Hyperolius sankuruensis Laurent, 1979

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Hyperoliidae > Subfamily: Hyperoliinae > Genus: Hyperolius > Species: Hyperolius sankuruensis

Hyperolius sankuruensis Laurent, 1979, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 93: 779. Holotype: MRAC 79.24.B.1, by original designation. Type locality: "Omaniundu, Terr. de Lodja", Sankuru, Dem. Rep. Congo.

Common Names

Sankuru Reed Frog (Channing and Rödel, 2019, Field Guide Frogs & Other Amph. Afr.: 174). 

Omaniundu Reed Frog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 68).


Known only from the (1) type locality (Omaniundu, Sankuru Province), (2) Lotulu outpost, Yenge River, Salonga National Park, Mai-Ndombe, and (3) Mabali, Lake Tumba, Équateur, all in central Dem. Rep. Congo.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Endemic: Congo, Democratic Republic of the


Similar to Hyperolius platyceps according to the original publication and Schiøtz, 1999, Treefrogs Afr.: 155. Channing and Rödel, 2019, Field Guide Frogs & Other Amph. Afr.: 174–175, provided a brief account, photograph, and range map. Placed by Nečas, Kielgast, Chinemerem, Rödel, Dolinay, and Gvoždík, 2024, Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 202(4): 1–19, in the Hyperolius concolor group on the basis of molecular markers and also provided new records, photographs, molecular markers, comparative morphology, and a dot map. 

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