Hyloscirtus diabolus Rivera-Correa, García-Burneo, and Grant, 2016

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylidae > Subfamily: Hylinae > Genus: Hyloscirtus > Species: Hyloscirtus diabolus

Hyloscirtus diabolus Rivera-Correa, García-Burneo, and Grant, 2016, Zootaxa, 4061: 30. Holotype: CORBIDI 12885, by original designation. Type locality: "Peru, Departamento de Amazonas, Provincia de Chachapoyas, Distrito La Jalca, km 10 from La Colpa–Rodríguez de Mendoza (-6.398944, -77.226278, 2300 m a.s.l.)". Zoobank publication registration: F92B9552-F0FD-436F-8531-8C692AE9411B

Common Names

None noted. 


Known only from two cloud-forest localities, separated by 100 km on the highlands on the eastern slope of the Corillera Central in the northern Peruvian Andes (provinces of Chachapoyas and Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Department of Amazonas). 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Peru

Endemic: Peru


In the Hyloscirtus larinopygion group according to the original publication. Dot map provided by Rivera-Correa, Ron, Nunes, Araujo-Vieira, Pinheiro, and Grant, 2024, Zootaxa, 5474: 112. 

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