Rocha, Pombal, and Vaz-Silva, 2018, Zootaxa, 4425: 283–303, from Sítio d´Abadia municipalit, State of Goiás, Brazil".
3 June 2018: Minervarya (Dicroglossidae) was resurrected from the synonymy of Fejervarya (which record was revised) and the following species transferred from Fejervarya to Minervarya, following the revision of Sanchez, Biju, Islam, Hasan, Ohler, Vences, and Kurabayashi, 2018, Salamandra, 54: 109–116: Minervarya andamanensis, Minervarya asmati, Minervarya brevipalmata, Minervarya caperata, Minervarya cepfi, Minervarya chiangmaiensis, Minervarya chilapata, Minervarya dhaka, Minervarya gomantaki, Minervarya granosa, Minervarya greenii, Minervarya kadar, Minervarya keralensis, Minervarya kirtisinghei, Minervarya kudremukhensis, Minervarya manoharani, Minervarya modesta, Minervarya mudduraja, Minervarya murthii, Minervarya mysorensis, Minervarya neilcoxi, Minervarya nepalensis, Minervarya nilagirica, Minervarya parambikulamana, Minervarya pierrei, Minervarya rufescens, Minervarya sahyadris, Minervarya sauriceps, Minervarya sengupti, Minervarya syhadrensis Minervarya teraiensis, and Minevarya nicobariensis.
3 June 2018: Added Phasmahyla lisbella (Phyllomedusidae), named by Pereira Silva, Rocha, Folly, Silva, and Santana, 2018, PeerJ, 6 (e4900): 1–22, from the Fazenda Ventania, Área de Protecão Ambiental Ventania, Miracema municipality, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil.
30 May 2018: Added Pseudopaludicola restinga (Leptodactylidae), named by Cardozo, Baldo, Pupin, Gasparini, and Haddad, 2018, PeerJ, 6 (e4766): 1–25, from near Fazenda Jacuhy, municipality of Serra, Espírito Santo State, Brazil.
30 May 2018: Added Sarcohyla hapsa (Hylidae), named by Campbell, Brodie, Caviedes-Solis, Nieto-Montes de Oca, Luja-Molina, Flores-Villela, García-Vázquez, Sarker, and Wostl, 2018, Zootaxa, 4422: 366–384, from "Mexico: Michoacán, Parque Nacional Uruapan, 1676 m".
29 May 2018: Added Anomaloglossus meansi (Aromobatidae), named by Kok, Nicolaï, Lathrop, and MacCulloch, 2018, ZooKeys, 759: 99–116, from Wokomung Massif, Potaro-Siparuni District, Guyana.
21 May 2018: Added a comment under Andrias davidianus (Cryptobranchidae) noting the publication of Yan, Lü, Zhang, Yuan, Zhao, Huang, Wei, Mi, Zou, Xu, Chen, Wang, Xie, Wu, Xiao, Liang, Jin, Wu, Xu, Tapley, Turvey, Papenfuss, Cunningham, Murphy, Zhang, and Che, 2018, Curr. Biol., 28: R590–R592, who provided molecular evidence that this nominal species is composed of several cryptic species, possibly as many as five, currently being mixed by the release of farm-raised animals likely resulting in species extinction via genetic homogenization. In the following article, also noted in the comment, Turvey, Chen, Tapley, Wei, Xie, Yan, Yang, Liang, Tian, Wu, Okada, Wang, Lü, Zhou, Papworth, Redbond, Brown, Che, and Cunningham, 2018, Curr. Biol., 28: R592–R594, document the decline and extirpation of many of these populations in the wild.
21 May 2018: Added Craugastor gutschei (Craugastoridae), from Cerro de Texíguat, Cordillera Nombre de Dios, 1550 m elevation, department of Yoro, Honduras, and Craugastor castanedai, from a ridge above Quebrada de Oro, Cordillera Nombre de Dios, 1140 m elevation, department of Atlántida, Honduras, both named by McCranie, 2018, Herpetologica, 74: 169-180.
21 May 2018: Added Hynobius tosashimizuensis (Hynobiidae), named by Sugawara, Watabe, Yoshikawa, and Nagano, 2018, Herpetologica, 74: 162, from Tosashimizu City, Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan.
16 May 2018: Added Eleutherodactylus colimotl (Eleutherodactylidae) (type locality: 3.5 km N of the junction of Highway 54 and the road to Ixtlahuacán, on the Hwy 54 frontage road, Municipio de Tecomán, Colima, Mexico), Eleutherodactylus erendirae (type locality: Aparícuaro, Municipio de Tancítaro, Michoacán, Mexico), Eleutherodactylus floresvillelai (type locality: approximately 25 km E of the outskirts of Morelia, Municipio de Charo, Michoacán, Mexico), Eleutherodactylus jaliscoensis (type locality: between Mascota and San Sebastian del Oeste, 20.8 airline km NNW of Mascota, Sierra Mascota, Municipio de Mascota, elev. 2,037, Jalisco, Mexico), Eleutherodactylus manantlanensis (type locality: 13 km NE of Colima–Minatitlán highway on the road to El Terrero, Municipio de Minatitlán, Colima, Mexico), and Eleutherodactylus nietoi (type locality: 18 km NNE of Aquila on the road to Coalcomán de Vázquez-Pallares, Municipio de Chinicuila, Michoacán, Mexico), all named by Grünwald, Reyes-Velasco, Franz-Chávez, Morales-Flores, Ahumada-Carrillo, Jones, and Boissinot, 2018, Mesoam. Herpetol., 5: 7–83.
15 May 2018: Added Gracixalus guangdongensis (Rhacophoridae), named by Wang, Zeng, Liu, and Wang, 2018, Zootaxa, 4420: 251–269, from Dawuling Forest Station (22°17′31.27″ N, 111°12′50.42″E; 1600 m a.s.l.) in Maoming City, Guangdong Province, China.
15 May 2018: Added Microhyla kodial (Microhylidae), named by Vineeth, Radhakrishna, Godwin, Anwesha, Rajashekhar, and Aravind, 2018, Zootaxa, 4420: 151–179, from Baikampady, Mangaluru, Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka, India.
15 May 2018: Added Caecilia museugoeldi (Caeciliidae), named by Maciel and Hoogmoed, 2018, Bol. Mus. Parense Emilio Goeldi, Cienc. Nat., 13: 13–18, from near Camp Patawa, West of Kaw, on the road to Kaw, district of Régina, French Guiana.
14 May 2018: Added Amolops yunkaiensis (Ranidae), named by Lyu, Wang, Liu, Zeng, and Wang in Lyu, Wu, Wang, Sung, Liu, Zeng, Wang, Li, and Wang, 2018, Zootaxa, 4418: 562–576, from Ehuangzhang Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province, China.
13 May 2018: Added comments under Proceratophrys (Odontophrynidae) and Proceratophrys bigibbosa, noting the publication of Dias, 2018, Copeia, 106: 86–93, who reported on the larval morphology of Proceratophrys bigibbosa, noting synapomorphies of the Proceratophrys bigibbosa group.
13 May 2018: Added Guibemantis milingilingy (Mantellidae), named by Bletz, Scherz, Rakotoarison, Lehtinen, Glaw, and Vences, 2018, Copeia, 106: 255–263, from northeastern Madagascar, Sava Region, Marojejy National Park, near the peak of the Marojejy Massif, 2026 m elevation.
6 May 2018: Added Pristimantis caniari (Craugastoridae), named by Rámírez-Jaramillo, Reyes-Puig, Batallas-Revelo, and Yánez-Muñoz, 2018, Avanc. Cienc. Ingen., Quito, Secc. B,, 10(18): 1–18, from Chacapata, near Laguna de Culebrillas, Parque Nacional Sangay, parroquia Juncal, cantón Cañar, provincia de Cañar, Ecuador.
6 May 2018: Added Pristimantis barrigai (Craugastoridae), named by Brito-M. and Almendáriz C., 2018, Cuad. Herpetol., 32: 31–40, from Paquisha Alto (78°29’22.8”W; 3°53’58.8”S, 2100 m s.n.m.), parroquia Paquisha, cantón Paquisha, provincia de Zamora Chinchipe, República del Ecuador.
3 May 2018: Added Pulchrana fantastica (Ranidae), named by Arifin, Cahyadi, Smart, Jankowski, and Haas, 2018, Raffles Bull. Zool., 66: 277–299, from Taman Buru Linge Isaq, Aceh Province, Sumatra, Indonesia.
2 May 2018: Added Amolops wenshanensis (Ranidae), named by Yuan, Jin, Li, Stuart, and Wu, 2018, Zootaxa, 4415: 498–512, from Wenshan National Nature Reserve, near Pingzai village, Xichou County, Wenshan city, Yunnan Province, China.
2 May 2018: Added comments under Phasmahyla cruzi (Phyllomedusidae) and Phasmachyla guttata noting the publication of Dias, Mongin-Aquino, Vera Candioti, Carvalho-e-Silva, and Baêta, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 44–53, who reported on internal larval anatomy.
2 May 2018: Added comments under Epipedobates darwinwallacei (Dendrobatidae) and Epipedobates, noting the publication of Dias, Anganoy-Criollo, Guayasamin, and Grant, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 54–63, who discussed larval synapomorphies for the taxon and larval morphology of Epipedobates darwinwallacei.
2 May 2018. Added a comment under Pseudopaludiscola canga (Leptodactylidae), noting the publication of Andrade, Ferreira, Takazone, Libório, and Weber, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 64–72, who reported on larval morphology.
2 May 2018: Placed Sphaenorhynchus orophilus (Hylidae) into the synonymy of Sphaenorhynchus platycephalus as executed by Araujo-Vieira, Caramaschi, Grillitsch, Grant, and Faivovich, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 73–84, who discussed the identity of Sphaenorhynchus platycephalus.
2 May 2018: Added comments under Brachycephalus olivaceus and Brachycephalus quiririensis (Brachycephalidae) noting the publication of Monteiro, Condez, Garcia, and Haddad, 2018, Zootaxa, 4415: 183–188, who reported on advertisement calls.
2 May 2018: Added Leptobrachella macrops (Megophryidae), named by Duong, Do, Ngo, Nguyen, and Poyarkov, 2018, Zool. Res., Kunming, 39: 181–196, from Ea Ly and Ea Trol Commune border, Song Hinh District, Phu Yen Province, Vietnam.
2 May 2018: Added Theloderma auratum (Rhacophoridae), named by Poyarkov, Kropachev, Gogoleva, and Orlov, 2018, Zool. Res., Kunming, 39: 156–180, from Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve, Gia Lai Province, Tay Nguyen Plateau, central Vietnam.
1 May 2018: Added Megophrys feii (Megophryidae), named by Yang, Wang, and Wang, 2018, Zootaxa, 4413: 325–338, from Xiaolangsu Village, Tongbiguan Town, Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China, very near the border of Myanmar.
1 May 2018: Added Fejervarya goemchi (Dicroglossidae), named by Dinesh, Kulkarni, Swamy, and Deepak, 2018 "2017", Rec. Zool. Surv. India, 117: 301–314, from Surla village, Goa, in the Western Ghats, India.
24 April 2018: Following the discussions by Faivovich, Pereyra, Luna, Hertz, Blotto, Vásquez-Almazán, McCranie, Sánchez, Baêta, Araujo-Vieira, Köhler, Kubicki, Campbell, Frost, Wheeler, and Haddad, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 1–36, discussed several topics within the genera of Hylini, including partitioning Ptychohyla into a redelimited Ptychohyla, and the new genera Atlantihyla and Quilticohyla, transferring Isthmohyla melacaena into Bromeliohyla, placing Anotheca and Diaglena into the synonymy of Triprion, and discussing whether the recognition of Dryophytes distinct from Hyla and the recognition of Sarcohyla distinct from Plectrohyla is worthwhile.
24 April 2018: Added Vietnamophryne (Asterophryinae: Microhylidae), named by Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Pawangkhanant, Aksornneam, Duong, Korost, and Che, 2018, Zool. Res., Kunming, 38(3): 1–26, to contain three newly discovered species from Thailand and Vietnam, also named in the same paper. The new species are: 1) Vietnamophryne inexpectata, named from Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve, Gia Lai Province, Tay Nguyen Plateau, central Vietnam; 2) Vietnamophryne occidentalis, named from Doi Tung Mountain, Pong Ngam District, Chiang Rai Province, northern Thailand; and 3) Vietnamophryne orlovi, named from the southern slopes of Phia Oac Mountain, Phia Oac-Phia Den National Park, Cao Bang Province, northern Vietnam.
23 April 2018: Modified the range statement of Theloderma gordoni (Rhacophoridae) and added a comment under that species record noting the publication of Qi, Yu, Lei, Fan, Zhang, Dong, Li, Orlov, and Hou, 2018, Russ. J. Herpetol., 25: 43–55, who provided records from Yunnan, China, and a phylogenetic context for that species.
21 April 2018: Added Pristimantis erythros (Craugastoridae), named by Sánchez-Nivicela, Celi-Piedra, Posse-Sarmiento, Urgilés, Yánez-Muñoz, and Cisneros-Heredia, 2018, ZooKeys, 751: 113–128, from Chanlud, parroquia Chiquintad, cantón Cuenca, provincial de Azuay, Ecuador.
14 April 2018: Added Leptobrachella purpura and Leptobrachella yingianensis (Megophryidae), both named by Yang, Zeng, and Wang, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e4586): 1–32, from Jinzhuzhai Village, Tongbiguan Town, Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China. Originally named in Leptolalax, this genus was placed in the synonymy of Leptobrachella by Chen, Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Lathrop, Wu, Zhou, Yuan, Jin, Chen, Liu, Nguyen, Nguyen, Duong, Eto, Nishikawa, Matsui, Orlov, Stuart, Brown, Rowley, Murphy, Wang, and Che, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 124: 162–171, shortly before the appearance of these two species descriptions.
13 April 2018: Modified the range and added a comment under Craugastor marmoratus (Craugastoridae), noting the publication of Kok, Dezfoulian, Means, Fouquet, and Barrio-Amorós, 2018, Eur. J. Taxon., 397: 1–30, who amended the diagnosis, revised its range, and reported on its advertisement call, breeding ecology, and phylogenetic relationships.
12 June 2018: Added comments under Allophrynidae and Centrolenidae noting the publication of Schmid, Steinlein, Feichtinger, and Bogart, 2014, Cytogenet. Genome Res., 142: 268–285, who reported on chromosome banding in these taxa.
12 June 2018: Added a comment under Boana cordobae (Hylidae), noting the publication by Baraquet, Grenat, Salas, and Martino, 2015, Acta Ethol., 18: 79–86, reported on geographic variation in the advertisement all (as Hypsiboas cordobae).
12 April 2018: Added comments under Ololygon (Hylidae) and Scinax, noting the publication of Gruber, Oliveira, Silva, Narimatsu, Haddad, and Kasahara, 2017, Comp. Cytogenet., 11: 267–283, who reported on the mechanism for karyologial differentiation of Ololygon and Scinax.
12 April 2018: Added comments under Dendropsophus (Hylidae) and the members of the Dendropsophus marmoratus group noting the publication of Teixeira, Seger, Targueta, Orrico, and Lourenço, 2016, Comp. Cytogenet., 10: 753–767, who reported on the comparative karyotypes of members of the Dendropsophus marmoratus group.
12 April 2018: Added a comment under Ololygon tripui (Hylidae) noting the publication of Peixoto, Oliveira, Feio, and Dergam, 2016, Comp. Cytogenet., 10: 505–516, who reported on karyological variation among populations.
12 April 2018: Added a comment under Aplastodiscus leucopygius (Hylidae) noting the publication of Berneck, Segalla, and Haddad, 2017, Herpetol. Notes, 10: 351–254, who reported on amplexus behavior.
12 April 2018: Added a comment under Sphaenorhynchus caramaschii (Hylidae) noting the publicaiton of Forti, Lingnau, and Bertoluci, 2017, Vert. Zool., Senckenberg, 67: 197–205, who reported on variation in the advertisement call.
12 April 2018: Added a comment under Boana (Hylidae) noting the publication of Carvalho, Rodrigues, Siqueira, and Garcia, 2014, Genet. Mol. Res., 13: 7826–7838, reported on chromosomal evolution in the genus (as Hypsiboas).
12 April 2018: Added a comment under Rhacophorus (Rhacophoridae) noting the publication of Pan, Zhang, Wang, Wu, Kang, Qian, Chen, Rao, Jiang, and Zhang, 2017, PeerJ, 5(e3995): 1–22, reported on the molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of the genus.
12 April 2018: Added comments under the Sarawak Bufonidae (Ansonia spinulifer, Ingerophrynus divergens, Phrynoidis asper, P. juxtasper, Rentapia hosii, and Duttaphrynus melanostictus) to note the publication of Amram, Zainudin, and Wahid, 2018, Sains Malaysiana, 47: 1-7, who reported on the mating calls
12 April 2018: Added comments under Pelophylax bedriagae (Ranidae) and Pelophylax ridibundus and modified the range of Pelophylax bedriagae to include Iraq and Iran, reflecting the publication of Pesarakloo, Rastegar-Pouyani, Rastegar-Pouyani, Kami, Najibzadeh, Khosravani, and Oraie, 2017, MtDNA, Part A, 28: 392–398, who provided mtDNA evidence that Pelophylax bedriagae extends into western Iran and that populations in Iran assigned to Pelophylax ridibundus likely represent and unnamed species.
12 April 2018: Added Brachycephalus actaeus (Brachycephalidae), named by Monteiro, Condez, Garcia, Comitti, Amaral, and Haddad, 2018, Zootaxa, 4407: 485–505, from the Serra da Palha, Laranjeiras, Ilha de São Francisco do Sul, municipality of São Francisco do Sul, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
11 April 2018: Added a comment under Aplastodiscus eugenioi (Hylidae), noting the publication of Miranda, Abrunhosa, and Silva, 2016, Tropical Conserv. Sci., 9: 338–353, reported on mating call in insular populations.
11 April 2018: Added Phyllodytes praeceptor (Hylidae), named by Orrico, Dias, and Marciano, 2018, Zootaxa, 4407: 101–110, from the Serra da Jibóia municipality of Santa Terezinha and Elísio Medrado, State of Bahia, Brazil.
5 April 2018: Added Peltophryne armata (Bufonidae), named by Landestoy T., Turner, Marion, and Hedges, 2018, Zootaxa, 4403: 523–539, from 1.6 km SSW of Las Mercedes, Sierra de Bahoruco, 345 m elevation, Pedernales Province, Dominican Republic.
5 April 2018: Added Hydromantes wintu and Hydromantes samweli (Plethodontidae), both cryptic isolates formerly considered parts of Hydromantes shastae and named from the vicinity of Shasta Lake, Shasta County, California, USA by Bingham, Papenfuss, Lindstrand, and Wake, 2018, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 161: 403–427.
3 April 2018: Added Kaloula ghoshi (Microhylidae), an Andaman Islands (India) endemic, recognized as distinct from Kaloula baleata by Chandramouli and Prasad, 2018, Tropical Nat. Hist., Thailand, 18: 40–53.
31 March 2018: Added a comment under Duttphrynus (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Pratihar, Bhattacharya, and Deuti, 2016, MtDNA, Part A, 27: 2881-2882, who reported on a 2-locus tree of the species of Duttphrynus from India.
31 March 2018: Added a comment under Rana (Ranidae) and Rana maoershanensis, noting the publication of Zhou, Wang, Zhu, Li, Yang, and Ma, 2017, PLoS One, 12(4: e0175113): 1–15, who reported on the molecular systematics and biogeography of South China brown frogs.
31 March 2018: Added a comment under Nanorana parkeri (Dicroglossidae) noting the publication of Liu, Wang, Fu, Hu, Xie, Liu, Zhang, and Li, 2015, Sci. Rep. (Nature, London), 5(9857): 1–9, who reported on mtDNA phylogeography.
31 March 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Gracixalus quyeti (Rhacophoridae) reflecting the publication of Egert, Luu, Nguyen, Le, Bonkowski, and Ziegler, 2017, Rev. Suisse Zool., 124: 47–51, who provided a record from Khammouane Province, central Laos, and who who noted that this population the Vietnam population east of the Annamite Range are almost identical morphologically, but do show some morphological differences.
30 March 2018: Added a comment under Typhlonectidae noting the publication of Maciel, Sampaio, Hoogmoed, and Schneider, 2017, Zool. Scripta, 46: 255–263, who eported on the phylogenetics of the genera based on morphology and molecules.
29 March 2018: Added a comment under Bufotes boulengeri (Bufonidae) noting the publication of Nicolas, Mataame, Crochet, Géniez, Fahd, and Ohler, 2018, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res., 56: 102–116, who reported on molecular phylogeography as Bufotes boulengeri boulengeri.
29 March 2018: Added comments under Pipa pipa and Pipa snethlagae (Pipidae) noting the publication of Acosta-Galvis, Lasso, and Morales-Betancourt, 2016, Biota Colomb., 17: 105–116, who provided records from the Orinoco drainage of Colombia and cast doubt on the distinctiveness of these nominal species.
29 March 2018: Added a comment under Myobatrachus gouldii (Myobatrachidae) noting the publication of Vertucci, Pepper, Edwards, Roberts, Mitchell, and Keogh, 2017, PLoS One, 12(3: e0173348): 1–18, who reported on natural history, range, and mtDNA biogeography suggesting five allopatric groups.
29 March 2018: Added a comment under Rhacophorus catamitus (Rhacophoridae) noting the publication of O'Connell, Smith, Shaney, Arifin, Kurniawan, Sidik, and Fujita, 2018, Zool. Scripta, 47: 33–43, who suggested on the basis of coalescent analysis that three lineages exist within this nominal species.
28 March 2018: Linked-out Chinese species records in Amphibian Species of the World to those of AmphibiaChina (http://www.amphibiachina.org/).
28 March 2018: Added Odorrana arunachalensis (Ranidae), named by Saikia, Sinha, and Kharkongor, 2017, J. Bioresources, India, 4: 30–41, from Lower Subansiri District, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
26 March 2018: Added a comment under Tylototriton (Salamandridae), noting the publication of Wang, Nishikawa, Matsui, Nguyen, Xie, Li, Khatiwada, Zhang, Gong, Mo, Wei, Chen, Shen, Yang, Xiong, and Jiang, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e4384): 1–29, who reported on molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of the species.
25 March 2018: Added Pachytriton airobranchiatus (Salamandridae), named by Li, Yuan, Li, and Wu, 2018, Zootaxa, 4399: 207–219, from Mount Lianhua, Huidong County, Huizhou in Guangdong, China.
25 March 2018: Added a comment under Ommatotriton (Salamandridae) noting the publication of van Riemsdijk, van Nieuwenhuize, Martínez-Solano, Arntzen, and Wielstra, 2018, Conserv. Genetics, 19: 249–254,who reported on DNA phylogenetics of the species and noted a hybrid population introduced into Catalonia, Spain (now being eradicated).
22 March 2018: Modified the range of Sylvirana nigrovittata (Ranidae), Sylvirana mortenseni, placed Sylvirana hekouensis and Sylvirana menglaensis into the synonymy of Sylvirana nigrovittata, and added Sylvirana montosa n. sp. (named from Laos, Khammouan Province, Boualapha District, Hin Nam No National Protected Area (formerly Hin Nam No National Biodiversity Conservation Area), Phou Khaonok Mountain), Sylvirana annamitica n. sp. (Laos, Khammouan Province, Nakai District, Nakai-Nam Theun National Protected Area (formerly Nakai-Nam Theun National Biodiversity Conservation Area), and Sylvirana malayana (named from Thailand, Surat Thani Province, Khao Sok National Park), Sylvirana roberti (named from Myanmar (Burma), Tanintharyi State, Dewei District, Yephyu Township, Tanintharyi Nature Reserve), Sylvirana lacrima (named from Myanmar, Chin State, Mindat District, Mindat Township, Hteen Chaung village), all by Sheridan and Stuart, 2018, PLoS One, 13(3: e0192766): 1–48.
22 March 2018: Transferred all species of Leptolalax (Megophryidae) into Leptobrachella to reflect the publication of Chen, Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Lathrop, Wu, Zhou, Yuan, Jin, Chen, Liu, Nguyen, Nguyen, Duong, Eto, Nishikawa, Matsui, Orlov, Stuart, Brown, Rowley, Murphy, Wang, and Che, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 124: 162–171, who reported on the molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of Leptolalax and Leptobrachella, showing the latter is imbedded in the former and therefore placed Leptolalax into the synonymy of Leptobrachella. The authors also noted a number of unnamed species and rejected the former subgenera of Leptolalax.
21 March 2018: Added comments under Madecassophryne (Microhylidae) and Madecassophryne truebae, noting the publication of Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, and Vences, 2017, Salamandra, 53: 507–518, who reported on molecular phylogenetics, morphology, osteology, acoustics, and natural history of a population identified as Madecassophryne cf. truebae.
21 March 2018: Added Gephyromantis (Vatomantis) lomorina (Mantellidae), named by Scherz, Hawlitschek, Razafindraibe, Megson, Ratsoavina, Rakotoarison, Bletz, Glaw, and Vences, 2018, Zoosyst. Evol., 94: 247–261, from .Marojejy National Park, Sava Region, northeastern Madagascar.
20 March 2018: Added a comment under Pithecopus megacephalus (Phyllomedusidae), noting the publication of Ramos, Magalhães, Sari, Rosa, Garcia, and Santos, 2018, Conserv. Genetics, 19: 99–110, who reported on the conservation genetics and the isolated montane populations of this species.
20 March 2018: Added a comment under Thoropa (Cycloramphidae) noting the publication of Sabbag, Lyra, Zamudio, Haddad, Feio, Leite, Gasparini, and Brasileiro, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 122: 142–156, who reported on molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of the genus and near relatives, suggesting on the basis of Bayesian inference that Thoropa is nonmonophyletic, Thoropa lutzi being closer to Cycloramphus + Zachaenus, and the remainder of Thoropa forming the sister taxon of that group. The authors also found Alsodidae to be nonmonophyletic, with Limnomedusa (currently provisionally in Alsodidae) to be the sister taxon of Odontophrynidae, although they did not make the taxonomic change.
20 March 2018: Added a comment under Salamandridae noting the publication of Kieren, Sparreboom, Hochkirch, and Veith, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 121: 98–109, who reported on molecular phylogenetics and the evolution of reproductive behavior.
20 March 2018: Added a comment under Pleurodeles (Salamandridae) and its constituent species noting the publication of Escoriza and Ben Hassine, 2017, Zootaxa, 4237: 587–592, who compared the larval morphology of Pleurodeles nebulosus, Pleurodeles waltl, and Pleurodeles poireti.
18 March 2018: Added comments under Bufo spinosus (Bufonidae) and Bufo bufo, noting the publication of Arntzen, McAtear, Butôt, and Martínez-Solano, 2018, Amphibia-Reptilia, 39: 41–50, who reported on the molecular signatures of a hybrid zone between Bufo bufo and Bufo spinosus from the Atlantic coast near Caen, France, to the Mediterranean coast near Savona, Italy.
17 March 2018: Added a comment under Kurixalus (Rhacophoridae) noting the publication of Lv, He, Klaus, Brown, and Li, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 121: 224–232, who reported on molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of the species.
17 March 2018: Modified the range statement to include Colombia and added a comment under Leptodactylus validus (Leptodactylidae) to reflect the publication of Acosta-Galvis and de Sá, 2018, ZooKeys, 737: 113–123, described the range in Colombia, discussed the call and life history and provided a range map for the entire species.
17 March 2018: Added a comment under Leptopelis natalensis (Arthroleptidae), noting the publication of Schweiger, Harvey, Otremba, Weber, and Müller, 2017, Acta Herpetol., Firenze, 12: 125–132, discussed larval morphology and noted variation and inconsistencies in previous literature.
16 March 2018: Added Fejervarya jhilmilensis (Dicroglossidae), named by Bahuguna, 2018, Biosystematica, 10: 11–23, from "INDIA: Haridwar ,Uttarakhand,Conservation area:Jhilmil Jheel (Compartment 7b) 29°48’45.1″ N, 78°11’16.4″ E, 255 m".
15 March 2018: Added comments under Odontophrynus cordobae (Odontophrynidae) and Odontophrynus americanus, noting the natural triploids found in the hybrid zone as described by Grenat, Salas, Pollo, Otero, Baraquet, Sinsch, and Martino, 2018, Amphibia-Reptilia, 39: 1–10.
15 March 2018: Added a comment under Bokermannohyla ibitiguara (Hylidae) noting the publication of Turin, Nali, and Prado, 2018, Amphibia-Reptilia, 39: 31–39, who reported on intraspecific call variation.
15 March 2018: Added a comment under Elachistocleis matogrosso (Microhylidae) noting the publication of Pansonato, Mudrek, Nunes, and Strüssmann, 2018, Salamandra, 54: 92–96, describing advertisement calls.
15 March 2018: Added a comment under Limnomedusa macroglossa (Alsodidae) noting the publication of Guerra Batista, Lingnau, Barreto, Kwet, and Bastos, 2018, Salamandra, 54: 97–100, who reported on vocalization.
15 March 2018: Added a comment under Leptobrachium hendricksoni (Megophryidae) noting the publication of Draškić, Wangkulangkul, Martínez-Solano, and Vörös, 2018, Amphibia-Reptilia, 39: 99–111, who suggested on the basis of molecular analysis that nominal Leptobrachium hendricksoni is divided into four lineages: a) southern Thailand (Titiwangsa and Nakhon si Thammarat ranges); b) northeasst Malaysia ( Banjaran Pantai Timur range), c) Sumatra, d) Peninsular Malaysia, of which they considered A and B to be conspecific and C and D to be different, but unnamed species.
15 March 2018: Added comments where appropriate noting the publication of Zhang, Zhang, Yu, Storey, and Zheng, 2018, BMC Evol. Biol., 18(26): 1–13, reported on a molecular phylogeny of Dicroglossidae, largely confirming previous conclusions although adding substantially more evidence. These authors confirmed the synonymy of Feirana with Nanorana, discussed novel gene rearrangements in Nanorana taihangnica and Nanorana yunnanensis and suggested that Quasipaa robertingeri may be synonymous with Quasipaa boulengeri.
15 March 2018: Added a comment and modified the range statement of Uperodon globulosus (Microhylidae) to reflect the publication of Rahman, Alam, and Rabbe, 2018, Check List, 14: 277–280, who provided a record for Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh.
15 March 2018: Added a comment and modified the range statement of Centrolene heloderma (Centrolenidae) to reflect the publication of Krynak, Wessels, Imba, and Lyons, 2018, Check List, 14: 261–265, who provided a new record from Pichincha Province, Ecuador, and discussed apparently extinct populations and current threats.
15 March 2018: Added a comment and modified the range statement of Alsodes vanzolinii (Alsodidae) to reflect the publication of Puente-Torres, Barceló, and Simonetti, 2017, Check List, 13(6): 813–816, who reported the species in Tregualema, Maule Region, Chile, in pine plantations.
15 March 2018: Added a comment and modified the range statement of Rhinella poepiggii (Bufonidae) to reflect the publication of Venâncio, Freitas, Abegg, and Kokubum, 2017, Check List, 13(6): 747–750, reported the species from Assis, Acre, Brazil, and discussed the range.
15 March 2018: Added a comment under and modified the range statement of Boana pugnax (Hylidae) to reflect the publication of Escalona Sulbarán, Prieto-Torres, and Rojas-Runjaic, 2017, Check List, 13(5): 671–681, who provided new records for Venezuela and mapped the entire range in Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela.
15 March 2018: Added a comment under and modified the range statment of Boana wavrini (Hylidae) to reflect the publication of Acosta-Galvis and Rojas-Murcia, 2017, Check List, 13(5): 663–670, who provided new records for the Colombian llanos and discussed the documented range.
15 March 2018: Added a comment under and modified the range statment of Boana alfaroi (Hylidae) reflecting the publication of Carvalho, Bang, Teixeira, and Giaretta, 2017, Check List, 13(4): 135–139, provided the record from Assis, Acre, Brazil, on the Peruvian border.
15 March 2018: Added a comment under and modified the range statement of Gastrotheca testudinea (Hemiphractidae) reflecting the publication of Urgilés, Sánchez-Nivicela, and Cisneros-Heredia, 2017, Check List, 13(4): 121–125, who provided notes on the distribution in Ecuador.
14 March 2018: Modified the range statements for Ichthyophis khumzhi and Ichthyophis moustakius (Ichthyophiidae) to reflect the extensions to the state of Mizoram by Chaitanya, Lalremsanga, and Giri, 2017, Check List, 13(4): 101–105.
14 March 2018: Modified the range statement of Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni (Centrolenidae) to reflect the publication of Cruz, Urgilés, Sánchez-Nivicela, Siddons, and Cisneros-Heredia, 2017, Check List, 13(4): 67–70, who provided records for western and southwestern Ecuador and discussed the overall range.
14 March 2018: Modified the range statement of Pristimantis uisae (Craugastoridae) to reflect the publication of Ramírez, 2017, Check List, 13(4): 25–30, who provided new records, a dot map, and discussion of the geographical and ecological distribution.
14 March 2018: Added a comment under Strabomantis ingeri (Craugastoridae) noting the publication of Meneses-Pelayo, Chinchilla-Lemus, and Ramírez-Pinilla, 2017, Check List, 13(4): 17–20, where a number of new localities and and a range map were provided.
14 March 2018: Added a comment under Bombina orientalis (Bombinatoridae), noting the publication of Borzée, Groffen, and Seliger, 2018, Herpetol. Rev., 49: 69, who provided specific localities in Dem. Rep. Korea and discussed earlier records.
14 March 2018: Modified the range statement for Adenomera cotuba (Leptodactylidae) to reflect the publication of Oliveira, Freitas, Lima, Pires, and De-Carvalho, 2018, Herpetol. Rev., 49: 69, who reported the species in Bahia, Brazil.
14 March 2018: Placed Pristimantis flavobracatus into the synonymy of Pristimantis cruciocularis (Craugastoridae) and added Pristimantis cruciocularis and Pristimantis antisuyu, both named from Distrito Kosñipata, Provincia Paucartambo, Región Cusco, Peru, by Catenazzi and Lehr, 2018, Zootaxa, 4394: 185–206.
14 March 2018: Moved Bufo brasiliensis Laurenti, 1768, out of the synonymy of Rhinella marina (Bufonidae) to status as a nomen dubium under Anura, consistent with the publication of Valencia-Zuleta, Caramaschi, and Maciel, 2018, Zootaxa, 4392: 598–600.
13 March 2018: Added a comment under Teratohyla midas (Centrolenidae) and modified the range statement to reflect the publication of Araújo, Pansonato, Oliveira, Morais, Carvalho, and Ávila, 2018, Check List, 14: 303-308, who reported on advertisement call and provided new records from Brazil, including providing a map.
10 March 2018: Ecuador species records now link out to FaunaWebEcuador: Anfibios del Ecuador (https://bioweb.bio/faunaweb/amphibiaweb/).
10 March 2018: Added Sumaterana (Ranidae), a new genus of torrent-dwelling frogs, type species being Rana crassiovis, as well as two new species Sumaterana montana and Sumaterana dabulescens, all named by Arifin, Smart, Hertwig, Smith, Iskandar, and Haas, 2018, Zoosyst. Evol., 94: 163–193, who discussed the gastromyzophorous tadpole and provided molecular evidence for their monophyly.
9 March 2018: Placed Phrynopus curator and Phrynopus nicoleae into the synonymy of Phrynopus tribulosus, following the publication by von May, Lehr, and Rabosky, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e4313): 1–27, who reported on molecular phylogenetics of the group and found evidence of monophyly.
9 March 2018: Modified the range statement of Dendropsophus haraldschultzi (Hylidae) to reflect the records from Amapá and Pará, Brazil, provided by Missassi, Costa-Campos, Lima, and Lambertini, 2017, Herpetol. Notes, 10: 703–707, who also provided a dot map of the range of the entire species.
8 March 2018: Added Buergeria otai (Rhacophoridae), named by Wang, Hsiao, Lee, Tseng, Lin, Komaki, and Lin, 2017 "2018", PLoS One, 12(9: e0184005): 1-23 (plus online correction), from Taiwan, Pingdong County.
8 March 2018: Added Phrynobatrachus tanoeensis (Phrynobatrachidae), named by Kpan, Kouamé, Barej, Adeba, Emmrich, Ofori-Boateng, and Rödel, 2018, Zootaxa, 4388: 221–237, from the Tanoé-Ehy Swamp Forest, Ivory Coast.
7 March 2018: Added a comment under Amnirana (Ranidae), noting the molecular biogeography by Jongsma, Barej, Barratt, Burger, Conradie, Ernst, Greenbaum, Hirschfeld, Leaché, Penner, Portik, Zassi-Boulou, Rödel, and Blackburn, 2018, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 120: 274–285, and cleaned up range statements for the African species based on information in this paper.
6 March 2018: Added Nasutixalus yingjiangensis (Rhacophoridae), named by Yang and Chan, 2018, Zootaxa, 4388: 191–206, from Tongbiguan Town, Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China.
6 March 2018: Added Choerophryne bickfordi (Microhylidae), named by Kraus, 2018, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 131: 53–60, from 7 km north of Wabo, Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea.
6 March 2018: Added Physalaemus carrizorum (Leptodactylidae), named by Cardozo and Pereyra, 2018, Zootaxa, 4387: 580–590, from Departamento Guaraní, Misiones province, Argentina".
6 March 2018: Added Allobates juami (Aromobatidae), named by Simões, Gagliardi-Urrutia, Rojas-Runjaic, and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2018, Zootaxa, 4387: 109–133, from an area of terra-firme forest on the east bank of the Juami River, within Estação Ecológica Juami-Japurá, State of Amazonas, Brazil.
6 March 2018: Added Leptolalax rowleyae (Megophryidae), named by Nguyen, Poyarkov, Le, Vo, Ninh, Duong, Murphy, and Sang, 2018, Zootaxa, 4388: 1–21, from Da Nang City, Vietnam.
6 March 2018: Added Psychrophrynella glauca (Craugastoridae), named by Catenazzi and Ttito, 2018, PeerJ, 4444: 1–18, from near Thiuni, Distrito Ollachea, Provincia Carabaya, Department of Puno, Peru.
24 February 2018: Added Siamophryne troglodytes (Microhylidae), new genus and species, named by Suwannapoom, Sumontha, Tunprasert, Ruangsuwan, Pawangkhanant, Korost, and Poyarkov, 2018, PeerJ, 4422: 1-42, from a limestone cave in Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi Province, western Thailand, elevation 440 m elevation.
23 February 2018: Added Rhacophorus hoabinhensis (Rhacophoridae), named by Nguyen, Pham, Nguyen, Ninh, and Ziegler, 2017, Asian Herpetol. Res., 8: 221–234, named from near Hang Kia Village, elevation of 1350 m, Hang Kia Commune, Mai Chau District, Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam.
23 February 2018: Added a comment under Proceratophrys branti (Odontophrynidae) noting the publication of Andrade, Rocha, and Vaz-Silva, 2018, Zootaxa, 4379: 445–447, who reported on the advertisement call.
23 February 2018: Added a comment under Dendropsophus cruzi (Hylidae), noting the publication of Andreani, Oliveira, Guerra Batista, Bastos, and Morais, 2018, Zootaxa, 4379: 137–139, who reported on the aggressive call in the species.
23 February 2018: Added Hyperolius stictus (Hyperoliidae), named by Conradie, Verburgt, Portik, Ohler, Bwong, and Lawson, 2018, Zootaxa, 4379: 177–198, named from northeastern Mozambique.
23 February 2018: Added Uperodon rohani (Microhylidae), named by Garg, Senevirathne, Wijayathilaka, Phuge, Deuti, Manamendra-Arachchi, Meegaskumbura, and Biju, 2018, Zootaxa, 4384: 1–81, from Mihintale, Anuradhapura district, Sri Lanka. All previous records of Uperodon variegata now apply to this species. These authors revised the genus, provided multiple neotype and lectotype designations, and redelimited the known ranges of several of the species.
22 February 2018: Added Hyloscirtus japreria (Hylidae), named by Rojas-Runjaic, Infante-Rivero, Salerno, and Meza-Joya, 2018, Zootaxa, 4382: 121–146, from the Sierra de Perijá, Machiques de Perijá municipality, Zulia state, Venezuela, and recorded in adjacent Colombia. The authors also provided phylogeneetic evidence to place Colomascirtus into the synonymy of Hyloscirtus.
21 February 2018: Added a comment under Cophomantinae (Hylidae) noting the publication of Ferro, Cardozo, Suárez, Boeris, Blasco-Zuñiga, Barbero, Gomes, Gazoni, Costa, Nagamachi, Rivera, Parise-Maltempi, Wiley, Pieczarka, Haddad, Faivovich, and Baldo, 2018, PLoS One, 13(2: e0192861): 1–29, who reported on the chromosome evolution within the tribe Cophomantini.
20 February 2018: Added Scinax ruberoculatus (Hylidae), named by Ferrão, Fraga, Moravec, Kaefer, and Lima, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e: 4321): 1–34, from Nascentes do Lago Jari National Park, municipality of Tapauá, Amazonas State, Brazil.
13 February 2018: Added Anomaloglossus blanci (Aromobatidae) and Anomaloglossus dewynteri, named by Fouquet, Vacher, Courtois, Villette, Reizine, Gaucher, Jairam, Ouboter, and Kok, 2018, Zootaxa, 4379: 1–23, from, respectively northeastern Surinam and Mont Itoupé, French Guiana. These authors also rediagnosed Anomaloglossus surinamensis and Anomaloglossus degranvillei.
13 February 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment to the Hemiphractus scutatus (Hemiphractidae) record, noting the pubication of Moraes and Pavan, 2018, Amph. Rept. Conserv., 12(1: e51): 5–14, who provided records from Pará, Brazil, and provided a spot map of the species.
13 February 2018: Added Ansonia phuketensis (Bufonidae) and Ansonia pilokensis, named by Matsui, Khonsue, and Panha, 2018, Zool. Sci., Tokyo, 35: 39–48, from, respectively, from Kathu Waterfall, Phuket Island, Phuket Province, and Pilok Subdistrict, Thong Pha Phum National Park, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand.
9 February 2018: Added comments under Pithecopus azurea (Phyllomedusidae) and Pithecopus oreades reflecting the publication of Santos, Morais, Signorelli, Bastos, Feio, and Nomura, 2017, Herpetologica, 74: 50–57, who reported on the internal oral morphology of the larva of Pithecopus oreades and the general larval morphology of Pithecopus azurea.
9 February 2018: Added Fritziana izecksohni (Hemiphractidae), named by Folly, Hepp, and Carvalho-e-Silva, 2018, Herpetologica, 74: 58–72. from the Serra do Órgãos,, municipality of Teresópolis, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
9 February 2018: Added a comment under Centrolene notostictum (Centrolenidae) noting the publication by Viuche-Lozano, Enciso-Calle, and Bernal-Bautista, 2018, Zootaxa, 4377: 575–576, which reported on the advertisement call and provided a record for Tolima, Colombia.
9 February 2018: Added a comment under Dendropsophus novaisi (Hylidae), noting the publication by Ruas, Mira-Mendes, and Del Grande, 2018, Zootaxa, 4375: 296–300, which reported on larval morphology and natural history.
7 February 2018: Added a comment and reorganized the comments under Scutiger occidentalis and Scutiger nyingchiensis (Megophryidae) to reflect the publicaiton of Hofmann, Stöck, Zheng, Ficetola, Li, Scheidt, and Schmidt, 2017, Sci. Rep. (Nature, London), 7 (3308): 1–12, who provided molecular evidence for the systematics and biogeography of the genus Scutiger as well as the taxonomic distinctiveness of Scutiger occidentalis and Scutiger nyingchiensis.
25 January 2018: Added Phrynobatrachus afiabirago (Phrynobatrachidae), named by Ofori-Boateng, Leaché, Obeng-Kankam, Kouamé, Hillers, and Rödel, 2018, Zootaxa, 4374: 565–578, from Atewa Range, Ghana.
25 January 2018: Added Limnonectes coffeatus (Dicroglossidae), named by Phimmachak, Sivongxay, Seateun, Yodthong, Rujirawan, Neang, Aowphol, and Stuart, 2018, Zootaxa, 4375: 325–340, from Laos, Champasak Province, Pakxong District, Bolaven Plateau, Dong Hua Sao National Protected Area.
24 January 2018: Added Chiasmocleis parkeri (Microhylidae), named by Almendáriz C., Brito-M., Batallas-Revelo, Vaca-Guerrero, and Ron, 2017, Pap. Avulsos Zool., São Paulo, 57: 119–136, from Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador.
24 January 2018: Placed Rhacophorus maximus (Rhacophoridae) into the synonymy of Rhacophorus smaragdinus, following the publication of Ohler and Deuti, 2018, Zootaxa, 4375: 273–280.
21 January 2018: Added Cornufer exedrus (Ceratobatrachidae), named by Travers, Richards, Broadhead, and Brown, 2018, Zootaxa, 4370: 23–44, from the Nakanai Mountains, East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea.
20 January 2018: Redelimited Dendropsophus parviceps (Hylidae) to not include Bolivia, and added Dendropsophus kubricki and Dendropsophus kamagarini, from, respectively, northern Amazonian Peru and adjacent Brazil, and southern Amazonian Peru, adjacent Brazil and Amazonian Bolivia, following the revision of the Dendropsophus parviceps complex by Rivadeneira, Venegas, and Ron, 2018, ZooKeys, 726: 25–77.
20 January 2018: Added Austrochaperina rudolpharndti (Microhylidae), named by Günther, 2017, Vert. Zool., Senckenberg, 67: 207–222, from the Wondiwoi Mountains at the base of Wandammen Peninsula, border Papua Barat and Papua Provinces of Indonesia. Austrochaperina punctata Van Kampen, 1913, found in the Manikion Region of Papua Province, Indonesia, was resurrected from the synonymy of Austrochaperina macrorhyncha, which was redelimited.
5 January 2018: Added comments under Epipedobates narinensis (Dendrobatidae) and Epipedobates boulengeri, noting the publication of Anganoy-Criollo and Cepeda-Quilindo, 2017, Phyllomedusa, 16: 155–182, who redescribed the larvae.
5 January 2018: Added Elachistocleis corumbaensis (Microhylidae), named by Piva, Caramaschi, and Albuquerque, 2017, Phyllomedusa, 16: 143–154, from the Parque Municipal de Piraputangas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, but expected to have a wider range, possibly extending into adjacent Bolivia.
5 January 2018: Added Bryophryne mancoinca (Craugastoridae), named by Mamani, Catenazzi, Ttito, Mallqui, and Chaparro, 2017, Phyllomedusa, 16: 129–141, from Hornopampa sector, near Salkantay Mountain, along the road to the Archeological Complex of Choquequirao, 3707 m elevation, Distrito Santa Teresa, Provincia La Convención, Departamento Cusco, Peru.
4 January 2018: Added Phrynopus inti (Craugastoridae), named by Lehr, von May, Moravec, and Cusi, 2017, ZooKeys, 713: 131–157, from the vicinity of Pui Pui Protected Forest, , Provincia Satipo, Región Junín, Peru.
1 January 2018: The holotype of Hynobius stejnegeri was found by Matsui, Nishikawa, and Tominaga, 2017, Zool. Sci., Tokyo, 34: 538–545, to be conspecific with what is currently known as Hynobius yatsui, this necessitating a new name for the species formerly known as Hynobius stejnegeri, the name Hynobius ikioi being provided by Matsui, Nishikawa, and Tominaga, 2017, Zool. Sci., Tokyo, 34: 538–545, who explained the situation in detail and provided substantial information about the species. In sum, what was Hynobius stejnegeri in this catalogue prior to 2018 is now Hynobius ikioi; what was known as Hynobius yatsui is now Hynobius stejnegeri.
1 January 2018: Added Pristimantis yantzaza (Craugastoridae), named by Valencia, Dueñas, Székely, Batallas-Revelo, and Pulluquitín, 2017, Zootaxa, 4353: 447–466, from La Zarza, Los Encuentros, Yantzaza, 1478 m elevation), Zamora Chinchipe province, Ecuador.
1 January 2018: Added a comment under Dendropsophus minutus (Hylidae) noting the publication of Oyamaguchi, Oliveira, and Smith, Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 120: 363–370, who reported on body size variation across the Amazon–Cerrado gradient.
1 January 2018: Added Microkayla huayna (Craugastoridae), named by De la Riva, Cortez F., and Burrowes, 2017, Zootaxa, 4363: 350–360, from Valle de Zongo, Province Murillo, Departament La Paz, Bolivia.
1 January 2018: Added Chiropterotriton chico (Plethodontidae), named by García-Castillo, Rovito, Wake, and Parra-Olea, 2017, Zootaxa, 4363: 489–505, from El Chico National Park, Hidalgo, Mexico.
1 January 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Desmognathus monticola (Plethodontidae) reflecting the publication of Bush, Guzy, Halloran, Swartwout, Kross, and Willson, 2017, Copeia, 2017: 678–688, who reported on an introduced population in Benton County, extreme southwestern Missouri, USA, on Spavinaw Creek.
1 January 2018: Modified the range statement and added a comment under Arthroleptis troglodytes (Arthroleptidae) reflecting the publication of Becker and Hopkins, 2017, Afr. Zool., 52: 183–187, who rediscovered the species after 54 years and reported on color in life, call, morphology, and habitat.
1 January 2018: Added comments under Tylototriton (Salamandridae) and Tylototriton yangi to note the publication of Wang, Yuan, Zhong, Li, and Verrell, 2017, Amph. Rept. Conserv., 11(2): 33–43, who discussed the reproductive biology of Tylototriton yangi within the comparative context of the Tylototriton verrucosus group.