Scinax boesemani (Goin, 1966)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylidae > Subfamily: Hylinae > Genus: Scinax > Species: Scinax boesemani

Hyla boesemani Goin, 1966, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 41: 229. Holotype: RMNH 12601, by original designation. Type locality: "near Zanderij, Suriname District, Suriname".

Ololygon boesemaniFouquette and Delahoussaye, 1977, J. Herpetol., 11: 393.

Scinax boesemaniDuellman and Wiens, 1992, Occas. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas, 151: 6, 21.

Common Names

Boeseman's Snouted Treefrog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 63).


Northern Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, and Amazonas, Venezuela, to Acre, Amazonas, Pará, and Amapá, Brazil; expected in Amazonian Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela

Likely/Controversially Present: Bolivia, Colombia, Peru


In the Scinax ruber group of Pombal, Haddad, and Kasahara, 1995, J. Herpetol., 29: 1–6. Zimmerman, 1983, Herpetologica, 39: 235–246, reported on advertisement call, as Hyla boesemanide Sá, Wassersug, and Kehr, 1997, Herpetol. J., 7: 13–17, described larval morphology. Duellman, 1997, Sci. Pap. Nat. Hist. Mus. Univ. Kansas, 2: 21, commented on a population in southeastern Venezuela. In the Scinax ruber clade, unassigned to group, of Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell, and Wheeler, 2005, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 294: 97. Lescure and Marty, 2000, Collect. Patrimoines Nat., Paris, 45: 170–171, provided a photo and brief account for French Guiana (and inclusion in the Scinax x-signatus group). Kok and Kalamandeen, 2008, Intr. Taxon. Amph. Kaieteur Natl. Park: 198–199, provided an account. See account for Suriname population by Ouboter and Jairam, 2012, Amph. Suriname: 174–175. França and Venâncio, 2010, Biotemas, 23: 71–84, provided a record for the municipality of Boca do Acre, Amazonas, with a brief discussion of the range. Bernarde, Machado, and Turci, 2011, Biota Neotrop., 11: 117–144, reported specimens from Reserva Extrativista Riozinho da Liberdade, Acre, Brazil. See Cole, Townsend, Reynolds, MacCulloch, and Lathrop, 2013, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 125: 415, for brief account and records for Guyana. Nogueira, Zanoni, Solé, Affonso, Siqueira, and Sampaio, 2015, Genet. Mol. Biol., 38: 156–161, reported on karyology. Señaris Vasquez, Lampo, Rojas-Runjaic, and Barrio-Amorós, 2014, Guía Ilust. Anf. Parque Nac. Canaima: 178–179, provided a photograph and a brief account for the Parque Nacional de Canaima, Venezuela. See Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic, and Señaris Vasquez, 2019, Amph. Rept. Conserv., 13 (1: e180): 83, for comments on range, systematics, and literature. Señaris Vasquez and Rojas-Runjaic, 2020, in Rull and Carnaval (eds.), Neotrop. Divers. Patterns Process.: 571–632, commented on range and conservation status in the Venezuelan Guayana. Taucce, Costa-Campos, Carvalho, and Michalski, 2022, Eur. J. Taxon., 836: 96–130, reported on distribution, literature, and conservation status for Amapá, Brazil. Schiesari, Rossa-Feres, Menin, and Hödl, 2022, Zootaxa, 5223: 69–70, detailed larval morphology and natural history. In the monotypic Scinax boesemani group of Araujo-Vieira, Lourenço, Lacerda, Lyra, Blotto, Ron, Baldo, Pereyra, Suárez-Mayorga, Baêta, Ferreira, Barrio-Amorós, Borteiro, Brandão, Brasileiro, Donnelly, Dubeux, Köhler, Kolenc, Leite, Maciel, Nunes, Orrico, Peloso, Pezzuti, Reichle, Rojas-Runjaic, Silva, Sturaro, Langone, Garcia, Rodrigues, Frost, Wheeler, Grant, Pombal, Haddad, and Faivovich, 2023, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 27 (Special Issue): 111 (see comment under Hylinae), who also identified an unnamed candidate species.   

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