Gastrotheca antomia Ruiz-Carranza, Ardila-Robayo, Lynch, and Restrepo-Toro, 1997

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hemiphractidae > Genus: Gastrotheca > Species: Gastrotheca antomia

Gastrotheca antomia Ruiz-Carranza, Ardila-Robayo, Lynch, and Restrepo-Toro, 1997, Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Exact. Fis. Nat., 21: 374. Holotype: ICN 18331, by original designation. Type locality: "COLOMBIA, Departamento de Antioquia, Municipio de Frontino, km 21 carretera entre los corregimientos de Nutibara y Murrí (= La Blanquita), flanco occidental de la Cordillera Occidental, 6° 44′ latitud N, 76° 23′ longitud W de Greenwich; 1140 m.s.n.m."

Gastrotheca (Opisthodelphys) anatomiaSavage, 2002, Amph. Rept. Costa Rica: 291. Incorrect subsequent spelling of species name.

Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) antomia — Duellman, 2015, Marsupial Frogs: 157. 

Amphignathodon anatomius — Dubois, Ohler, and Pyron, 2021, Megataxa, 5: 151, by implication.

Common Names

None noted.


Andean cloud forests on the western versant of the Cordillera Occidental at elevations of 1140-2500 m, in the departments of Valle del Cauca, Risaralda, Chocó, and Antioquia, Colombia.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Colombia

Endemic: Colombia


Most closely related to Gastrotheca bufona and Gastrotheca guentheri according to the original publication. See photograph, map, description of geographic range and habitat, and conservation status in Stuart, Hoffmann, Chanson, Cox, Berridge, Ramani, and Young, 2008, Threatened Amph. World: 394. Provisionally assigned to the Gastrotheca longipes group by Castroviejo-Fisher, Padial, De la Riva, Pombal, Silva, Rojas-Runjaic, Medina-Méndez, and Frost, 2015, Zootaxa, 4004: 1–72. See account by Duellman, 2015, Marsupial Frogs: 157–160. 

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