Proceratophrys subguttata Izecksohn, Cruz, and Peixoto, 1999

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Odontophrynidae > Genus: Proceratophrys > Species: Proceratophrys subguttata

Proceratophrys subguttata Izecksohn, Cruz, and Peixoto, 1999 "1998", Rev. Univ. Rural, Ser. Cienc. Vida, 20: 46. Holotype: EI 4770, by original designation. Type locality: "Alto Palmeiras, município de Rio dos Cedros, Estado de Santa Catarina", Brazil.

Common Names

None noted.


Atlantic Forests of eastern Parana and northeastern Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Brazil

Endemic: Brazil


See account by Prado and Pombal, 2008, Arq. Zool., São Paulo, 39: 1-85 [60-64].

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