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Craugastor berkenbuschii (Peters, 1870)
Hylodes berkenbuschii Peters, 1870 "1869", Monatsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1869: 879. Holotype: ZMB 6666 according to Kellogg, 1932, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 160: 117. Type locality: "wareren Gegenden Mexicos (Matamoros u. a. o.)" = warmer parts of Mexico (Matamoros and other areas); stated to be "probably near [Izucar de] Matamoros", Puebla, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor, 1948, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 194: 65; restricted to "Matamoros (Izucar)", Puebla, Mexico by Smith and Taylor, 1950, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33: 341. Campbell and Savage, 2000, Herpetol. Monogr., 14: 202, have disputed this restriction, noting that the species does not occur at Matamoros, otherwise being found only on the Atlantic versant in the state of Puebla.
Liohyla berkenbuschi — Günther, 1900, Biol. Centr. Amer., Vol. 7, Rept. Batr., Part 156: 225.
Eleutherodactylus berkenbuschii — Stejneger, 1904, Annu. Rep. U.S. Natl. Mus. for 1902: 582-583, by implication; Savage and DeWeese, 1979, Bull. S. California Acad. Sci., 78: 113-114.
Eleutherodactylus natator Taylor, 1939 "1938", Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 25: 394. Holotype: EHT 6373, by original designation; now FMNH 100014 according to Marx, 1976, Fieldiana, Zool., 69: 49. Type locality: "Tlilapam [= Cuautlapam], Veracruz", Mexico. Synonymy with Eleutherodactylus rugulosus (sensu lato) by Lynch, 1965, Herpetologica, 21: 111. Synonymy with Eleutherodactylus berkenbuschii by Savage and DeWeese, 1979, Bull. S. California Acad. Sci., 78: 114.
Eleutherodactylus rugulosus natator — Lynch, 1965, Herpetologica, 21: 111.
Eleutherodactylus (Craugastor) berkenbuschii — Hedges, 1989, in Woods (ed.), Biogeograph. W. Indies: 317, by implication; Lynch, 1996, in Powell and Henderson (eds.), Contr. W. Indian Herpetol.: 154.
Craugastor berkenbuschii — Crawford and Smith, 2005, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 35: 551, by implication; Frost, Grant, Faivovich, Bain, Haas, Haddad, de Sá, Channing, Wilkinson, Donnellan, Raxworthy, Campbell, Blotto, Moler, Drewes, Nussbaum, Lynch, Green, and Wheeler, 2006, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 297: 360.
Craugastor (Craugastor) berkenbuschii — Hedges, Duellman, and Heinicke, 2008, Zootaxa, 1737: 41.
Craugastor berkenbuchii — Liner and Casas-Andreu, 2008, Herpetol. Circ., 38: 9. Incorrect subsequent spelling.
Common Names
Berkenbusch's Robber Frog (Liner, 1994, Herpetol. Circ., 23: 19; Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 72).
Berkenbusch's Stream Frog (Liner and Casas-Andreu, 2008, Herpetol. Circ., 38: 9).
Atlantic slopes of southern San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Puebla, Veracruz,, Tabasco, and northern Oaxaca north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, at about 400-1900 m in premontane and lower montane wet forest.
Geographic Occurrence
Natural Resident: Mexico
Endemic: Mexico
Removed from the synonymy of Eleutherodactylus rugulosus by Savage and DeWeese, 1979, Bull. S. California Acad. Sci., 78: 114. Reviewed (as Eleutherodactylus rugulosus) by Savage, 1975, Copeia, 1975: 270. See comment under Eleutherodactylus brocchi. In the Eleutherodactylus (Craugastor) rugulosus group according to Lynch and Duellman, 1997, Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist. Spec. Publ., 23: 220. Campbell and Savage, 2000, Herpetol. Monogr., 14: 199-204, provided an account and implied that the Sierra Mixe population of northern Oaxaca might in the future be recognized as a distinct taxon. Savage, 2002, Amph. Rept. Costa Rica: 226, included this species in his Eleutherodactylus fitzingeri series, Eleutherodactylus rugulosus group. In the Craugastor punctariolus species series of Hedges, Duellman, and Heinicke, 2008, Zootaxa, 1737: 42, and Padial, Grant, and Frost, 2014, Zootaxa, 3825: 123. See statement of geographic range, habitat, and conservation status in Stuart, Hoffmann, Chanson, Cox, Berridge, Ramani, and Young, 2008, Threatened Amph. World: 618. Torrez-Pérez and Barragán-Vazquez, 2009, Herpetol. Rev., 40: 445, provided a record for Tabasco, Mexico. Lemos-Espinal and Dixon, 2013, Amphibians and Reptiles of San Luis Potosí: 42-43, provided an account for San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Lemos-Espinal and Smith, 2015, Check List, 11(1642): 1–11, noted the occurrence of the species in Hidalgo, Mexico. Lemos-Espinal and Dixon, 2016, Amph. Rept. Hidalgo: 360–361, provided a brief account and map for Hidalgo, Mexico.
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- For information on distribution, habitat, and conservation see the Map of Life
- For related information on conservation and images as well as observations see iNaturalist