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Silverstoneia gutturalis Grant and Myers, 2013
Silverstoneia gutturalis Grant and Myers, 2013, Am. Mus. Novit., 3784: 17. Holotype: LACM 44075, by original designation. Type locality: "Colombia, Departamento del Chocó, along the upper Río Opogadó, ca. 1 hr 45 min (by canoe) upriver from the mouth of the Río Merendó (tributary of the Río Opogadó), ca. 60 m . . . . The Río Opogadó is a tributary of the Río Bojayá. It is often misspelled Río Opogadó, which is the name of the river that marks the border between the municipalities of Quibdó (Chocó) and Urrao (Antioquia) and another river that flows into the upper Río San Juan near Condoto. To further complicate matters, the last two rivers are frequently misspelled Opogadó! . . . . There are two Río Merendós in this area, both of which were visited by Silverstone in 1968. The Río Merendó that flows into the Río Opogadó is listed in the Diccionario Geográfico de Colombia (Instituto Geográfico 'Agustín Codazzi' [IGAC], 1996) and the Atlas de Colombia (IGAC, 1977). The other Río Merendó is a tributary of the Río Napipí and does not appear on any of the maps we have examined, but P.A. Silverstone-Sopkin (personal commun.) informed us that it flows into the Napipí from the north and that the confluence of the two rivers lies at 65 m elevation; the sequence of streams downstream from the Merendó-Napipí confluence is Quebrada Reyes (enters Río Napipí from the south), Quebrada Baquera (from the south), and Quebrada Antonina (from the north).".
Eastern side of the Serranía del Baudó in the Río Atrato drainage at low elevations (30–450 m), Departamento del Chocó, Colombia.
Geographic Occurrence
Natural Resident: Colombia
Endemic: Colombia
External links:
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- For access to general information see Wikipedia
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- For access to relevant technical literature search Google Scholar
- For images search CalPhoto Images and Google Images
- To search the NIH genetic sequence database, see GenBank
- For additional information see AmphibiaWeb report
- For information on conservation status and distribution see the IUCN Redlist
- For information on distribution, habitat, and conservation see the Map of Life
- For related information on conservation and images as well as observations see iNaturalist