Callulops kampeni (Boulenger, 1914)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Microhylidae > Subfamily: Asterophryinae > Genus: Callulops > Species: Callulops kampeni

Liophryne kampeni Boulenger, 1914, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 20: 252. Holotype: BMNH 1913.10.31.349, according to Parker, 1934, Monogr. Frogs Fam. Microhylidae: 64; now 1947.2.11.8 according to museum records. Type locality: "Mimika R[iver].", West Irian, Indonesia (New Guinea).

Callulops kampeni —  Günther, 2013, Zootaxa, 3641: 278. 

Asterophrys kampeni — Dubois, Ohler, and Pyron, 2021, Megataxa, 5: 691, by implication. See comment under Callulops

Common Names

None noted.


Known only from the imprecise type locality (Mimike River, Papua [New Guinea], Indonesia). 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Indonesia, Indonesia - Papua Region

Endemic: Indonesia, Indonesia - Papua Region


Synonymy (with Pomatops valvifera) by Parker, 1934, Monogr. Frogs Fam. Microhylidae: 64. Synonymy with Callulops robustus by Zweifel, 1972, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 148: 493-494. Synonymy doubted by Kraus, 2012, Herpetologica, 68: 263; Günther, 2013, Zootaxa, 3641: 278, noted that although this taxon is not the same as Callulops robustus or Callulops valvifer, it is not clear what it is until more material is available.  

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