Boana fasciata (Günther, 1858)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylidae > Subfamily: Hylinae > Genus: Boana > Species: Boana fasciata

Hyla fasciata Günther, 1858, Arch. Naturgesch., 24: 327. Holotype: BMNH 1858.7.25.22 according to Caminer and Ron, 2014, ZooKeys, 370: 13 (reported incorrectly as BMNH 1858.4.25.22 by Duellman, 1977, Das Tierreich, 95: 56). Type locality: "Anden von Ecuador"; Caminer and Ron, 2014, ZooKeys, 370: 13, noted on the basis of the collector's itinerary that the type locality likely is either Gualaquiza or Zamora, Ecuador. A secondary homonym of Calamita fasciatus Schneider, 1799, Hist. Amph. Nat.: 172, in Hyla, which is a nomen dubium and nomen oblitum—see Nieden, 1923, Das Tierreich, 46: 316.

Hypsiboas fasciatusCope, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 14: 354.

Hypsiboas fasciatusFaivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell, and Wheeler, 2005, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 294: 86.

Boana fasciata — Dubois, 2017, Bionomina, 11: 28.

Common Names

Gunther's Banded Treefrog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 55).


Known with certainty only from Zamora-Chinchipe, Pichincha, and Morona-Santiago provinces in Ecuador, and the Región Amazonas in Peru, 730 to 1593 m elevation. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Brazil, Ecuador, Peru


See Duellman, 1973, Copeia, 1973: 523–526, for discussion of this species as understood prior to 2014. Duellman, 1978, Misc. Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas, 65: 140–142, provided a brief account including characterization of call and tadpole. Rodríguez and Duellman, 1994, Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist. Spec. Publ., 22: 26–27, provided a brief account for the Iquitos region of northeastern Peru as Hyla fasciata. In the Hypsiboas albopunctatus group of Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell, and Wheeler, 2005, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 294: 86. Duellman, 2005, Cusco Amazonico: 205–207, provided an account (adult and larval morphology, description of the call, life history), although the identification of these specimens is suspect according to Marinho, Costa-Campos, Pezzuti, Magalhães, and Dias-Souza, 2020, J. Nat. Hist., London, 54: 985. Bernarde, Machado, and Turci, 2011, Biota Neotrop., 11: 117–144, reported specimens from Reserva Extrativista Riozinho da Liberdade, Acre, Brazil (see comment below). Caminer and Ron, 2014, ZooKeys, 370: 1–68, provided an account as Hypsiboas sp. and revised and redelimited the species, excluding most of the reported specimens upon which the earlier literature was based as assignable to Hypsiboas maculateralis, Hypsiboas alfaroi, and Hypsiboas tetete. A number of unnamed species in Peru, the Guianas, Venezuela, Colombia, and Bolivia have been confused with this species and Boana calcarata; see Caminer and Ron, 2014, ZooKeys, 370: 1–68, and Acosta-Galvis, Lasso, and Morales-Betancourt, 2018, Check List, 14: 549–554, for discussion. Meza-Joya, Ramos-Pallares, and Hernández-Jaimes, 2019, Herpetol. Notes, 12: 391–400, examined specimens identified as Boana fasciata from Colombia and found them to be Boana tetete and Boana maculateralisFouquet, Vidal, and Dewynter, 2019, Zoosystema, 41: 369, reported the nominal species ("Boana cf. fasciata") from the Mitaraka Massif in southwestern French Guiana, on the border with Amapá, Brazil, but noted that it likely represents an unnamed relative of Boana tetete and Boana alfaroi. (Presumably this unnamed species was subsequently named as Boana courtoisei, but DRF is not positive of this at this juncture.) Fouquet, Marinho, Réjaud, Carvalho, Caminer, Jansen, Rainha, Rodrigues, Werneck, Lima, Hrbek, Giaretta, Venegas, Chávez, and Ron, 2021, Syst. Biodiversity, 19: 375–399 presented an amended diagnosis based on molecular and phenotypic data, and assigned records of Boana fasciata from Bolivian Amazonia, southwestern, central, and eastern Brazilian Amazonia and Peruvian Amazonia to Boana steinbachiMarinho, Costa-Campos, Pezzuti, Magalhães, and Dias-Souza, 2020, J. Nat. Hist., London, 54: 971–990, rejected records from French Guiana reported by Lescure and Marty, 2000, Collect. Patrimoines Nat., Paris, 45Metcalf, Marsh, Torres Pacaya, Graham, and Gunnels, 2020, Herpetol. Notes, 13: 753–767, reported the species from the Santa Cruz Forest Reserve, Loreto, northeastern Peru. Rainha, Martinez, Moraes, Castro, Réjaud, Fouquet, Leite, Rodrigues, and Werneck, 2021, Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 134: 177–197, included this species in their Boana calcarata clade and discussed phylogenetics and the influence of subtle environmental factors on geographic variation in morphology. Schiesari, Rossa-Feres, Menin, and Hödl, 2022, Zootaxa, 5223: 32–33, detailed larval and metamorph morphology and natural history in central Amazonia, Brazil. Given the transfer of records from Amazonia to Boana steinbachi by Fouquet et al. (2021) the identification of these larval needs confirmation. 

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