Boana caipora (Antunes, Faivovich, and Haddad, 2008)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylidae > Subfamily: Hylinae > Genus: Boana > Species: Boana caipora

Hypsiboas caipora Antunes, Faivovich, and Haddad, 2008, Copeia, 2008: 180. Holotype: CFBH 7312, by original designation. Type locality: "Brazil, São Paulo, Serra do Mar, Serra de Paranapiacaba, Municipality of Pilar do Sul, adult male, 23°56′S, 47°40′W, approx. 780 m above sea level".

Boana caipora — Dubois, 2017, Bionomina, 11: 28. 

Common Names

None noted.


Known from the municipalities of Pilar do Sul, Sete Barras, and São Miguel Arcanjo, in the Serra do Mar of southern São Paulo state, Brazil, 700-800 m elevation in Atlantic Forest.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Brazil

Endemic: Brazil


In the Hypsiboas pulchellus group, and most similar to Hypsiboas semiguttatus, according to the original publication, where the advertisement call and larva were described.

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