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Boana raniceps (Cope, 1862)
Hypsiboas raniceps Cope, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 14: 353. Syntypes: USNM 5403 (4 specimens), 5408 12160, 12172 (2 specimens) according to Cochran, 1961, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 220: 62. Type locality: Not mentioned specifically, but the Page Expedition visited many localities now in Brazil, northeastern Argentina, and southern Paraguay, along the drainages of the Paraná and Paraguai Rivers. Type locality given as "Paraguay" by Cochran, 1961, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 220: 62.
Hyla spegazzinii Boulenger, 1889, Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, Ser. 2, 7: 247. Syntypes: only 2 specimens noted in the original publication, but MSNG (2 specimens) reported by Capocaccia, 1957, Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, Ser. 3, 69: 213 and 2 in the BMNH 1947.2.12.76–77 (formerly–164) reported by Condit, 1964, J. Ohio Herpetol. Soc., 4: 95; MSNG 29758A designated lectotype by Capocaccia, 1957, Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, Ser. 3, 69: 213. Type locality: "Colonia Resistancia, South Chaco, Argentine Republic". Synonymy by Cochran, 1955 "1954", Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 206: 96.
Hyla goodfellowi Procter, 1921, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 9, 7: 191. Holotype: BMNH 1947.2.23.4 (formerly 1920.11.29.23) according to Condit, 1964, J. Ohio Herpetol. Soc., 4: 90, and museum records. Type locality: "Esperanza, [Department of Santa Cruz,] E. Bolivia". Synonymy with Hyla spegazzini by Parker, 1928, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 10, 2: 98.
Hyla roeschmanni De Grys, 1938, Zool. Anz., 123: 315. Holotype: ZMH, now destroyed, according to Duellman, 1977, Das Tierreich, 95: 95. MNCN 42319 designated neotype by Padial, Köhler, and De la Riva, 2006, Zootaxa, 1230: 65. Type locality: "Provinz Beni, Bolivien, südliches Quellgebeit des Amazonas". Neotype from "Bella Vista, Province Itenez, Departamento de Beni, Bolivia (13° 16′ S, 63° 42′ W)". Synonymy by Padial, Köhler, and De la Riva, 2006, Zootaxa, 1230: 63–68.
Hypsiboas raniceps — Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell, and Wheeler, 2005, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 294: 86.
Boana raniceps — Dubois, 2017, Bionomina, 11: 28.
Common Names
Chaco Treefrog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 57).
Roeschmann's Treefrog (Hyla roeschmanni [no longer recognized]: Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 57).
Amazonian Colombia (vicinity of Leticia) and Venezuela (Amazonas) to French Guiana, Brazil (central Amazonia to Bahia and Amapá), Paraguay, northern Argentina, and eastern Bolivia; expected in Amazonian Peru.
Geographic Occurrence
Natural Resident: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Paraguay, Venezuela
Likely/Controversially Present: Peru
See Cei, 1980, Monit. Zool. Ital., N.S., Monogr., 2: 463–466. Lescure and Marty, 2000, Collect. Patrimoines Nat., Paris, 45: 114–115, provided a brief account and photo for the French Guiana population. Márquez, De la Riva, and Bosch, 1993, Biotropica, 25: 426–443, described the advertisement call. Guimarães and Bastos, 2003, Iheringia, Zool., 93: 149–158, reported on vocalization. Barrio-Amorós, 1999 "1998", Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 18: 34, provided the Venezuelan record. In the Hypsiboas albopunctatus group of Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell, and Wheeler, 2005, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 294: 86. Lynch, 2005, Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Exact. Fis. Nat., 29: 581–588, provided a record for the region of Leticia, Colombia. Brusquetti and Lavilla, 2006, Cuad. Herpetol., 20: 10, briefly discussed the range in Paraguay. Kolenc, Borteiro, Alcalde, Baldo, Cardozo, and Faivovich, 2008, Zootaxa, 1927: 1–66, reported on larval morphology. França and Venâncio, 2010, Biotemas, 23: 71–84, provided a record for the municipality of Boca do Acre, Amazonas, with a brief discussion of the range. Zina, de Sá, and Prado, 2010, Check List, 6: 230–231, discussed the range and provided a range extension into the Atlantic forest of Sergipe, Brazil. Silva, Santos, Alves, Sousa, and Annunziata, 2010, Sitientibus, Ser. Cienc. Biol., 7: 334–340, provided records for Piauí, Brazil. Lynch and Suárez-Mayorga, 2011, Caldasia, 33: 235–270, illustrated the tadpole and included the species in a key to the tadpoles of Amazonian Colombia. Schulze, Jansen, and Köhler, 2015, Zootaxa, 4016: 39–41, described, diagnosed, and pictured the larva. Zimmerman, 1983, Herpetologica, 39: 235–246, reported on advertisement call, as Hyla raniceps. Neves, Yves, Pereira Silva, Alves, Vasques, Coelho, and Silva, 2019, Herpetozoa, Wien, 32: 113–123, provided habitat information and a record for western Minas Gerais, Brazil. Dubeux, Silva, Nascimento, Gonçalves, and Mott, 2019, Rev. Nordestina Zool., 12: 18–52, summarized the literature on larval morphology. Rossa-Feres and Nomura, 2006 "2005", Biota Neotrop., São Paulo, 6 (2: bn00706012006): 1–24, characterized and provided a key to the larvae of northwestern São Paulo state, Brazil. Weiler, Núñez, Airaldi, Lavilla, Peris, and Baldo, 2013, Anf. Paraguay: 67, provided a brief account, image, and dot map for Paraguay. See Dubeux, Nascimento, Lima, Magalhães, Silva, Gonçalves, Almeida, Correia, Garda, Mesquita, Rossa-Feres, and Mott, 2020, Biota Neotrop., 20 (2: e20180718): 1–24, for characterization and identification of larvae north of the Rio São Francisco in the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil. Vaz-Silva, Maciel, Nomura, Morais, Guerra Batista, Santos, Andrade, Oliveira, Brandão, and Bastos, 2020, Guia Ident. Anf. Goiás e Dist. Fed. Brasil Central: 57–58, provided an account. Camurugi, Gehara, Fonseca, Zamudio, Haddad, Colli, Thomé, Prado, Napoli, and Garda, 2021, J. Biogeograph., 48: 760–772, reported on molecular phylogeography. Palmeira, Gonçalves, Dubeux, Lima, Lambertini, Valencia-Aguilar, Jenkinson, James, Toledo, and Mott, 2022, Cuad. Herpetol., 36: 65–75, reported on habitat in Natural Heritage Reserve Mata Estrela, Baía Formosa, Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. Taucce, Costa-Campos, Carvalho, and Michalski, 2022, Eur. J. Taxon., 836: 96–130, reported on distribution, literature, and conservation status for Amapá, Brazil. Schiesari, Rossa-Feres, Menin, and Hödl, 2022, Zootaxa, 5223: 48–49, detailed larval and metamorph morphology and natural history. Santos, Feio, and Nomura, 2023, Biota Neotrop., 23 (3:e20231486): 1–43, characterized tadpole morphology as part of an identification key to the tadpoles of the Brazilian Cerrado. Vicente-Ferreira, Nascimento, Batista, Kardush, Reyes, and Garey, 2024, Biota Neotrop., 24(1: e20231526): 1–17, provided records from the Refúgio Biológico Bela Vista, Paraná, southern Brazil (adjacent to the Paraguay border), as well as providing identification keys to these species based on larval and adult morphology. Figueiredo, Máximo, Campos, and Lourenço-de-Moraes, 2024, Herpetol. Bull., London, 168: 1–7, reported on vocalizations and interactions.
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