Hypopachus ustus (Cope, 1866)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Microhylidae > Subfamily: Gastrophryninae > Genus: Hypopachus > Species: Hypopachus ustus

Engystoma ustum Cope, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 18: 131. Holotype: USNM 24965 according to Kellogg, 1932, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 160: 188; Cochran, 1961, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 220: 48. Type locality: "Guadalaxara [= Guadalajara, Jalisco], West Mexico"; apparently in error, according to Nelson, 1972, J. Herpetol., 6: 119, who corrected the type locality to "Tecoman, Colima, Mexico".

Systoma ustumCope, 1867, J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Ser. 2, 6: 194.

Engystoma mexicanum Peters, 1870 "1869", Monatsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1869: 881. Holotype: ZMB 6667 according to Nelson, 1972, Herpetol. Rev., 4: 90, and Bauer, Günther, and Robeck, 1996, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 72: 263. Type locality: "wareren Gegenden Mexicos (Matamoros u. a. o.)" (= warmer parts of Mexico (Matamoros and other areas); stated as "State of Puebla, Mexico" by Parker, 1934, Monogr. Frogs Fam. Microhylidae: 149; restricted to "[Izucar de] Matamoros, Puebla", Mexico, by Taylor and Smith, 1945, Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 95: 603, and Smith and Taylor, 1950, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33: 341; this restriction rejected by Nelson, 1972, Herpetol. Rev., 4: 90. Synonymy by Cope, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 23: 216; Boulenger, 1882, Cat. Batr. Sal. Coll. Brit. Mus., Ed. 2: 161.

Eupemphix gadovii Boulenger, 1903, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 7, 12: 552. Syntypes: Not stated; BMNH 1903.9.30.259–261 according to Kellogg, 1932, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 160: 188; reregistered 1947.2.11.54–56 according to Nelson, 1972, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 123: 1. Type locality: "San Mateo del Mar", near Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Synonymy by Stejneger, 1910, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 23: 165–168.

Gastrophryne ustaStejneger, 1910, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 23: 166.

Engystoma ustaNieden, 1926, Das Tierreich, 49: 64.

Microhyla ustaParker, 1934, Monogr. Frogs Fam. Microhylidae: 126.

Microhyla usta gadoviiTaylor and Smith, 1945, Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 95: 603.

Microhyla usta ustaTaylor and Smith, 1945, Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 95: 603.

Microhyla gadoviiMaldonado-Koerdell, 1953, in Beltrán (ed.), Vida Silvestre y Recursos Nat. Largo Carr. Panamericana: 117.

Gastrophryne usta ustaCarvalho, 1954, Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, 555: 13.

Gastrophryne usta gadoviiCarvalho, 1954, Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, 555: 13.

Gastrophryne usta gadowiDuellman, 1960, Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 13: 67. Incorrect subsequent spelling.

Gastrophryne usta retifera Lynch, 1965, Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 68: 397. Holotype: UIMNH 20048, by original designation. Type locality: "near San Andres Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico". Status rejected by Nelson, 1972, J. Herpetol., 6: 122.

Hypopachus ustumStreicher, Cox, Campbell, Smith, and de Sá, 2012, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 64: 645–653. Incorrect gender of species name.

Hypopachus ustusFrost, 2013, Amph. Spec. World, Vers. 5.6. Correction of gender.

Common Names

Two-spaded Narrowmouth Toad (Liner, 1994, Herpetol. Circ., 23: 22).

Two-spade Narrowmouth Toad (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 89).

Two-spaded Narrow-mouthed Toad (Liner and Casas-Andreu, 2008, Herpetol. Circ., 38: 14).


Central Sinaloa, the Balsas Depression, and central Veracruz to Chiapas (Mexico), Guatemala, and El Salvador on the Pacific versant.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico


Reviewed by Nelson, 1972, Cat. Am. Amph. Rept., 123: 1–2 (as Gastrophryne usta). Published records for elevations above 1000 m and those for the Lerma-Chapala drainage system are apparently spurious, as discussed by Nelson, 1972, J. Herpetol., 6: 118–119 (as Gastrophryne usta), who also provided details of distribution. Subspecies suggested, most recently by Lynch, 1965, Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 68: 396–400, rejected by Nelson, 1972, J. Herpetol., 6: 122. Valenzuela Galván, Chávez-Juárez, and Alcaraz-Cruz, 2004, Herpetol. Rev., 35: 184, provided the Morelos, Mexico, record. Köhler, Veselý, and Greenbaum, 2005 "2006", Amph. Rept. El Salvador: 62–63, provided an account (for El Salvador; as Gastrophryne usta) and a color photograph. Köhler, 2011, Amph. Cent. Am.: 285–286, provided a brief summary of natural history and provided a range map and photograph for this species (as Gastrophryne usta). Castro-Bastidas, Barraza-Herrera, Barreras-Gaxiola, and Loc-Barragán, 2023, Rev. Latinoam. Herpetol., 106: 36–38, reported specimens from Sinaloa (Municipality of Escuinapa), Mexico, the first in over 40 years. Loc-Barragán, Smith, Woolrich-Piña, and Lemos-Espinal, 2024, Herpetozoa, Wien, 37: 30, reported on the distributional and conservation status in the state of Nayarit, Mexico.  

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