Pseudophryne bibronii Günther, 1859

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Superfamily: Myobatrachoidea > Family: Myobatrachidae > Genus: Pseudophryne > Species: Pseudophryne bibronii

Bufo proteus Péron, 1807, Voy. Decouvertes aux Terres Aust., 1: 406. Type(s): Not stated but MNHNP RA-0.518 and RA-2008.323 are syntypes according to Shea and Rowley, 2018, Zootaxa, 4407: 58. Type locality: "Paramatta . . . Nouvelle-Hollande". Nomen nudum. Synonymy by Shea and Rowley, 2018, Zootaxa, 4407: 58.  

Pseudophryne bibronii Günther, 1859 "1858", Cat. Batr. Sal. Coll. Brit. Mus.: 46. Syntypes: As discussed by Shea and Rowley, 2018, Zootaxa, 4407: 54–59, of the original five BMNH specimens, of which three are lost (of which two would have been Pseudophryne semimarmorata) and the surviving specimens, BMNH 1936.12.3.131 (reregistered 1947.2.20.20) and BMNH (reregistered 1947.2.20.18) are Pseudophryne guentheri. The type series also includes includes the specimens (MNHNP RA-0.518 and RA-2008.323) reported, and misidentified, as Phryniscus australis by Duméril and Bibron, 1841, Erp. Gen., 6: 725, according to Shea and Rowley, 2018, Zootaxa, 4407: 51–64, who designated MNHNP RA-2008.323 lectotype. Type localities: Australia; van Diemen's Land [= Tasmania] (BMNH specimens) and "Port Jackson" (= Sydney)  (MNHNP specimens, including the lectotype); restricted to "Parramatta, near Sydney" by Shea and Rowley, 2018, Zootaxa, 4407: 58.

Pseudophryne australis forma bibroniAndersson, 1916, K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., 52: 9, 12. 

Pseudophryne barkeri Wells and Wellington, 1989, Aust. Herpetologist, 506: 5. Types: not designated. Type locality: "Horsley Park", New South Wales, Australia. Synonymy by Shea and Rowley, 2018, Zootaxa, 4407: 58.  

Common Names

Brown Toadlet (Moore, 1961, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 121: 240; Cogger, 1975, Rept. Amph. Australia: 76; Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 95; Barker, Grigg, and Tyler, 1995, Field Guide Aust. Frogs., Ed. 2: 267; Cogger, 2018, Rept. Amph. Australia, 7th ed.: 103).

Bibron's Toadlet (Barker, Grigg, and Tyler, 1995, Field Guide Aust. Frogs., Ed. 2: 267; Tyler and Knight, 2009, Field Guide Frogs Aust.: 134).


Southern and eastern Australia from southeastern corner of Queensland along the east coast of New South Wale, and into central Victoria and South Australia (including Kangaroo Island), 20–1000 m elevation.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Australia

Endemic: Australia


See Cogger, Cameron, and Cogger, 1983, Zool. Cat. Aust., Amph. Rept., 1: 25, and Shea and Rowley, 2018, Zootaxa, 4407: 51–64, for discussion of nomenclatural confusion with Pseudophryne guentheri. See Tyler, 1978, Amph. S. Aust.: 50–53, for account. See brief account by Tyler and Knight, 2009, Field Guide Frogs Aust.: 134–135. Cogger, 2018, Rept. Amph. Australia, 7th ed.: 103, provided a brief account, photograph, and polygon distribution map. Cutajar, Portway, Gillard, and Rowley, 2022, Tech. Rep. Aust. Mus. Online, 36: 39, provided a polygon distribution map.

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