Hylodes heyeri Haddad, Pombal, and Bastos, 1996

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hylodidae > Genus: Hylodes > Species: Hylodes heyeri

Hylodes heyeri Haddad, Pombal, and Bastos, 1996, Copeia, 1996: 966. Holotype: MNRJ 17090, by original designation. Type locality: "next to the Caverna do Diabo, (approximately 24° 35′ S, 48° 35′ W; 450 m above sea level), Município de Eldorado, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil".

Common Names

None noted.


Brazil, in the state of São Paulo from the vicinity of Caverna do Diabo, Eldorado, and on Ilha do Cardoso; in Paraná in the municipality of Morretes; and in Santa Catarina from Rio do Júlio (elevation 712 m) and of Castelo dos Bugres, elevation 846 m, both in the mountains of Serra Dona Francisca, municipality of Joinville. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Brazil

Endemic: Brazil


Provisionally placed in the Hylodes laterisrigatus group in the original publication. Lingnau, 2000, Herpetol. Rev., 31: 251, provided the Paraná, Brazil, record. Toledo and Lingnau, 2002, Herpetol. Rev., 33: 317, provided the record from Ilha do Cardoso. Lingnau and Bastos, 2007, J. Nat. Hist., London, 41: 1227–1235, reported on vocal repertoire. Costa, Lingnau, and Toledo, 2009, Zootaxa, 2222: 66–68, reported on larval morphology. Weber and Caramaschi, 2013, Zootaxa, 3635: 557–568,  reported on comparative larval morphology of the species. Monteiro, Comitti, and Lingnau, 2014, Biotemas, 27: 93–99, reported the species from Santa Catarina, Brazil, and made acoustic comparisons with Hylodes perplicatus

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