Scinax coerulea (Spix, 1824)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylidae > Subfamily: Hylinae > Genus: Scinax > Species: Scinax coerulea

Hyla coerulea Spix, 1824, Animal. Nova Spec. Nov. Test. Ran. Brasil.: 37. Type(s): Not designated, but including animal figured in pl. 10, fig. 1 of the original publication; syntypes are ZSM 2710/0 (2 specimens) of which ZSM 2710/0A selected lectotype by Hoogmoed and Gruber, 1983, Spixiana, München, Suppl., 9: 364. Type locality: "Egcá ad flumen Solimoëns" = Ege, Teffe, Brazil. See comments by Glaw and Franzen, 2006, Spixiana, München, 29: 166. Synonymy with Hyla rubra by Peters, 1872, Monatsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1872: 212, 226; Boulenger, 1882, Cat. Batr. Sal. Coll. Brit. Mus., Ed. 2: 403. 

Auletris coerulea — Wagler, 1830, Nat. Syst. Amph.: 201.

Scinax coerulea — Suárez-Mayorga, 2022, Brazil. J. Animal & Environm. Res., 5: 3135.

Common Names

None noted. 


Known only from the type/type locality (Ege, Teffe, Brazil). See comment. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Brazil

Endemic: Brazil


Placed into the synonymy of Scinax x-signata by Hoogmoed and Gruber, 1983, Spixiana, München, Suppl., 9: 363. Sturaro and Peloso, 2014, Pap. Avulsos Zool., São Paulo, 54: 19-20, and Sichieri, Gordo, and Nunes, 2019, An. Encontro Nac. Pos-Grad., Univ. Santa Cecilia, 3: 27–32, doubted this synonymy but made no taxonomic change. Suárez-Mayorga, 2022, Brazil. J. Animal & Environm. Res., 5: 3135, provisionally recognized the species based on the holotype alone, but suggested that it may represent an older name for other species of Scinax found in the region. 

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