Hyperolius bocagei Steindachner, 1867

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hyperoliidae > Subfamily: Hyperoliinae > Genus: Hyperolius > Species: Hyperolius bocagei

Hyperolius bocagei Steindachner, 1867, Reise Österreichischen Fregatte Novara, Zool., Amph.: 51. Holotype: NHMW 14846, according to Häupl and Tiedemann, 1978, Kat. Wiss. Samml. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 2: 22, and Häupl, Tiedemann, and Grillitsch, 1994, Kat. Wiss. Samml. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 9: 26. Type locality: "Angola".

Rappia bocagiiBoulenger, 1882, Cat. Batr. Sal. Coll. Brit. Mus., Ed. 2: 126.

Rappia bocagei var. bocageiFerreira, 1906, J. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat., Lisboa, Ser. 2, 7: 160, by implication.

Rappia seabrai Ferreira, 1906, J. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat., Lisboa, Ser. 2, 7: 163. Syntypes: MUP, according to Laurent, 1985, in Frost (ed.), Amph. Species World: 217. Type locality: "Quilombo, Rio Luinha" and "Duque de Bragança", Angola. Considered a likely synonym of Hyperolius bocagei by Laurent, 1985, in Frost (ed.), Amph. Species World: 217, and not mentioned by Schiøtz, 1999, Treefrogs Afr. suggesting that he accepted this synonymy. Synonymy formalized by Frétey, Dewynter, and Blanc, 2011, Clé de détermination, Amph. Afri. Centr. Angola: xxx, this considered provisional by Ceríaco, Blackburn, Marques, and Calado, 2014, Alytes, 31: 25. 

Rappia bocagei var. maculata Ferreira, 1906, J. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat., Lisboa, Ser. 2, 7: 160. Holotype: Not stated; presumably MUP. Type locality: "Angola . . . . Golungo Alto".

Hyperolius bocageiNoble, 1924, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 49: 252, 324.

Hyperolius seabrai — Noble, 1924, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 49: 252, 329.

Common Names

Bocage's Reed Frog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 66; Channing, 2001, Amph. Cent. S. Afr.: 151; Channing and Howell, 2006, Amph. E. Afr.: 155).

Quilombo Reed Frog (Hyperolius seabai [no longer recognized]: Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 68).


Associated with grassy pans from central Angola and northwestern Zambia through southern Dem. Rep. Congo to Uganda and southwestern Tanzania. See comment. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Angola, Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia


 Schiøtz, 1999, Treefrogs Afr.: 188, suggested that records other than from Angola, southern Dem. Rep. Congo, and western Zambia might refer to other members (possibly unnamed) of the Hyperolius viridiflavus complex. See account by Channing, 2001, Amph. Cent. S. Afr.: 151–152. Schiøtz and Van Daele, 2003, Alytes, 20: 144–145, suggested that Hyperolius bocagei is a junior synonym of some member of the Hyperolius viridiflavus superspecies and has also been confused with Hyperolius kachalolae. Channing and Howell, 2006, Amph. E. Afr.: 155–156, provided an account. Marques, Ceríaco, Blackburn, and Bauer, 2018, Proc. California Acad. Sci., Ser. 4, 65 (Suppl. II): 96–98, provided a map for Angola and a brief account. Channing and Rödel, 2019, Field Guide Frogs & Other Amph. Afr.: 202–203, provided a brief account, photograph, and range map which included Uganda. Ernst, Lautenschläger, Branquima, and Hölting, 2020, Zoosyst. Evol., 96: 253, noted the presence in Uigé Province, northwestern Angola and suggested that records outside of Angola actually apply to other species. Conradie, Keates, Verburgt, Baptista, and Harvey, 2023, Amph. Rept. Conserv., 17: 36–37, provided an account (for Hyperolius aff. bocagei) and dot map of the species in Angola. 

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