Chiasmocleis albopunctata (Boettger, 1885)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Microhylidae > Subfamily: Gastrophryninae > Genus: Chiasmocleis > Species: Chiasmocleis albopunctata

Engystoma albopunctatum Boettger, 1885, Z. Naturwiss., Halle, 58: 240. Type(s): Not stated; holotype is ZMB 10588 according to Bauer, Günther, and Robeck, 1996, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 72: 263. Type locality: "Paraguay, Amer. merid".

Chiasmocleis albopunctataMéhely, 1904, Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Natl. Hungarici, 2: 210; Nieden, 1926, Das Tierreich, 49: 72; Parker, 1934, Monogr. Frogs Fam. Microhylidae: 119.

Gastrophryne albopunctataStejneger, 1910, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 23: 166.

Chiasmocleis (Chiasmocleis) albopunctata — de Sá, Tonini, van Huss, Long, Cuddy, Forlani, Peloso, Zaher, and Haddad, 2018 "2019", Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 130: 206. 

Common Names

White-spotted Humming Frog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 88).


Eastern Bolivia, northern Argentina, Paraguay (Alto Paraguay, Amambay, Canindeyú, Central, Concepción, San Pedro provinces), and Brazil (Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, and São Paulo); possibly into extreme northeastern Argentina. See comment. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay


See comment under Chiasmocleis centralis. See account by Cochran, 1955 "1954", Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 206: 362–363. Advertisement call described by De la Riva, Márquez, and Bosch, 1996, Am. Midl. Nat., 136: 418–422. Redescribed and accounts provided by Caramaschi and Cruz, 1997, Herpetologica, 53: 259–268, and Cruz, Caramaschi, and Izecksohn, 1997, Alytes, 15: 49–71. Köhler, 2000, Bonn. Zool. Monogr., 48: 145, provided a brief account. Brusquetti and Lavilla, 2006, Cuad. Herpetol., 20: 21–22, briefly discussed the range in Paraguay. Oliveira and Giaretta, 2006, Zootaxa, 1353: 63–68, reported on larval morphology and the advertisment call. Brusquetti and Netto, 2008, Herpetol. Rev., 39: 362, provided a new record for Paraguay and discused the range. Silva, Prado, Vasconcelos, Santos, and Rossa-Feres, 2009, Check List, 5: 314–316, mapped the range in Brazil, provided additional localities, and provided a photograph. Jansen, Bloch, Schulze, and Pfenninger, 2011, Zool. Scripta, 40: 567–583, reported on genetic variation in Bolivia. Carvalho, Teixeira, Martins, and Giaretta, 2013, Herpetol. Notes, 6: 439–446, reported on intraspecific variability of the advertisement call. Weiler, Núñez, Airaldi, Lavilla, Peris, and Baldo, 2013, Anf. Paraguay: 114, provided a brief account, image, and dot map for Paraguay. Peloso, Sturaro, Forlani, Gaucher, Motta, and Wheeler, 2014, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 386: 26–30, provided an account and placed this in their Chiasmocleis albopunctata clade. Schulze, Jansen, and Köhler, 2015, Zootaxa, 4016: 82–84, described, diagnosed, and pictured the larva.  With the exclusion of Chiasmocleis bicegoi from this synonymy on the basis of molecular data by de Sá, Tonini, van Huss, Long, Cuddy, Forlani, Peloso, Zaher, and Haddad, 2018 "2019", Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 130: 207, it became clear that dense taxon sampling within nominal Chiasmocleis albopuntata is needed to discern it internal taxonomic structure. and verify the range. Ferraro, Blotto, Baldo, Barrasso, Barrionuevo, Basso, Cardozo, Cotichelli, Faivovich, Pereyra, and Lavilla, 2018, in Vaira, Akmentins, and Lavilla (eds.), Cuad. Herpetol., 32 (Supl. 1): 17–19, noted that the taxonomic status of the populations in Argentina remain problematic. Neves, Yves, Pereira Silva, Alves, Vasques, Coelho, and Silva, 2019, Herpetozoa, Wien, 32: 113–123, provided habitat information and records for western Minas Gerais, Brazil. Vaz-Silva, Maciel, Nomura, Morais, Guerra Batista, Santos, Andrade, Oliveira, Brandão, and Bastos, 2020, Guia Ident. Anf. Goiás e Dist. Fed. Brasil Central: 158–159, provided an account for Goiás and the D.F., Brazil. Eterovick, Souza, and Sazima, 2020, Anf. Serra do Cipó: 1–292, provided an account, life history information, and an identification scheme for the Serra de Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Santos, Feio, and Nomura, 2023, Biota Neotrop., 23 (3:e20231486): 1–43, characterized tadpole morphology as part of an identification key to the tadpoles of the Brazilian Cerrado.     

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