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Kaloula conjuncta (Peters, 1863)
Hylaedactylus (Holonectes) conjunctus Peters, 1863, Monatsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1863: 455. Syntypes: NHMW 22888, AMNH 23554, and ZMB 4922, according to Bauer, Günther, and Klipfel, 1995, in Bauer et al. (eds.), Herpetol. Contr. W.C.H. Peters: 47; NHMW 22888 incorrectly listed as holotype by Häupl and Tiedemann, 1978, Kat. Wiss. Samml. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 2: 20, and Häupl, Tiedemann, and Grillitsch, 1994, Kat. Wiss. Samml. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 9: 24. Type locality: "Luzon", Philippine Islands.
Callula conjuncta — Cope, 1867, J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Ser. 2, 6: 192.
Kaloula conjucta — Taylor, 1920, Philipp. J. Sci., 16: 325.
Kaloula negrosensis Taylor, 1922, Philipp. J. Sci., 21: 180. Holotype: EHT 583, by original designation; now CAS 62124 according to Slevin and Leviton, 1956, Proc. California Acad. Sci., Ser. 4, 28: 536. Type locality: "Hinigaran, Negros", Philippines. Provisional synonymy by Parker, 1934, Monogr. Frogs Fam. Microhylidae: 89; Inger, 1954, Fieldiana, Zool., 33: 442.
Kalaoula conjuncta conjuncta — Inger, 1954, Fieldiana, Zool., 33: 441.
Kalaoula conjuncta negrosensis — Inger, 1954, Fieldiana, Zool., 33: 442.
Kaloula conjucta stickeli Inger, 1954, Fieldiana, Zool., 33: 443. Holotype: FMNH 60786, by original designation. Type locality: "Carigara, Leyte, Philippine Islands. "
Common Names
Philippine Narrowmouth Toad (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 90).
Truncate-toed Chorus Frog (Gaulke, 2011, Herpetofauna Panay Island: 92 [for Kaloula conjuncta negrosensis]).
Philippines from Luzon to Negros, Panay, and Sibuyan.
Geographic Occurrence
Natural Resident: Philippines
Endemic: Philippines
See Taylor, 1962, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 43: 566-569. See discussion by Inger, 1954, Fieldiana, Zool., 33: 437-445, for subspecies. Ferner, Brown, Sison, and Kennedy, 2001, Asiat. Herpetol. Res., 9: 39, suggested that Kaloula negrosensis would be recognized with additional data. Gaulke, 2011, Herpetofauna Panay Island: 92-94, provided a brief account (as Kaloula conjuncta negrosensis) for Panay Island, Philippines. See brief notes for Mindanao, Philippines, by Sanguila, Cobb, Siler, Diesmos, Alcala, and Brown, 2016, ZooKeys, 624: 36–37, who suggested on the basis of the results of Blackburn, Siler, Diesmos, McGuire, Cannatella, and Brown, 2013, Evolution, 67: 2631–2646, that all nominal subspecies likely all deserve to be recognized as species. But, these authors only formally so considered the Mindanao populations, Kaloula meridionalis, rendering nominal Kaloula conjuncta a paraphyletic assemblage of three or four diagnosable island populations. Meneses, Siler, Alviola, Balatibat, Gonzalez, Natividad, and Brown, 2022, Check List, 18: 941–984, reported the species from Sibuyan I., Philippines, and discussed its habitat, but noted that this population differs in advertisement call to the population at the type locality of Kaloula conjuncta negrosensis.
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- To search the NIH genetic sequence database, see GenBank
- For additional information see AmphibiaWeb report
- For information on conservation status and distribution see the IUCN Redlist
- For information on distribution, habitat, and conservation see the Map of Life
- For related information on conservation and images as well as observations see iNaturalist