Boophis miadana Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites, and Vences, 2010

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Mantellidae > Subfamily: Boophinae > Genus: Boophis > Species: Boophis miadana

Boophis miadana Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites, and Vences, 2010, Zootaxa, 2383: 45. Holotype: ZSM 5107/2005, by original designation. Type locality: "Andohahela, near campsite of the 2005 expedition of P. Bora, F. Glaw and M. Vences, 24° 32.642′ S, 46° 42.847′ E, 1548 m a.s.l.", southeastern Madagascar.

Common Names

None noted.


Known reliably only from the typelocality (Andohahela National Park), at elevations above 1500 m, southeastern Madagascar.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Madagascar

Endemic: Madagascar


In the Boophis albipunctatus group, not morphologically distinguishable from Boophis ankaratra and Boophis schoboeae, according to the original publication.

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