Limnonectes phyllofolia Frederick, Iskandar, Riyanto, Hamidy, Reilly, Stubbs, Bloch, Bach, and McGuire, 2023

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Dicroglossidae > Subfamily: Dicroglossinae > Genus: Limnonectes > Species: Limnonectes phyllofolia

Limnonectes phyllofolia Frederick, Iskandar, Riyanto, Hamidy, Reilly, Stubbs, Bloch, Bach, and McGuire, 2023, PLoS One, 18(12: e0292598): 6. Holotype: MZB Amph 33560, by original publication. Type locality: "Sulawesi Island, Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan Province: Kabupatan Maros: Kecematan Mallawa: Desa Bontosiri: Bantimurung National Park (S 04.81668, E 119.84586 ± 5 m)". Zoobank publication registration: 8CCB75BF-9874-472B-AC1D-2B2FDCB66905 (December 2023)

Common Names

None noted. 


Central (Gunung Balease) to southwestern (Gunung Bontosiri [Bantimurung National Park] and Gunung Lompobatang) Sulawesi, Indonesia. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Indonesia

Endemic: Indonesia


Comparative morphometrics, morphology, advertisement call, natural history, and molecular markers detailed in the original publication. 

External links:

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