Rhombophryne nilevina Lambert, Hutter, and Scherz, 2017

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Microhylidae > Subfamily: Cophylinae > Genus: Rhombophryne > Species: Rhombophryne nilevina

Rhombophryne nilevina Lambert, Hutter, and Scherz, 2017, Zoosyst. Evol., 93: 147. Holotype.: KU 340897, by original designation. Type locality: "montane rainforest near the former village of Andemaka in Ranomafana National Park (ca. 21.1287°S, 47.5054°E, elevation ca. 1240m a.s.l.; . . .)". http://zoobank.org/DAD2876A-D5C4-4D7B-B712-B22013161FC4 

Common Names

Buried Diamond Frog (original publication). 


Known only from the type locality (near the former village of Andemaka, in the north-west of Ranomafana National Park, Ranomafana National Park, 1240 m elevqtion, district of Vohipeno, in the Vatovavy-Fitovinany Region, Madagascar. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Madagascar

Endemic: Madagascar


 In the Rhombophryne laevis species group of Belluardo, Scherz, Santos, Andreone, Antonelli, Glaw, Muñoz-Pajares, Randrianirina, Raselimanana, Vences, and Crottini, 2022, Syst. Biodiversity, 20 (1: 2039320): 1–13.

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