Ameerega imasmari Brown, Siu-Ting, von May, Twomey, Guillory, Deutsch, and Chávez, 2019

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Superfamily: Dendrobatoidea > Family: Dendrobatidae > Subfamily: Colostethinae > Genus: Ameerega > Species: Ameerega imasmari

Ameerega imasmari Brown, Siu-Ting, von May, Twomey, Guillory, Deutsch, and Chávez, 2019, Zootaxa, 4712: 220. Holotype: CORBIDI 20575, by original designation.Type locality: "region of Pasco, 1.5 km E of Satipo town in small patch of secondary forest adjacent to Río Satipo, Peru, 605 m elevation, 11° 14′ 14.892 S, 74° 37′ 3.576 W,". Zoobank publication registration: FC7A2CB9-5541-42AA-A1CA-6EF6BFBA0940

Common Names

Riddle Poison Frog (original publication). 


Throughout the east-Andean versant and surrounding lowlands of southern Peru, across the Fitzcarrald Arch, at elevations of ca. 200–400 m, throughout regions Cusco, Junín, and Pasco, and may extend into Madre de Dios and Ucayali.  

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Peru

Endemic: Peru


In the Ameerega rubriventris complex according to the original publication. 

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