Hyperolius papyri (Werner, 1908 "1907")

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hyperoliidae > Subfamily: Hyperoliinae > Genus: Hyperolius > Species: Hyperolius papyri

Rappia papyri Werner, 1908 "1907", Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Phys. Math. Naturwiss. Kl., 116: 1903. Holotype: NHMW 14847, according to Häupl and Tiedemann, 1978, Kat. Wiss. Samml. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 2: 28, and Häupl, Tiedemann, and Grillitsch, 1994, Kat. Wiss. Samml. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 9: 33. Type locality: "Khor Attar und Mongalla . . . Gondokoro"; locality associated with holotype is Gondoroko, South Sudan. 

Rappia pachyderma Werner, 1908 "1907", Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Phys. Math. Naturwiss. Kl., 116: 1903. Holotype: NHMW 14847, according to Häupl and Tiedemann, 1978, Kat. Wiss. Samml. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 2: 28, and Häupl, Tiedemann, and Grillitsch, 1994, Kat. Wiss. Samml. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 9: 34. Type locality: "Steppe von Gondoroko", Uganda. Considered a subspecies of Hyperolius viridiflavus by Laurent, 1951, Ann. Soc. R. Zool. Belg., 82: 40; Laurent, 1961, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 64: 92, who did not examine the types and confused this species with the Hyperolius viridiflavus complex. Synonymy by Dehling, 2015, Herpetozoa, Wien, 28: 39. 

Hyperolius pachydermus — Noble, 1924, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 49: 252, 327. 

Hyperolius pachyderma — Ahl, 1931, Das Tierreich, 55: 386. Incorrect subsequent spelling. 

Hyperolius viridiflavus pachyderma — Laurent, 1951, Ann. Soc. R. Zool. Belg., 82: 40.

Hyperolius viridiflavus pachydermus — Laurent, 1952 "1951", Ann. Soc. R. Zool. Belg., 82: 392. Incorrect subsequent spelling based on specimens of the Hyperolius viridiflavus complex. 

Hyperolius papyri — Dehling, 2015, Herpetozoa, Wien, 28: 39. 

Common Names

None noted. 


Upper reaches of the White Nile in South Sudan, possibly extending into Ethiopia. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: South Sudan

Endemic: South Sudan


Hyperolius papyri had been placed in the synonymy of Hyperolius nasutus by Noble, 1924, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 49: 259, and Schiøtz, 1967, Spolia Zool. Mus. Haun., 25: 139. See discussion by Channing, Moyer, and Burger, 2002, Afr. Zool., 37: 97. In the Hyperolius nasutus group of Amiet, 2005, Rev. Suisse Zool., 112: 271-310, and recognized as a distinct species by  Dehling, 2015, Herpetozoa, Wien, 28: 39–47, who examined the relevant types and discussed the history of the use, and abuse, of the name and various synonymies.  

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