Osornophryne puruanta Gluesenkamp and Guayasamin, 2008

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Bufonidae > Genus: Osornophryne > Species: Osornophryne puruanta

Osornophryne puruanta Gluesenkamp and Guayasamin, 2008, Zootaxa, 1828: 19. Holotype: QCAZ 11471, by original designation. Type locality: "near Laguna de Puruanta (00° 13′ N, 77° 57′ W, 3500 m. a.s.l.), Cordillera de Pimampiro, Provincia de Imbabura, Ecuador".

Common Names

None noted.


Known from the type locality (Laguna de Puruanta, Cordillera de Pimampiro, Provincia de Imbabura, Ecuador, 3500 m elevation).

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Ecuador

Endemic: Ecuador

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