Trachycephalus coriaceus (Peters, 1867)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylidae > Subfamily: Hylinae > Genus: Trachycephalus > Species: Trachycephalus coriaceus

Common Names

Surinam Golden-eyed Treefrog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 61).

Surinam Casque-heded Treefrog (Kok and Kalamandeen, 2008, Intr. Taxon. Amph. Kaieteur Natl. Park: 208).

Surinam Gold-eyed Milk Treefrog (Villacampa-Ortega, Serrano-Rojas, and Whitworth, 2017, Amph. Manu Learning Cent.: 208).


French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Upper Amazon Basin in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and downstream into Acre, Rondônia, Amazonia, and extreme southern Pará (municipalities of Jacareacanga, Marabá, and Parauspebas) and Amapá, Brazil.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname


Lescure and Marty, 2000, Collect. Patrimoines Nat., Paris, 45: 190-191, provided a photo and brief account for French Guiana. Duellman, 1978, Misc. Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas, 65: 173–174, provided a brief account including characterization. Rodríguez and Duellman, 1994, Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist. Spec. Publ., 22: 41–42, provided a brief account for the Iquitos region of northeastern Peru as Phrynohyas coriaceaDe la Riva, Márquez, and Bosch, 1995, J. Herpetol., 29: 113–118, reported on the advertisement call. Zimmerman and Rodrigues, 1990, in Gentry (ed.), Four Neotropical Rainforests: 426-454, provided the first central Brazilan Amazonia record for this species, near Manaus. Lynch, 2005, Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Exact. Fis. Nat., 29: 58-588, reported this species from the region of Leticia, Colombia. Duellman, 2005, Cusco Amazonico: 230–232, provided an account (adult and larval morphology, description of the call, life history). Kok and Kalamandeen, 2008, Intr. Taxon. Amph. Kaieteur Natl. Park: 208-209, provided an account. Bernarde, Machado, and Turci, 2011, Biota Neotrop., 11: 117–144, reported specimens from Reserva Extrativista Riozinho da Liberdade, Acre, Brazil. See account for Suriname population by Ouboter and Jairam, 2012, Amph. Suriname: 192-195. See Cole, Townsend, Reynolds, MacCulloch, and Lathrop, 2013, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 125: 418-419, for brief account and records for Guyana. Meneghelli, Dorazio, and Calderon, 2017, Herpetol. Notes, 10: 75–78, provided the first records for Rondônia, Brazil. For identification of larvae (as Phrynohyas coriacea) in central Amazonia, Brazil, see Hero, 1990, Amazoniana, 11: 201–262. See brief account for the Manu region, Peru, by Villacampa-Ortega, Serrano-Rojas, and Whitworth, 2017, Amph. Manu Learning Cent.: 208–209. Metcalf, Marsh, Torres Pacaya, Graham, and Gunnels, 2020, Herpetol. Notes, 13: 753–767, reported the species from the Santa Cruz Forest Reserve, Loreto, northeastern Peru. Ferreira, Thaler, Folly, and Silva, 2021, Acta Biol. Colombiana, 26: 283–286, provided a record from Jacareacanga municipality, Pará, Brazil, and provided a spot map of the species' distribution. Taucce, Costa-Campos, Carvalho, and Michalski, 2022, Eur. J. Taxon., 836: 96–130, reported on distribution, literature, and conservation status for Amapá, Brazil. Schiesari, Rossa-Feres, Menin, and Hödl, 2022, Zootaxa, 5223: 79–81, detailed larval and metamorph morphology and natural history. Cassundé, Sturaro, Maciel, Prudente, Sarmento, and Peloso, 2022, Bol. Mus. Parense Emilio Goeldi, Cienc. Nat., 17: 445–473, provided the first records for Pará, Brazil, as part of a review of the species of that state. 

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