Adelophryne baturitensis Hoogmoed, Borges, and Cascon, 1994

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Superfamily: Brachycephaloidea > Family: Eleutherodactylidae > Subfamily: Phyzelaphryninae > Genus: Adelophryne > Species: Adelophryne baturitensis

Adelophryne baturitensis Hoogmoed, Borges-Nojosa, and Cascon, 1994, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 68: 280. Holotype: UFC 2655, by original designation. Type locality: "Brazil. Ceará. Serra de Baturité, Provoado de Santa, Município de Pacoti, S 4° 15´ 02.8 W 38° 53´ 90.1, 800 m", Brazil.

Common Names

None noted.


Maciço or Serra de Baturité, Ceará, northeastern Brazil, 600-1000 m elevation. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Brazil

Endemic: Brazil


See map, description of geographic range and habitat, and conservation status in Stuart, Hoffmann, Chanson, Cox, Berridge, Ramani, and Young, 2008, Threatened Amph. World: 293. Loebmann, Orrico, and Haddad, 2011, Herpetol. Notes, 4: 75-77, provided a record from Pernambuco (now transferred to Adelophryne nordestina), northeastern Brazil, and discussed the range. Lourenço-de-Moraes, Solé, and Toledo, 2012, Zootaxa, 3441: 64, provided a dot map of the range.

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