Pristimantis thyellus (La Marca, 2007)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Superfamily: Brachycephaloidea > Family: Strabomantidae > Subfamily: Pristimantinae > Genus: Pristimantis > Species: Pristimantis thyellus

Mucubatrachus thyellus La Marca, 2007 "2006", Herpetotropicos, Mérida, 3: 81. Holotype: ULABG2137, by original designation. Type locality: "Páramo El Batallón, 3125 m (aprox. 8° 10′ 48″ N, 71° 54′ 08″ W), Parque Nacional Juan Pablo Peñaloza, Municipio Guaraque, Estado Mérida, cerca del limite con el Estado Táchira, Venezuela".

Pristimantis (Pristimantis) thyellusHedges, Duellman, and Heinicke, 2008, Zootaxa, 1737: 118.

Common Names

None noted.


Known only from Páramo El Batallón, state of Mérida (presumably extending through continuous habitat into the state of Táchira), Venezuela, 2900–3800 m elevation.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Venezuela

Endemic: Venezuela


In the subgenus Pristimantis, but unnassigned to species group by Hedges, Duellman, and Heinicke, 2008, Zootaxa, 1737: 118, or by Padial, Grant, and Frost, 2014, Zootaxa, 3825: 128. See Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic, and Señaris Vasquez, 2019, Amph. Rept. Conserv., 13 (1: e180): 125, for comments on range,  literature, and systematics. 

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